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    HI!!! :D my name is mackenzie (call me mac). 25 | white | he/him | autism levels today: CATASTROPHIC


    COMMISSIONS (CURRENTLY CLOSED but you can still look i guess idk)


    💫 i am genderfluid and bisexual which means i can do whatever i want (i contain multitudes) HOWEVER please only use HE/HIM pronounce for me ok?

    💫 i am an “artist” and at times a “gamer”. i am “very” “normal” about fictional “men”

    💫 i currently work as a LAB TECHNICIAN at an AQUARIUM!! i post a lot about the general goings-on there, as i’m a part of the animal health team and it’s an eventful job. i try not to publicly post exactly which facility i work at just for privacy reasons, but if you can figure it out from context clues it’s no big deal LMAO i’m just covering my ass. this blog is in no way affiliated with my employers and any opinions are merely my own yadda yadda

    💫 at the moment i’m playing a lot of WARFRAME, SPLATOON, and i am a recovering OVERWATCH fan. i like a lot of other things too though. i am also INCREDIBLY AUTISTIC about AQUATIC ANIMALS and spend a lot of time thinking about marine invertebrates especially.


    Keep reading

  • woke up to everything in the nano reef dead. no idea what happened but part of me suspects that the sea cucumber died overnight and nuked the entire tank. i’m kind of fucking crushed

  • might be able to salvage some corals? but everything else is toast

  • woke up to everything in the nano reef dead. no idea what happened but part of me suspects that the sea cucumber died overnight and nuked the entire tank. i’m kind of fucking crushed

  • woke up to everything in the nano reef dead. no idea what happened but part of me suspects that the sea cucumber died overnight and nuked the entire tank. i’m kind of fucking crushed

  • did a major water change on my nano reef and got rid of a large amount of my macroalgae and everything looks so clean now but it also looks EMPTY AS HELL i think i need. more corals. i know i said i was done but i lied

  • Hello, white Tumblr user. Before You is a post written by a Black person that was concise, to the point, and worded in plain easily understood language. You'll have to resist reblogging this post with a long-winded essay restating what it already said in the post. You have five minutes- oh they're dead.

  • i thionk we should dump hundreds of gallons of acid on lady liberty to turn her copper again. i think itd be cool. and i think the hudson bay could handle all the acid because its got that new yawk spirit.

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    hey i think moving the goalposts from 'Don't believe most callout posts cause their just used to teardown queer people and ruin their online reputation" to "callout posts targeting pedophiles and abusers are inherently worse than pedophiles and abusers (this includes men too) :)" than i think that's not actually fucking helping anybody, i'm starting to think y'all legitimately just hate survivors.

  • like when cishet male youtubers get accused of grooming their underaged fans that's also a callout post, when celebrities get accused of supporting israel that's also a callout post, when a ceo gets accused of being transmysonistic by targeting trans women on his website. that's also callout post. and that's fine, you can just say you don't it's when transfems you like get acallout posts instead of pretending callout posts are the root of the problem.

    like at very least if we just focus on trasfems we're just focusing on like. an actually systematically oppressed gender minority, but like once you start saying callout posts against ANYONE is inherently wrong, than like how are you indistinguishable from johnny depp stans.

  • also like i kind of get "don't make callout posts for pedophiles" because at best i'm assuming it's referring to like. non-practicing pedophiles who can't control their thoughts and have to express their feelings through fictional means, which like i don't particularly agree with the coping mechanism but i kinda get that argument? but what does "being an abuser doesn't matter" actually mean? does that mean "if someone says someone i like is an abuser they couldn't be telling the truth and must always be exaggerating" or "even if someone is being abused they don't deserve the right to publicly talk shit about the person abusing them, even if said figure is a public person because having your reputation ruined is way worse than being abused in silence" because neither of those answers sound great to me!

  • very ironic part of this is that they're basically suggesting the "social murder and ostracization" of anyone who dares to make a public post about an abuser. really cool and great!

  • will you guys be mad at me if i admit that im vaguely emulating the loid/albrecht dynamic with jonah and vlad. like its not 1:1 theyre their own characters but they are intended to be like. the same genre of fucked up codependent weird science gays. double date from hell

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    actually i do want these tags permanently embedded in the post . vast oversimplifications of every character involved but its for the funny so whatever

  • started thinking about ‘omg what if i reached the point where i can do makeship campaigns or w/e for plushies of my ocs’ and then realized that i’d have to find ways to cutesy-ify shit like kelpie and the vesbeast and now i’m trying to draw that and giggling

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    okay so far so good, everyone is looking cute and marketable!! and then you get to these two

  • would you allow them into your home…
