Spy x Family masterpost

Reminder that I do not read the manga past what the anime has adapted. None of the posts here include manga spoilers, and I would ask of you to not tell me any such spoilers if you reblog them!

Posts are listed newest to oldest. You’re welcome to reblog this post, but I will update it with new posts as I make them.

Tag for fanart (by other people)

Tag for meta (by me and other people)

The blog where I count each character’s separate screentime per episode

Reactions/analyses of season 2 episodes


Crack recaps by me

Small Things I Spot, Headcanons & Theories (on different posts because tumblr won’t allow more links)

Meta / Analysis

An analysis of leitmotifs in the anime soundtrack

Thoughts on Anya intimidating the guy in the bullet-in-butt date episode

The Forgers’ kitchen

The nature of Operation Strix causes Twilight to open up

Difference in expressions between manga and anime

Twilight being an unsung hero but recognized by Anya

Analysis of the scene in episode 9 where Twilight is testing Yor

Nightfall’s hopes of awakening Twilight’s heart

The Briar siblings’ lies

The balance of dark topics and humor

Detail on the printed version of the manga

Loid complaining about Yuri being loud

The kindness surviving

The different voices of Twilight, Loid, and [redacted]

Yor remembering Loid’s supportive words

Yor using melee weapons and being cautious with getting physically close with a friend

Loid focusing on Anya’s mental well-being in episode 32

The narrative takes the side of peace, not of any country

The narrative forgiving characters being soft for their family

(way more under the cut)

Keep reading

I think the potential of Flustered™ Loid is so funny because it can be set up pre-reveal and then continue post-reveal in the cutest of ways.

Like, have Yor hold his hand or tap his shoulder or something, and he goes like “She touched my hand! 😳 … That means the mission is going smoothly and people won’t suspect we’re fake married! 😊” and then she hugs him and he’s like “She hugged me! 😳 That’s good for the mission, of course! 😊” and then she kisses him and he’s like “She kissed me!… 😳 Fuck I’m out of excuses. Twilight, you’re fucked.”

And so it leads to Feelings Realization™ and when they actually become a couple it can go like “She touched my hand 🥰 she hugged me! 🥰 she kissed me!! 🥰 🥰 🥰” etc etc

(anime only fan here, don’t spoil me for the manga 😁)




Considering the recent targeted terminations against blogs run by transfems in the last couple of days (angel-athetos, fungalfaggot, coyote-roadkill, hound-mother, corpse-of-omelas-ageplayer and my previous blog, zebrabyopn3), some close friends and myself worked on a google form where users can make submissions for their terminated blogs. Too many of us have lost our blogs and everything in them, yet there's no existing record of blogs that have been terminated, so we want to change that. If you're not a transfem you can also answer, as we want data about all deleted blogs in general, like: the name of the banned blog, date of termination, and if there was a reason given or warning for the deletion (or not)

The form consists of 8 questions and takes around 3-5 minutes to answer. We'd appreciate sharing this with anyone that has been unfairly terminated, so we can create a record, so those blogs and their names can be remembered

Anime seconds per Manga pages

I was curious about the distribution of anime minutes dedicated for each chapter of the Spy x Family manga, and because it was much easier than counting the separate screen time each character has, I decided to just make a new count project, lol.

So here we have for each manga chapter, how many pages it has and how many minutes its respective anime episode dedicated in the adaptation. Iā€™m including each chapter in the order in which it was shown in the anime, aside from the introductory three pages that were shown in the beginning of episode 3.

My rules for counting the screen time for each chapter:

  • Episode title cards do not count when theyā€™re separate from the action, when theyā€™re just a black screen, or a separate title screen (like the Dodgeball and Arts and Crafts/Griffin episodes). Only exception is for chapter 42, since the manga chapter has the same title card.
  • The end credits from the first episode where no main characters are visible donā€™t count.
  • Episode recaps by a narrator donā€™t count (the recap in episode 7 which is told by Twilight counts).
  • Repeated scenes from the end of an episode to the next (like episodes 8 to 9 or episodes 13 to 14) count.

In blue are the number of pages, while the light red are the minutes dedicated to the specific chapter.


Naturally, in the first half of season 1, episodes 3 and 6 have the smallest differences, since they have a lot of additional scenes that werenā€™t in the manga. Taking the total seconds of each section and dividing them by the page numbers, we get this graph:


Which practically shows how many seconds per chapter page the episode dedicated. Not in a practical sense, but it gives a perspective, an average.

