This sign, showing Donald Trump as a puppet controlled by a hand labeled “NRA” is really powerful to me because it shows how this movement is educating people. March for Our Lives has made political literacy a major part of its movement goals....

This sign, showing Donald Trump as a puppet controlled by a hand labeled “NRA” is really powerful to me because it shows how this movement is educating people. March for Our Lives has made political literacy a major part of its movement goals. Through public discussion, information shared in interviews, and engagement in dialogue with political leaders, the movement professionals aim to show how the NRA influences American political processes. This sign and its message is reflective of the movement’s messaging.

- Alexandra McLeod

This particular sign was my favorite sign at the March for our Lives in Tallahassee, because it really shows how far this movement goes in impacting personal biographies and changing minds. It was really powerful to me to see this sign because it...

This particular sign was my favorite sign at the March for our Lives in Tallahassee, because it really shows how far this movement goes in impacting personal biographies and changing minds. It was really powerful to me to see this sign because it shows how diverse this movement is and how people’s views can change over time.

- Alexandra McLeod

Seeing this sign, we had a first few reactions. First, it makes the observer think, this boy shouldn’t have to protest for his right to a safe education, he’s so young. He has used bullet hole imagery through the sign, making it more impactful and...

Seeing this sign, we had a first few reactions. First, it makes the observer think, this boy shouldn’t have to protest for his right to a safe education, he’s so young. He has used bullet hole imagery through the sign, making it more impactful and reminding the viewer about violence. This image makes us wonder: is this young person’s motive to protest his own? Is he with a parent or guardian who has encouraged him to protest? Is it his own initiative to protest? One tactic movements like to take is that they are taking action “for the children” or “for our future.” How is this different when children are not only the focus, but the leadership for a movement?

- John

Students assembled around the Westcott Building at FSU and marched to the Capitol Building in Tallahassee, FL with emotionally-driven signs of statements of collective action. Many of the petition signs were extremely fear-driven. Others took the...

Students assembled around the Westcott Building at FSU and marched to the Capitol Building in Tallahassee, FL with emotionally-driven signs of statements of collective action. Many of the petition signs were extremely fear-driven. Others took the approach of developing emotional empathy for victims and their families.

- Jada, Lindsay, Derricka, and Samantha

The same public reaction from the government that has been used after every mass shooting, “Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those killed and those affected”. While this may be sincere, it does...


The same public reaction from the government that has been used after every mass shooting, “Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those killed and those affected”. While this may be sincere, it does nothing to enact change or reform policy to prevent future massacres.  

In order to make social change, individuals and organizations have to work together and take action.

- John

John (left) and Sean (right), two students of Florida State University, hold up homemade signs protesting gun violence. On the left, the sign adopts a diagnostic frame, acknowledging that the AR-15 was the designated weapon used for mass murders. The...

John (left) and Sean (right), two students of Florida State University, hold up homemade signs protesting gun violence. On the left, the sign adopts a diagnostic frame, acknowledging that the AR-15 was the designated weapon used for mass murders. The sign on the right is calling out the enablers who are responsible for knocking down legislation to reduce gun violence.

Diagnostic framing: How do we frame the problem?
In among the thousands who gathered outside the State Capital Building today one key message rang clear, “Are we next?”
But the question really isn’t so much a question of WHO will be next but rather...

Diagnostic framing: How do we frame the problem?

In among the thousands who gathered outside the State Capital Building today one key message rang clear, “Are we next?”

But the question really isn’t so much a question of WHO will be next but rather WHEN. We need to find HOW we will change this tragic future.

- John

Participant observation: Friends gather to protest against the violence that took others friends away!
We stand in front of the capital building during the rally after the march from Westcott, patiently waiting to hear from Marjory Stoneman Douglas...

Participant observation: Friends gather to protest against the violence that took others friends away!      

We stand in front of the capital building during the rally after the march from Westcott, patiently waiting to hear from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student survivors. As you can see in this photo, the emotions here today weren’t all positive, as we remembered those who were lost and fight against a resistant government.

- John

Participant observation: While one doesn’t necessarily need to take a stand and have a strong voice of opinion about the matter but simply showing up to a social movement without signs shows one is in support of making a change. This picture is of...

Participant observation: While one doesn’t necessarily need to take a stand and have a strong voice of opinion about the matter but simply showing up to a social movement without signs shows one is in support of making a change. This picture is of me, an audience member of the social movement. This sign I’m holding is one my friends made. While I may not agree that all guns should be banned, I do agree that we need to input some level of control and restrictions on the purchasing of a rifle. While many emotions of social movements can range from sad to mad, there can also be a happy and hopeful side as well: when we look at the outcome of individuals showing up in an effort to make a change for the greater good.

In this photo majority of the social movement actors are students. I observed not just college students, but students of all ages from elementary school to college students from FAMU, TCC, and most of all FSU. All public schools in Leon County were...

In this photo majority of the social movement actors are students. I observed not just college students, but students of all ages from elementary school to college students from FAMU, TCC, and most of all FSU. All public schools in Leon County were closed today in support of the march! The emotions of students were filled with passions for their right to feel safe to simply walk on school grounds without fear that another student may have a gun in their backpack and your life be lost in a matter of seconds. What was significant to me is the fact that college students at FSU, unfortunately, were not released from classes today, but hundreds still found time in their day to walk over to the Capitol Building and show support.
- Nichole

While many emotions of fear/anxiety, sadness, and hope were being expressed during this social movement, there was a common interest in gun control amongst all who participated. Emotions are a key part of social movements and how individuals rally...

While many emotions of fear/anxiety, sadness, and hope were being expressed during this social movement, there was a common interest in gun control amongst all who participated. Emotions are a key part of social movements and how individuals rally around a cause: they activate individuals to turn from bystanders into “activists.” What seemed significant to me is the number of people who attended and also took a stand for their freedom to feel safe. While this picture shows thousands who stood in front of the Florida Capitol building many more citizens were located within the buildings.
- Nichole

The chant “vote them out” is utilizing emotions of both anger and desperation for change. The timing of this protest during the Florida Legislative Session is particularly important to recognize in the political opportunity structure, in that we really can ask for a change within the next two weeks before it closes.
- Nicole Blonsick

Participant Observation: My good friend and I decided to take a stand because we both have experience with our communities facing gun violence. Being from Orlando, I was affected by the Pulse shooting and the fear that ensued while awaiting to see if...

Participant Observation: My good friend and I decided to take a stand because we both have experience with our communities facing gun violence. Being from Orlando, I was affected by the Pulse shooting and the fear that ensued while awaiting to see if my friends were safe. My friend went to a high school very close to Stoneman Douglas. Our signs depict our frustrations with the continuous efforts, but also indicate that we will keep fighting until this terrible event never happens again.
- Nicole Blonsick

A video of the protest march in action. Many people were seen down the street chanting, “Enough is Enough!” while workers at restaurants and businesses on this street came out and watched from the sidewalk. Many of these bystanders were seen clapping and cheering with the protest. 

- Jordan

The protest march ends at the Capitol Building, where people meet to rally and hear discussions and speeches about the importance of ending gun violence. Many students expressed that they want the government to protect them and not guns.
- Jordan

The protest march ends at the Capitol Building, where people meet to rally and hear discussions and speeches about the importance of ending gun violence. Many students expressed that they want the government to protect them and not guns. 

- Jordan