I'll never have the world, so why change for it?

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

god they really love each other huh


[ID: a digital comic featuring Jon and Martin from the Magnus Archives podcast. Jon is pictured pulling strands of tape out of his hair, while Martin stands next to him, looking awat and holding up a finger. He says, “So. If you say Gertrude wouldn’t have been able to go on without a reason-“ Jon looks at him with fond exasperation and says, “Yes, Martin, you are my reason.” Martin closes his eyes, beaming widely, and says, “Just wanted to make you say it.” For a moment he says nothing, just looking away nervously, and then he puts a hand to his face and says, “Cool.” End ID]


For those not watching Jonny’s stream, y’all just missed him telling me specifically to fuck off :D



Jonny Sims: Uh… Dr. Teatime, ‘Cheeky question for Jonny, any tips on keeping timelines straight when writing a complex story?’ Yeah, fuck you. [Laughter from Sasha Sienna] Yeah, that’s my advice. My advice is, you’ll learn, my friend. You’ll learn. My advice is, try writing 200 episodes of interconnected storylines and character –

Sasha Sienna [overlapping]: Do you know who Dr. Teatime is?

JS: Sorry?

SS: Do you know who Dr. Teatime is?

JS: No.

SS: They, like, half constructed the Magnus wiki.

JS: Oh, well, thank you for that.

SS: You keep plotlines straight BECAUSE of Dr. Teatime.

JS: Oh, uh, in which case I take that back. I take that back, Dr. Teatime. Thank you. You have my undying gratitude and I reduce the size of that ‘fuck you’ by 80%. Not 100%. Because yeah, that episode was a headache to write and I thought, I actually thought I’d managed to get it all square.


ooh thanks, I really couldnt make out the second thing Sasha was saying ^^’

as for the implication that Jonny uses the wiki…yeah


[ID: Tweet by DrTeatime: “It struck me as the kind of mayhem you’d enjoy inflicting on poor Alex. And as an editor I’m curious, are your own notes perfect or do you ever have a reason to peek at the wiki?” Reply from jonnywaistcoat: “HAHAHAHA yeah… Thank fuck for the wiki”]
