| jess | 48 | married |
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I couldn’t sleep last night so I just didn’t. still awake.



animators fuck me up. if you asked me to draw something it would take every ounce of my life to complete this task. if you then asked me to draw it again a little to the left I would die

ngl it is so odd seeing this as an animator cause like. Obviously every animator isn’t going to feel the same way but. That’s one of my favorite parts? Other than it being a large time investment, it’s so satisfying drawing the same things over and over again in slightly different positions to me for some reason. Woah look at this guy jump up look at these frames of him looking silly because smear. I love drawing them. But um I recognize that in all honestly this is prolly my autism < -< (enjoying the repetitive nature, a special interest in drawing and animation, loving the pretty colors, shapes, and movement)

this post has escaped containment but I have carpal tunnel + carpal instability in both wrists. I forget what specifically but I was trying to draw something before making this post and it wasn’t going too well lol. that made me think about how animators are on a wildly different level.



i feel like a lot of the ‘i hate kids’ crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid’s limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they’ve ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they’ve ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody’s told them yet that they can’t run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.

some of you in the notes.. i would say read the room but you didn’t even read. the post




I have a whole mihon category just for them

Just gotta ask, is this for porn, shipping or canonical couples? If the latter, is it stuff like Re-employment Life With an Unsociable Untalkative Magician? If yes, got any recommendations?

canonical couples. I tried to categorize them but the variety made it difficult so check out the mangaupdates links to read plot summaries and genre lists. preemptive sorry btw, no old man yaoi here. they’re all het romances

Actual old man 50+, age gap:


  • Drama, some nsfw but it’s drama nsfw not hentai nsfw.
  • My favorite title on this list 10/10.

Einen Koyou wa Kanou deshou ka/Re-employment Life With an Unsociable Untalkative Magician

  • Cute, drama, supernatural.

Otoko no Issho/Life of a Man

  • Drama.
  • Half scanlated then abandoned for the past 8 years and I’m so mad about it cause it’s so good.

Shuuden na Kankei/Final Stop: Relationship

  • Cute, comedy.

Actual old man 50+, age gap, borderline smut:

Nokori Mono niha Fuku ga Aru/The Best Is Saved for Last

  • Cute, drama, isekai.
  • They bone but you don’t see anything.
  • The guy gets aged down halfway through so :/

Ojiichan Shinanai/This Old Man Won’t Die

  • Almost-smut fluff, slice of life, drama at the end.

Middle age guy + age gap:

Goma Shio to Purin/Black Sesame Salt and Custard Pudding

  • Cute, drama.

Karekoi Rehab/Love Rehab

  • Drama.
  • It moved to freemium manga apps after ch. 39. mangaupdates links to the apps.

Sono Koi wa Ichigo no youni/Strawberry Love

  • Cute, drama.

Super no Ura de Yani Suu Futari/Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You

  • Cute, slice of life, drama.
  • It moved to freemium manga app after ch. 31 but bato.to still seems to keep up with releases.
  • Neither the app nor bato.to post translated twitter extras, so get those from mangadex.

Middle age guy, age gap, actual smut:

45-sai, Oji-sama wa Bukiyou na Kemono/Mr. 45 Years Old Beast

  • Smut, drama.

‘Ecchi Shitai’ to Itte Kure - Seijin (?) Buchou to Junshin (?) OL

  • Smut, comedy, drama.
  • There doesn’t seem to be an english translation for the title but it’s something like: “I want sex” gentleman (?) director and innocent (?) office lady.
  • The question marks mean to imply there’s doubt about whether they are a gentleman or innocent.

Middle age guy + no age gap:

Bread & Butter

  • Drama.
  • I barely started this but it’s interesting so far.



My headphones finally broke beyond what I could solve with a hot glue gun and a positive mindset so I had to cave in and do one of my least favorite things in the world: spend money on anything I don’t literally need to keep my mammalian body alive and/or functional. This time, I was determined to resist my usual impulse of just buying the cheapest good available and treat it like it was made out of crystal because, as I’ve sadly come to learn, there IS such a thing as “so shoddily made it’ll crumble on itself if you look at it wrong” when it comes to electronics.

So I was like “Alright, no more cheap shit. I’m going to spend at least $30 on a replacement. Something from an actual, recognizable brand instead of ‘Heavenly Sound 35K7-D’ or whatever. This way it’ll last more than six months.” just to immediately lose all my resolve as soon as I spotted a pair of shitty $11 headphones with speakers shaped like skulls. I might be able to talk myself out of my ascetic ways but the scene kid I was twenty years ago is still alive inside of me and they love skulls almost as much as they love Le Disko by Shiny Toy Guns.

Oh these fuck so hard. Best eleven bucks I’ve ever spent, hands down


I can’t control the colors OR the rhythm of the LED lights and they turn on automatically every time I turn the headphones on and need to be turned off manually. But these things could bite me every time I put them on and I wouldn’t complain. That’s how much in love I am.