neural network

AI Future Ready

AI is changing the world, are you ready? Get future ready here with courses for Practice & Business Managers and IT Professionals.

Why AI?

AI is already delivering tangible economic benefits for many organizations across Asia Pacific. Now is the time to adapt to the fast-approaching, rapidly evolving AI future.

Geometric diagram Geometric diagram
Two men are working on instruments

Practice & Business Managers

Are you building or expanding an AI practice? Learn how to define your strategy, hire and train resources, market your products and build deeper customer engagements through managed services.

A woman with headphone

IT Professionals

Get up to speed with free online courses from AI School. Start learning the basics through to advanced concepts and validate your skills with Microsoft Data certification exams.

Image of Satya Nadella

<font size="4px">"Today we don’t think of aviation as ‘artificial flight’—it’s simply flight. In the same way, we shouldn’t think of technological intelligence as artificial, but rather as intelligence that serves to augment human capabilities and capacities.”<br>
– Satya Nadella</font>

Get Future Ready Now

Get started in AI simply as a user of a library or AI service then go deeper increasing your skills. It's not all or nothing before you start creating value. Learn at your own pace with free online courses and start infusing AI into your solutions and services now.

man working on machines

Introduction to Machine Learning

Get started in AI simply as a user of a library or AI service then go deeper increasing your skills. It's not all or nothing before you start creating value. Learn at your own pace with free online courses and start infusing AI into your solutions and services now.

two persons looking in system

Getting started with BOT Framework

The Bot Framework is a platform for building, connecting, testing, and deploying powerful and intelligent bots. You can quickly start building bots with the Azure Bot Service.

man working on laptop

Cognitive Services - Face Recognition

Microsoft Face algorithms enable face attribute detection and face recognition. Learn how to use Microsoft cloud-based Face API to analyse content in different ways.

man presenting

AI empowers us to change the world

Innovation doesn’t see the possibility of tomorrow, it creates tomorrow.

AI News & Resources

people moving on street

Asia is the next frontier for AI development

a hand holding globe

5 Ways AI Is Building A Better, Brighter Future For Asia

a man handshaking with robot

Brave New World – How AI Will Impact Work and Jobs

man and woman discussing on system

The Future Computed' Berlin Launch Event

Sign in for an enhanced partner experience

Sign in to Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program for a more personalized experience. Not a partner yet? Find out where partnership with Microsoft can take you.