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Posts tagged *zee.
  • tawaifeddiediaz


    you know how people sometimes say they have to hurt because if they don’t, they’re so numb they won’t feel anything?

    sharp objects, gillian flynn

    [Image ID: two gifs from 9-1-1 episode 4.05, "Buck Begins." Overlaid is a quote from "Sharp Objects" by Gillian Flynn. The gifs are comprised of two blended scenes, of which the central one is in color. the side gif is colored purple.

    GIF 1: Teenage Evan looking at Maddie incredulously as she explains moving with Doug to him. This is blended with young Evan looking sad and worried as Maddie patches him up. The text reads, "a child weaned on poison."

    GIF 2: Buck sitting in the back of the ambulance after the warehouse fire, his expression crumbling as his eyebrows furrow when he realizes he'd given up. This is blended with Buck's furious look as he speeds up his motorcycle. The text reads, "considers harm a comfort."

    /end ID]

  • tawaifeddiediaz


    honk honk beeyotches, clown mobile incoming

    [Image ID: three gifs from the 911 season 7 teaser trailer.

    GIF 1: Buck and Eddie walking together at an emergency. Buck has soot smudged under his eyelids, an axe slung across his shoulder. Eddie's staring at the ground as he walks, hose slung over his shoulder.

    GIF 2: Eddie climbing into the truck behind Buck as Chim holds the door open, moving to climb up behind Eddie.

    GIF 3: Eddie and Buck looking up at something, Eddie turning around to join the rest of the firefighters as they run. Buck looks slightly annoyed, rolling his eyes as he goes to turn.


  • tawaifeddiediaz


    banke main rahoon, teri parchayi aayi aayi aayi
    i want to stay with you, as your shadow

    [Image ID: 2 gifs of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz.

    GIF 1: 2 blended gifs, Buck smiling with relief as he sees Eddie awake, blended with Eddie nodding once, saying "Hey Buck" with a tired smile. The gif is colored purple on the edges. In the bottom left corner, in pink neon script, reads, "Neend mein bhi." A line connects the Urdu to the English translation in the top-right corner, reading "Even in sleep."

    GIF 2: 2 blended gifs, Eddie nodding towards Chim as he watches Buck climb the ladder, blended with a confused Buck laying in a hospital bed, telling Daniel off-screen that he did have someone watching his back. The gif is colored pink on the edges. In the bottom right corner, in purple neon script, reads "Labon pe naam tera." A line connects the Urdu to the English translation in the top-left corner, reading, "Your name rests on my lips."

    /end ID]

  • tawaifeddiediaz


    (or, really, zee thinks she’s funny) (pt 4)

    [tweet credit]

    [Image ID: three gifs of Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz and Ravi Panikkar in 911 episode 5.05, Peer Pressure. The gifs have been manipulated to look purple.

    GIF 1: Eddie grasping the edges of the kitchen table, tilting his head in Buck's direction as he tells him matter-of-factually, "You're stuck with us." His lips purse into a knowing smile as he looks fondly at Buck across the table.

    GIF 2: Buck looking surprised initially before a smile begins to take his expression. His tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip as he gestures absently in Eddie's direction, speechless.

    GIF 3: Ravi looking at Eddie, then towards Bobby as he states, "You guys are so weird" before dissolving into a laugh. Overlaid in the bottom left corner is a tweet by @/ironicallybee. The tweet reads, "man these bitches flirt weird."

    /end ID]

  • tawaifeddiediaz


    abhi na jao chhod dil abhi bhara nahi...

    (for @oneawkwardcookie hehe)

    [Image ID: seven gifs, colored in various tones of dark green, black and white, of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz from 911. Overlaid in cursive text are lyrics from "Abhi Na Jao Chhod Kar". The translation is in smaller block letters at the bottom-center of the gif.

    GIF 1: Eddie wiping a tear from his face in 6.11, overlaid with Buck and Christopher from 3.10 as they decorate gingerbread houses. The text reads, "abhi na jao chhod kar" and the translation reads, "please don't leave me and go."

    GIF 2: Buck dipping his head as he lets out a sob in 4.14, blended with Eddie kissing Christopher's cheek while Buck looks on in 3.10. The text reads, "ke dil abhi bhara nahi" and the translation reads, "my heart hasn't had its fill of you yet."