So we see that Chapter 6 (Castle Rescue Mission) has the highest rate, considering how many added scenes the episode had; showing the Forgers walk to the school, Anya having a ā€œritual danceā€, and of course, the whole expanded Loidman section. Quite far back is Chapter 3 (the Forgers going on their first outing together) which also has additional scenes; Yor arriving at the Forger house and being given a tour by Anya, Anya painting at the museum kids place, the family visiting the tailor shop, and going for a family photo. All that is still not enough to surpass the Loidman Spectacular, lol! Right behind it is Short Mission 4 (Henderson taking a jog) which while not exactly expanded, it had a lot of focus on each part. Right behind it is Chapter 15 (Dodgeball game) which also had a lot of additional scenes in the anime.

The rest of the chapters are pretty balanced in how much anime time theyā€™re given, though interestingly Chapter 13 (Twiyor failing to kiss and Yor sending Yuri flying across the room) is very tightly adapted, getting pretty much the same treatment as the very first chapter, which I personally find very perfectly balanced in how tightly itā€™s adapted.

I also included the prologue, since itā€™s given its own part, though you can see how quickly it goes by each image (it may be three pages long but itā€™s only four images, lol)

On to the next cour!


Aside from a few short missions and the ā€œomelet riceā€ extra part, the page numbers and minutes dedicated are pretty balanced. Here is the chart for second/page:


Aaaaaaand ā€œOmelet Riceā€ has an absolute sweep! Itā€™s only a page long in the manga, but it takes an entire minute and a half of screen time, showing Yorā€™s foods in (pixelated) detail, as well as poor Yuriā€™s reactions to them, and actually shows him telling her sheā€™ll be a catch and Yor slapping him to another dimension in embarrassment, as well as a slightly prolonged scene of Yuriā€™s captain telling him to be careful. Itā€™s actually so funny how much screen time that little page got, lol. Itā€™s the only part that surpasses a minute dedicated per page in the entire anime so far.

Next up is Short Mission 2 (Franky practicing dates with Twilight to woo Monica) which I actually hadnā€™t noticed that it got that much detail. It doesnā€™t even have any additional scenes, it just adapts each scene with a lot of detail.

The rest is pretty balanced, with Short Mission 3 (Bond ripping the penguin plushie) being the one thatā€™s the most tightly adapted.

Season 2!


The cruise arc was quite tightly adapted!


Chapters 44 to 56 are the Cruise Arc, and we can see those chapters have the lowest numbers in the season, each and every one getting fewer than 30 seconds per page, with Chapters 51 and 52 (beginning and action of the assassin fight on the top deck) being the most dense in screen time. Despite that, I donā€™t think it was rushed at all! I think they managed a great balance showing all the action in it. Chapter 40 (Bond helping Twilight get the truth serum) also is quite tightly adapted. I think that shows in how it shows some of Bondā€™s city adventures as still images; if they had more time for this part, they might have animated those too.

Chapters 57 (Anya lying to her classmates about the cruise) and Chapter 58 (Bond and Loid fire rescue) have an asterisk because I wasnā€™t exactly sure how much time to count. For Chapter 57, I didnā€™t count the scenes of Yor giving her coworkers their gifts, the flashback of the family buying them, Yuri telling his captain how excited he is to see Yor again, and Loid putting on the lovey-dovey bedsheets. I only started counting from the moment the scene changes to the school, since technically the scenes mentioned above are bonus scenes that are not connected to the chapter (aside from Yuri saying he canā€™t wait to see Yor again, but still, it feels like a stretch). Theyā€™re closer to the bonus parts of like, Yor bringing Anya her gym clothes, than an extended or expanded sceneā€¦

Like in the last episode of Season 2, where Loid announcing to the family heā€™ll take Bond for a walk and Anya making origami stars are additional scenes, but they are intertwined with the chapter. I feel like itā€™s a different case hereā€¦ in any case, it doesnā€™t make a huge difference, lol. The post-credits scene that shows each character separately was not counted for that.

And here are all the so-far adapted chapters, though since I couldnā€™t make Excel change the order (and it would take too long to copy-paste each set on my own), it starts from the bottom going up.


Itā€™s literally so funny how Omelet Rice is towering over everything else, lmao. This makes it obvious that the most expanded chapter so far has been Chapter 6, and the tightest one is chapter 52, aside from the prologue.

(I forgot to change the order of chapters 58 and 59, oops. Oh well XD)

Big thanks to @yumeka-sxf for their Story Guide, which was a huge help in putting all of that info together!


As I work through these smut prompts, I'm reminded that posting explicit fics generally halves one's average kudos percentage and does even worse to comments, which is a documented phenomenon across fandoms. Smut fics get MAD HIGH hit counts, but DEVASTATINGLY low kudos/comments. I'm more curious as to WHY this happens, so have a poll lol

You read an explicit smut fic on AO3 and you like it. What do you do?

