hell zone 7

1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

hi! I really love your art and I was wondering what the program and brush settings you use are to get the pixel-y effect? :) thanks!

sorry i took a minute to answer anon ive been busy

so the gay frogs and some of the other art posts were straight ms paint but usually for my digital art i use sketchbook on a cavass a4 measurements (3508x2480) or below with these brush settings for the pixelish lineart

hope this helps :) i made that brush by brute force aaaaages ago and its been my everything brush ever since

ive got a wedding in less than a week and as the oldest great grandkid i will have to resolidify my rightful place as the cool cousin

to do this i shall:

1. lightly bully the second oldest for having my hand-me-down name

2. challenge the third oldest to a death battle for moving in on my gay neurodivergent artist shtick

3. let the 15 to 12 year olds sneak booze

4. pick up and throw the 11 to 4 year olds across the lawn

5. serve absolute cunt

6. idk see if i can get my grandad to call jamie mccrimmon a twink again this time with a witness

i didnt know he knew what a twink was let alone the correct use of it in a sentence also i gotta miss pride for this so it better be worth it back on my bullshit