Whats The Deal?
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Posted 2 days ago with 322 notes


📞It’s finally here!!!


Sense of Longing, the objectum/POSIC zine, is now out for free download!! What lies ahead? Only one way to find out⤵

  • 46 pages of illustrations, writing, and comics
  • Printable merch

Download at: https://kitzox.itch.io/sense-of-longing

Posted 3 days ago with 514 notes
Leaving - Tandy Chipperton Comic 2/3

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part twoooooo of this comic, Newton being very dramatic as per his usual behaviour

Posted 3 days ago with 66 notes
Old Windows vs Mac computer ads:

Windows: We made a new operating system that has more of that bazingar and floppy that you want and less of that slime. No more stupid, more smart! Put it in your computer today.

Macs: We made a computer you wanna MAKE OUT with. This computer makes you ooze. This computer will make you cheat on your wife, with the computer. Get fired from your job because your boss caught you having an affair, with your computer. This computer is SEXY and in your area.

It is also blue.

Tagged: #objectum, #funnies,
Posted 4 days ago with 45 notes
Anonymous asked:

can i ask about newton's beautiful body

Yes, he’s about 5'7"ish and he has an almost unlimited number of possible expression combos because his “brain” sorts through a ton of different eyebrow, eye and mouth shapes to create expressions in order to print them out. Like a picrew, I guess?

He smells like fresh printer ink and old plastic and his belly is made out of a soft plastic, similar in texture to some of those squishy covers on car gear sticks


I just thought i’d share

on another note though, while i was looking for pictures of those gear sticks I found this.

Posted 5 days ago with 673 notes
Leaving - Tandy Chipperton Comic 1/3

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This is my first time attempting to make an actual decent comic. This is part 1 out of 3 which I’ll hopefully post the rest over the next couple days. I’ll link the second and third comics when I’ve posted those on here as well. Enjoy Sierra and Newton shenanigans.

Posted 1 week ago with 42 notes


Artist Spotlight #8


The creators of HWC broke me out of prison to make the cover for volume 2. Now I’m free and running around on your local airport tarmac.


Posted 1 week ago with 156 notes

OKAY actual serious lore drop now

Robots essentially all have interests they dedicate their lives to to an extreme degree. Outside of flexing an engineers skills the main reason robots are created by humans is for this reason. Robots usually have motivations artificially programmed into them and humans believe they can then be easily trained to be professionals in almost any subject they want with little distraction.

Some robots are built with no pre programmed motivations and go down their own path. These are self motivated interests. but most robots have predetermined motivators added in by the person who built them. Usually to help humanity in some way, help a company or simply help or follow in the footsteps of their creator, these are artificial interests.


While artificially programmed motivations are handy to the humans around them, it’s been shown that robots artificial interests can cause them significant mental strain if pushed. Robots themselves rarely know if an interest they have is programmed or self determined which also causes a bit of distress on top of it.

Individual modern robot creators will sometimes leave robots as complete blank slates, usually hoping it’d make them more “generalists” in topics. But robots usually just attach themselves to a subject instead.

Many robot creators also implant interests believing them to be beneficial to the robot, eg: “robots motivation is to be nice!” without fully understanding what the full implications of the interest could be, how extreme they can be and how it could conflict with the robots personality.

For a character example: Lithiums creator put socialisation as an artificial interest hoping it would make him a fun and extroverted robot. It backfired a bit when it made Lithium crave any form of attention whether it be positive or negative just to fulfill that motivation.

Artificial motivations can be harmless if the robot is put in the right conditions. Being surrounded by people who are interested in the subject and not being put under significant pressure to fulfil tasks helps.

Some interests explained:

While some are self explanatory others are more general so

Caretaking: typically given to a robot by a creator that needs help with things in general, sometimes elderly or lonely creators. They’re programmed to be invested in other peoples emotions and help around with chores. Infant care, elder care and child care fall under these but are more specifically programmed. Although this doesn’t automatically make them sympathetic to other people, just sensitive to the feelings of others around them.

Organisation: Can be anything from organising papers, keeping on top of dates or organising social events. Usually for robots destined to work office jobs or be someone’s personal secretary. Robots with organisation as a motivator tend to have good memories but it also has a tendency to make robots really uptight or strict. Also has a tendency to give robots obsessive behaviours if artificially programmed.

Helping others: similar to caretaking but just focused on the social aspect. Wanting other people to be mentally well and happy is their motivation

Socialising: usually just makes the robots extra extroverted. Though like I said with Lithium it can backfire

Posted 1 week ago with 116 notes

genuinely using this shitposty oc chart to show off character lore to my followers. I love these guys so muchly even the characters I barely talk about are really developed like ridiculously so. I NEED TO DO MORE WITH THEM I promise, my bubba boobas

blank under read more

Keep reading

Posted 2 weeks ago with 373 notes

Followers don’t really matter on somewhere like Tumblr where you can’t see how many someone has but this is the first time I’ve reached this milestone on… anywhere! So as a thanks I present to you the planefood exclusive: worlds worst salad, you’re welcome!

I made this account initially as a gimmick account focusing on the history of planes and plane models, but since planes aren’t a main/consistent focus of mine I started to post my other characters and posting things related to Objectum sexuality on here instead (I started this account before I knew what objectum was, if I remember correctly). It really seemed to resonate with people, beforehand there wasn’t a huge number of objectum people I could see on here, it was obviously a growing community but where it was headed? I wasn’t sure. I had a lot of people coming to me saying I was their introduction to the term which was insane to me. I’m glad people enjoy my content enough to stick around and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon

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