A young woman proudly protests in front of the capital with a sign reading “#NEVERAGAIN” – a hashtag that has been flooding social media platforms following the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting on February 14th. Hashtags help flag...

A young woman proudly protests in front of the capital with a sign reading “#NEVERAGAIN” – a hashtag that has been flooding social media platforms following the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting on February 14th. Hashtags help flag attention, become mantras for movements, and help frame the identities and emotions of social movements. 

- John

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    Social movements have been arising in the United States more over the past few months most are about gun laws and adding...
  7. williampenn27 said: NRA membership increased dramatically after those idiots from Parkland started their marxist bullshit.
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