Read, no kudos or comment (self-conscious)

Read, no kudos or comment (hate read)

Read, no kudos or comment (don't want ao3 handle connected to smut)

Read, kudos but no comment (don't know what to say)

Read, kudos but no comment (self-conscious)

Read, kudos and comment

Read, no kudos or comment, but bookmark

I don't read explicit fics on AO3

I don't read fics (just want results)

Other (explain in tags)

Please explain in the tags because I very dearly wish to know some of the reasons that the interaction is soooooo bad on smut fics when they are, by and large, my HIGHEST hits across the board. Reblog for larger sample size!



This frame goes by very quickly, you wouldn't notice it when watching the episode normally. But it caught my attention in this gifset and now I can't stop thinking about the way Loid looks at Yor here.

It's just so soft, and there's even that little blush there. It might have looked like a small moment, but it was big when it came to their family bonds. Yor made something for them, channelling her memories of the food that her mother used to make in the past into her own care for Loid and Anya in the present, and they loved it. Their poor stomachs have been at it every time Yor tried to make something, but bless their hearts they never complained about it (aside from that time Anya called her a bad cook in a quick response to avoid making Loid suspect her of reading his mind). Yet Yor strived to get better and make something with love and care, even if at first she thought that she was doing it to keep her job.

I am a very lazy cook myself, but there's something about cooking for someone else and them responding so positively to it, especially when all your efforts to do that up to now have only led to stomachaches and reluctant acceptance. For her "I need to be a good cook for my cover!" argument, Yor only needed a "That's good enough to not give me indigestion", but with pouring her entire heart into learning to cook, that kind of poured into the meal as well, and so instead she got them smiling at her for what she offered them.

And her reaction was amplified by Loid's reaction. He wasn't just enjoying the meal, he was happy to receive that from her, appreciating the effort she put into it and admiring her growing cooking skill - and it's important that those came from someone who never demanded her to cook for them as part of her household responsibilities. It was a genuine "thank you for dedicating time and effort into making this beautiful thing for us".

For us. Because he was also happy that Anya was happy with it.


Yor worked hard to offer them something, unknowingly putting so much heart into it, and they reciprocated that - Anya on a much simpler level by happily munching on the food, and Loid with this soft look. It's pretty simple - but it's with simple, little things that bonds are created and most importantly, last.


Digimon Adventure 01x07 - Roar! Ikkakumon / Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo

Previously on Digimon Adventure: After vanquishing Sid at the end of Toy Story, Woody went mad with power and created an empire. Also, Mimi learned that there can be too many teddy bear hugs.

Now the kids are back on the road again, exploring the island to find options and answers.

Keep reading

"Kill them with kindness" Correct! If you ***** the ***** in the neck, they will die rather quickly.


See? Yor is the kindest assassin to walk this earth. We love her 😌



updated ethan winters scar chart for every unavoidable injury he received in re7 and 8!

remake of this older one i made a year or so ago!

in the previous one i forgot about his varcolac scene, and that thing MAULS him its like actually scary

ive included his leg even though u can technically avoid it because it has a whole cutscene and i like it...


Screenshot of a Word document, showing only the phrase "and our marriage is only in paperaper." The "paperaper" word is underlined in red, being marked as incorrect.ALT

When you fake marriage too hard


Iā€™ll do you one better



When simple revenge is not enough

Screenshot of a Word document, showing only the phrase "and our marriage is only in paperaper." The "paperaper" word is underlined in red, being marked as incorrect.ALT

When you fake marriage too hard

The SxF 3rd season poster. One of light come from the door with Yor and Loid, creating the highest point of the star.

Because Anya IS their Starlight 🥹🥹🥹🥹

How can I be so emotional over teaser poster????


Iā€™m pretty sure they WANTED us to be emotional over it, so job well done šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

But yeah, Anya is the center of their world, even if they *cough*Loid*cough* havenā€™t fully accepted that yet! The peace and happiness of innocent creatures like her and Bond is the reason they do what they do, and being able to see that innocence in their everyday lives drives them on. They want to give her what they didnā€™t have, so she is the center of the light in the picture. Sheā€™s a source of light in their lives šŸ˜­

I also wonder if thereā€™s a reason that a few of the items in the picture are in the light, when most of the other items are in the shadow.


The half of one of the pillows, a little bit of the big books, Anyaā€™s shirt, pencils, schoolbooks and crayons, as well as one of the three small books at the bottom. Iā€™m guessing they were purposefully put IN the light, I mean, someone (or some people) draw this with a certain idea in mind. They chose which items would be where. So I wonder.

It is a very beautiful imagery, indeed! I really like the concept and I canā€™t wait to see what this season has in store for us :D

(anime only fan here, donā€™t spoil me for the manga)

This man was NOT prepared.


