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Omg. Just Stop Oil just broke into the private airfield where Taylor Swift’s private jet was parked and spray painted it orange




Just here to say that I'm not seeing enough people talking about the fact that Just Stop Oil is literally funded by the Getty family, specially Aileen Getty, the oil baroness. That's probably a good reason why a lot of their tactics in the news lately have seemed strange.



Just Stop Oil: Is the UK-based climate movement in the pocket of oil billionaires (on jpost)

Aileen Getty is one of several heirs to the $5.4 billion Getty fortune, which the family acquired through their oil company, founded in 1942. While the company no longer exists today, having been sold in the early 2000s, the money certainly still does, and so people have started questioning if, in reality, Aileen Getty still has active links to the oil industry.

However, unless Getty is investing in oil ventures so secretive that there are no records of them available to the public, the opposite appears to be true. In 2012, she founded the Aileen Getty Foundation, which, according to the foundation's objectives, "supports a wide range of local and global organizations and initiatives that enhance the environment, our communities and the lives of individuals through innovation, preservation, connection and kindness."

Based on this, it would appear that the heiress to an oil fortune has been using her money to combat the very business in which her family found its fortune.

In 2019, Getty provided the foundational grant to establish CEF and has pledged over half a million dollars to their cause, citing her belief that civil disruption is the only way to make a change on the climate emergency front.

Here’s some actual journalism there about Getty’s involvement with the oil industry.

And from a NY Times article These Groups Want Disruptive Climate Protests. Oil Heirs Are Funding Them.

Sharing these goals with the Climate Emergency Fund is the Equation Campaign. Founded in 2020, it provides financial support and legal defense to people living near pipelines and refineries who are trying to stop fossil fuel expansion, through methods including civil disobedience.

Strikingly, both organizations are backed by oil-fortune families whose descendants feel a responsibility to reverse the harms done by fossil fuels. Aileen Getty, whose grandfather created Getty Oil, helped found the Climate Emergency Fund and has given it $1 million so far.  


The Equation Campaign started in 2020 with a $30 million pledge, to be distributed over 10 years, from two members of the Rockefeller family, Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert and Peter Gill Case. John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil in 1870 and became the country’s first billionaire.

“It’s time to put the genie back in the bottle,” Mr. Case wrote in an email. “I feel a moral obligation to do my part. Wouldn’t you?”  

The statement in the Guardian in 2021:

Fossil fuels made our families rich. Now we want this industry to end by Aileen Getty and Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert

and in comparison the Fox News talking point you’re all regurgitating:

Big Oil heiress funding ‘Just Stop Oil’ group that threw soup on Van Gogh painting

So in summary:

  • Getty Oil no longer exists, and hasn’t done for 20 odd years.
  • Aileen Getty had no involvement with the company when was operating, her wealth is inherited.
  • The Greepoint oil spill took place in 1978.
  • At this time Aileen Getty was 21, dropping out of university, becoming an anti-war protestor and artist.
  • She was an AIDS activist in the 80s, and has been an environmental activist for many, many years as well.
  • There are no public records of her currently, or ever, being involved in the oil industry at all.
  • Her foundation donates to many environmental causes, including Sea Shepherd, who are the farthest thing from phony.
  • They also funded the scientists who chained themselves to government buildings not long ago.
  • Fox News is running many articles about how they are funded by Big Oil, discrediting one of the largest environmentalist action groups out there.
  • The attack on the art gallery is because they accepted sponsorship from oil companies, which they say is hypocritical as preserving art is pointless when society is due to be destroyed.
  • This is the same rationale behind the attack on Stonehenge
  • So maybe you should think about what propaganda you are not immune to.

Just because you don’t like how a particular protest is performed doesn’t make it a psyop for fucks sake.




I have made you a chart. A very simple chart.

People say "You have to draw the line somewhere, and Biden has crossed it-" and my response is "Trump has crossed way more lines than Biden".

These categories are based off of actual policy enacted by both of these men while they were in office.

If the ONLY LINE YOU CARE ABOUT is line 12, you have an incredible amount of privilege, AND YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT PALESTINIANS. You obviously have nothing to fear from a Trump presidency, and you do not give a fuck if a ceasefire actually occurs. You are obviously fine if your queer, disabled, and marginalized loved ones are hurt. You clearly don't care about the status of American democracy, which Trump has openly stated he plans to destroy on day 1 he is in office.


if you want to vote for a third party, what you are going to do is vote for biden in november 2024 and then as soon as that’s done, start trying to get ranked choice voting in your state

we will ALWAYS be a two party system until voting reform happens, and voting reform won’t happen if project 2025 happens.

suck it up and vote biden, then put the next four years to good use