    GIF 3: a black and white gif of Eddie and Buck facing each other after Eddie's shot in 4.14, accented by slightly displaced green. The text reads, "jo khatam ho kisi jagah" and the translation, outlined by a green box, reads, "that which comes to an end somewhere."

    GIF 4: a green gif of Buck and Eddie hugging in 2.18, Buck grinning widely as he congratulates Eddie. The text reads, "yeh aisa silsila nahi" and the translation reads, "this isn't that story."

    GIF 5: a black and white gif of Buck tearing at the ground in 3.15, frantically looking around himself for something to help dig Eddie out of the mud. In big block letters, the lyric reads, "Abhi nahi". In smaller block letters reads the translation, "not yet." The translation is repeated twice more in increasingly smaller, more transparent increments.

    GIF 6: a black and white gif of Eddie trying to pull Buck up towards himself in 6.10, his face straining with the effort. In big block letters, the lyric reads, "Abhi nahi". In smaller block letters reads the translation, "not yet." The translation is repeated twice more in increasingly smaller, more transparent increments.

    GIF 7: Four gifs in alternating grayscale and green color; Buck realizing Eddie cut his line in 3.15, Buck's cheek pressed to the concrete as he watches Eddie bleed out in 4.14, Eddie grasping the line to help Buck lift the tank off of Sal in 4.05, Eddie's expression falling slack as he realizes where Buck is hanging in 6.10. The word "nahi" repeats at four various places on each gif, with a line connecting each word to the translation, which reads, "Not yet, not yet, not yet, not yet."

    /end ID]

  • tawaifeddiediaz


    (or, really, zee thinks she's funny)

    [tweet credit]

    [Image ID: two gifs of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz from 9-1-1 5x13, "Fear-O-Phobia."

    GIF 1: Buck, brow wrinkled in concern, asking Eddie what he's afraid of. Overlaid is a tweet by @/sadderlizards on Twitter, reading, "surviving the horrors all by yourself handsome?"

    GIF 2: A tearful Eddie, exhaling a breath as he looks back at Buck, slightly shaking his head. His lips are slightly parted.

    /end ID]

  • tawaifeddiediaz


    EDDIE DIAZ + corpse era (pt. 1)

    [Image ID: two gifs of Eddie lounging back on the couch in Frank's office in 5.13, looking exhausted with darkened bags under his eyes, eyebrows slanted in a frown. His jaw works with annoyance as Frank talks off-screen. /end ID]

  • tawaifeddiediaz


    no, kid. if what matters to you most is how other people see you...then you haven't learned a damn thing

    (for @aziraaphales ily)

    [Image ID: two gifs of Evan Buckley from 6.11 and 6.15.

    GIF 1: Buck tearfully shaking his head at Bobby, insistent as he explains, "Here, they finally see me the way I always wanted to be seen."

    GIF 2: Buck talking with Eddie in the graveyard, turning to look at him as he talks about Natalia. He says, "I feel like she sees me. You know? Like she-she really sees me for who I am and what I've been through."

    /end ID]

  • tawaifeddiediaz


    he held [him] with the type of intensity that only happens when a person wants something that isn't quite theirs

    the ballad of never after by stephanie garber

    (for @henwilsons - happy belated birthday mia beloved!!)

    [Image ID: two gifs of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz from multiple episodes of 9-1-1. Overlaid is a quote from "The Ballad of Never After" by Stephanie Garber:

    GIF 1: two gifs blended: Buck hugging Eddie in 3.08; Buck hugging Eddie at the probationary ceremony in 2.18. They are both grinning widely as they fall into each other's arms. The text overlaid reads, "happy endings can be caught."

    GIF 2: two gifs blended: Buck being splattered with Eddie's blood in 4.13; Eddie scaling the ladder to get to a comatose Buck in 6.11. The text overlaid reads, "But they are difficult to hold on to."

    /end ID]

  • tawaifeddiediaz


    (or, really, zee thinks she's funny) (pt 2)

    [tweet credit]

    [Image ID: two gifs of Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley from 9-1-1 episode 3.05, "Rage." They're in a grocery store.

    GIF 1: Eddie angrily telling Buck that he told his lawyer personal things about the team, clearly frustrated and upset. The tweet over it is by @/sulky80715248 and reads "Pissing me the fuck off all by yourself handsome?"

    GIF 2: Buck looking at Eddie defiantly, his jaw clenching.

    /end ID]