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Power Apps is making it easier for developers to build with Microsoft Copilot and each other

Headshot of article author Ryan Cunningham

Power Apps is now used by more than 25 million users every month, with an increasing number of those apps delivered by dedicated teams of professionals. We’re investing in the end-to-end experience of these developer teams, bringing together Copilot and human collaborators to be able to deliver impactful and scalable apps faster than ever.

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Headshot of article author Ritesh Pandey

We are excited to announce that the virtual network support for Dataverse plug-ins and connectors within Power Platform is now available in public preview for all our customers in public cloud! This feature allows you to protect your outbound connections from Power Platform services like Dataverse Plug-ins and connectors to resources within your private network.

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Headshot of article author Ritesh Pandey

We’re excited to let you know that the IP firewall feature is now generally available for the Power Platform environments across all regions. This feature allows you to control access to Dataverse, enabling you to implement stricter security measures. With IP Firewall, Power Platform administrators can configure IP restrictions on each of the Power Platform environments, allowing access to Dataverse only from allowed IP ranges. This helps mitigate risks of insider exfiltrating the data and prevents token replay attack from restricted IP ranges. We hope this feature will help you keep your organizational data secure and protected.

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Headshot of article author Anthony Sheehi

Have you ever wanted to use pipelines to deploy your solutions across environments, but found it too complicated or time-consuming to set up? Do you wish you could follow ALM best practices more easily and efficiently but don’t have an active admin who is able to dedicate the time to set it all up? If so, you’re in luck! We are excited to announce Pipelines for All: a streamlined pipelines setup process that could have you deploying from scratch in less than a minute.

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Headshot of article author Corey Kropp

You want to accelerate Power Platform adoption to create a more efficient, agile, and responsive enterprise — but, we all know, enterprise-level change is hard. Good news – Microsoft has your back and you don’t have to do it alone. Microsoft is committed to helping your business succeed and is ready to invest in your […]

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Headshot of article author Nirav Shah

Today we are excited to launch a new set of prebuilt AI functions that can be easily added to a low-code solution without having to engineer a custom prompt. These prebuilt functions provide a great starting point to combine the power of LLMs and power of low-code, but they are just scratching the surface of what is possible.

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