Anonymous asked:

do you make prints and or posters? if you did i would buy one

I do, but I don’t have the space to sell them online. If you ever happen to be at a con in Sweden (or at Dokomi this year) you could catch me!

So many people asking where laios is in the big farcille drawing… he’s literally the second focal point, he’s the only one making eye contact with the audience… I did want to draw him a little “not himself” for obvious reasons but is he really that unrecognizeable!?!? Or is it that people have only seen the anime and get confused by the lack of head??

panicbones asked:

what mediums did u use for those sketchbook pages (the laois ones)?? and furthermore. what sketchbook...

It’s a moleskin, and I used markers (promarkers, but they are named something different these days? But its promarkers) and colored pencils for lines. The first, failed version I tried markers and pastel crayons, hoping to bring in some texture, but I don’t think my color options for the two mediums matched very well….