Ben, 22, M, Gay, Tennessee

Paint me like one of your Armenian girls

Send me Asks and Messages. I love attention.

Instagram: otterband


Yeah, sex is great and all. But have you ever had a guy tell you to text him when you make it home safe?

Bakery: *refuses to serve gay people, so we have to travel father out to find places that will accommodate us*

Straights: Well, that’s their right to do so. It’s freedom of speech. Just go to a different bakery.

Airports and Universities: *Get rid of Chick-fil-A at their locations because of the company’s history of donating to anti-LGBT groups, so the straights have to drive a little farther to get their homophobic chicken*


My proudest accomplishment is that I still fit into this shirt from my freshman year of high school

My proudest accomplishment is that I still fit into this shirt from my freshman year of high school

There comes a beautiful time where you receive your first hate message, and bbye (can’t be bothered to spell out your name) I’m so glad it’s with you whoever you are
(Also that’s not how you spell whiny)

There comes a beautiful time where you receive your first hate message, and bbye (can’t be bothered to spell out your name) I’m so glad it’s with you whoever you are

(Also that’s not how you spell whiny)

Gay guy: *puts on a little foundation and eye shadow*

Straight White Girls ™: Oh bitch fierce! Werk girl! That is such a look! Gay guys are so good at makeup henny!