Digimon Adventure 01 - Adrift? The Island of Adventure! / And So It Begins....

Right off the bat, we can feel the tonal difference between how the two shows want to present themselves. The Japanese version opens with narration provided to us by a grim and stone-faced narrator, while in the English version, Tai delivers the exposition himself in a light-hearted and goofy tone.

Keep reading


(Reminder that I donā€™t want to be spoiled or even teased about more stuff on it. I have been spoiled for a few things, but I wonā€™t mention them here in case another anime only finds this post :D)

source for the poster here


First impression is that itā€™s way darker than the posters for other seasons! Iā€™m not surprised given the spoilers Iā€™ve gotten for the upcoming arcs. The bright spots and focus are Anya and Bond sleeping peacefully; the thing Yor and Loid are working hard for.

The most glaring detail, the lights creating a star with them in the middle! Reference to a Stella, but alsoā€¦


a Tonitrus bolt on the side! Interesting!

The light sources are from out the door, a flashlight, a model school bus, a flower-y like bedside lamp, and something behind a curtain.

Outside the door we spot Yor and Loid, presumably after bidding Anya goodnight. And right next to the door!


A helmet with a ā€œWā€ (Westalis?) on it, a hand-written notebook, and a tag of sorts? It looks like itā€™s ripped in the middle, but I canā€™t make what itā€™s supposed to be used for. Due to spoilers, though, I know what the helmet is referencing.

Underneath that, two pillows, two books, and an onion.


Iā€™m guessing the books are referencing Anyaā€™s studying? I canā€™t even begin to guess what the pillows and the onion are there for. I mean, the pillows could just be there to show itā€™s Anyaā€™s bedroom (although the wallpaper shown here is the one used in the Forgersā€™ living room, not the one in Anyaā€™s room), but the onion??

But then, thereā€™s books closer to Anya that look more like schoolbooks, so the two in the above picture are probably a reference to something else?


A handkerchief with a ā€œVā€ (I think) on it, a Tonitrus bolt, schoolbooks, a pencil, and a formal pair of shoes and a shirt for Anya, thrown around haphazardly.

The more I look at it, the more confused I get, lol.


A suitcase, a bedside lamp that I canā€™t remember seeing in the anime before, a pair of sunglasses, three identical small books (notepads?), a wallet (?) with a folded piece of paper in it, and a lion plushie.


I canā€™t really tell what that object on the far left is. I could say itā€™s one of Beckyā€™s hairpins. A small award ribbon?

Anyway. A model car, a model schoolbus, three crumpled-up pieces of paper spilling out of an overthrown trashcan, and two packages ofā€¦ a candy, or something? One is ripped at the side, the other from the bottom. Thereā€™s even a tiny crumb under the latter. They were not opened by the same person.

Under them is a fallen chair, another book (I think), and a hat. Nothing rings a bell, unless we connect the chair with the way the manga volumes have featured designer chairs on the covers.


A box of snacks, a rose having fallen from a vase, crayons thrown around, and the most glaring thing here: a student card (?) with what appears to be Beckyā€™s picture, with a note stuck on it that says SOS. Interesting.

I could guess that the rose may be referencing Yor, but itā€™s too vague for that. Anyway!


Final details, another pencil, a display of sweets that have been eaten from, a cup of tea, a burger with coleslaw (???) very emphatically off its balanceā€¦ or is that also onions? lol

Next to that are gift boxes (with sweets? they look very formal) and a volleyball.

The gifts and the teacup seem to be the only objects in the entire room that are not in disarray.

Overall, wow! So many details that Iā€™m sure manga readers can decipher, and Iā€™m just here wondering what each part could mean. Iā€™m quite interested in the light sources. I get why one of them is from Yor and Loidā€™s side, and due to spoilers I know why the school bus is another, but I canā€™t tell anything about the other light sources. The flashlight could mean a nature trip? Or a blackout? The bedside lamp has a very specific design and itā€™s not one from the Forger household. The light behind a curtain could be a reference to secrets? How Anya knows everything due to her mind-reading, and has been knowing everything (and helping) behind the scenes?

Anyway, thatā€™s a lot! Though there has been no announcement for a date, itā€™s great news that we even got a poster! Since itā€™s supposed to mean Season 3 is in productionā€¦ I could hope for a spring of 2025 release? Iā€™m starting to doubt itā€™ll be out by this October, since last year at this point in time we already knew Season 2 would be coming last October. I think spring 2025 is a doable prediction.

Again, reminder that Iā€™m anime only and though Iā€™ve gotten a few spoilers, I donā€™t want to be spoiled for more. Please donā€™t add any spoilers in the comments or reblogs.