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Headshot of article author Yogesh Gupta

Do you want to build modern and accessible apps with Power Apps? Then you will love our latest updates on modern controls and theming capabilities. You can now customize the size, style, and alignment of checkboxes, radio buttons, badges, input controls, text, and buttons. You can also choose from different appearance options and change the border radius of these controls. Plus, we are adding more styling properties and new modern controls soon. Learn more about these updates and how to use them in your apps below.

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Headshot of article author Yogesh Gupta

Note: This blog is in continuation of the series of modern controls coming to canvas apps. You can find the September 2023 updates here. Recently, we also announced GA for modern, refreshed look in model apps. In October’23, we continued enhancing modern controls and theming and delivered some key enhancements as mentioned in this blog, […]

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Headshot of article author Yogesh Gupta

Note: This blog is in continuation of the announcement of modern controls coming to canvas apps & new look for model driven apps. We thank our community and users for the active engagement on the journey to modernize Power Apps. This blog outlines the modernization updates we rolled out or are rolling out on both […]

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Headshot of article author Yogesh Gupta

Following on from the launch of the new look for model driven apps, we’re making the same modern controls available to canvas apps through an opt in preview. The new controls bring the following improvements:  Modern – A focused and less cluttered design that supports richer interaction states and elevation, provides a higher usability baseline […]

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Headshot of article author Hemant Gaur

Canvas components and components libraries empower low-code/no-code citizen developers to build reusable UX components which can be used across screens in an app or across apps in an environment. Canvas libraries along with the apps can be packaged and moved to other environments using standard Dataverse solutions and you can push component updates through solutions.

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