
Folks in camp love Kelly’s fortified wine on account of it being cheap and high percentage, and the stuff is so funny. Trashiest looking wine on earth.


Comes in a carton like juice. The graphic design of it all. “With a touch of Old Blarney”. It tastes thick and syrupy and of concord grapes. Disgustingly sweet. It isn’t actually from Ireland despite all the branding. But goddamn it’s cheap and can get a tree planter silly.


making posts about how beer tastes bad is a lot like that painting of a jester harassing a bunch of dogs while leaning over a wall, except the jester is below the dogs and trying so hard to reach them, and all the dogs are extremely beautiful and strong, and have a wonderful community built on love, and they never want for anything. they never want for anything.

I love cider because it’s basically alcoholic appley juice, just a nice fruity beverage, but it doesn’t have the same stigma that most non-beer drinks have. 

Honestly? Shout out to coconut rum.

Got damn I wish we had JUICE

Man Snapple spiked vodka yucky

when you’ve been thwarted once again in a test of mercantile wits


irresponsible alcoholic cat theme


“edgy i know


edgy i know


End of 2016 Mood: Mads Mikkelsen

““I’m going for a Miyazaki party slut thing.”
Beautiful commission from @cheerupbrigade of me being hot trash amongst trash in the woods!!


“I’m going for a Miyazaki party slut thing.”

Beautiful commission from @cheerupbrigade of me being hot trash amongst trash in the woods!!

Me: dad were you the one who left a beer can in the shower? Why were you drinking a beer in the shower??
Dad: *smiles*
Me: ?????????

Me: dad were you the one who left a beer can in the shower? Why were you drinking a beer in the shower??
Dad: *smiles*
Me: ?????????


weird animals


Are you a beer gay a weed gay a wine gay a liquor gay or a wholesome gay