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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

jeonghan req cuz I read ur thing also jeonghan IS JUST 1 FINE HECK OF A MAN. Like idk ITS SMTH ABT HIM like hes genuinely so perfect.. hes so funny and cute omg. ANYWAYS point is jeonghan may seem perfect & so sweet & silly, but hes so mean in bed:((( making you beg him to give you what you want, and him teasing you telling you to repeat what u said bcuz he apparently couldnt hear uuu😭 I NEED HIM OMG

- 🦈🦈🦈🦈

mountainficss answered:

!! mentions of: unprotected sex, teasing

no omg i love jeonghan so much. he’s so so sweet but he’s such a little BRAT. he’s such a fucking tease like how can someone so sweet also be such a brat omg.

he’d be the sweetest baby outside of the bedroom, but would still be a tease of course. jeonghan would honestly be your favorite person to be around. he’s playful yet observant, always saying the silliest things to make you smile but never misses all of the subtle changes in your mood. no matter how you’re feeling, he knows and he makes sure to take care of you based on your moods. you swear he knows everything about you, and you find that so endearing. he really was your sweet boy.

but as sweet as he can be, jeonghan is a little shit in bed. his teasing increases tenfold, and you’re certain he finds joy in making you miserable. he’d have you splayed out beneath him, sensually rolling his hips into yours as he grips the flesh of your thighs. jeonghan would bully your sweet spot with his targeted thrusts, feeling you tighten around him each time he buried himself into you again. he’d chuckle meanly at your poor attempts to hold back your whimpers, occasionally ripping a small sound from you when he fucks into you. “wanna cum?” he’d ask innocently, like he didn’t already know you were close to the edge. you’d nod eagerly, tightening your legs around his waist in an attempt to feel him deeper. his smile would widen at your needy behavior. “beg,” he’d grin impishly, reveling in your desperate whines and pretty pouting. he’d ignore all your discouraged whimpers, slowing down his movements to almost a complete stop. the torturous pace he’d set would cause you to crack, letting a tiny “please” slip. “what was that?” jeonghan would challenge, snapping his hips once, the rough thrust causing you to yelp. he’d gaze down at you with hooded eyes, returning to the slow pace he’d set before. “say it again, baby? couldn’t hear you,” he’d smirk, tugging his bottom lip between his teeth. “please, hannie!” you’d huff with a pout, pushing your hips against him in an attempt to feel more. he’d laugh gently, reaching a hand up to your face and cupping your cheek. the intimate gesture was in complete contrast to the indecent acts you were committing. “louder,” he’d urge, picking up his pace and savoring your pretty moans. he’d fuck you through your continuous strings of begging, only fucking you faster when you beg louder for him <3

taglist: @jeonghanpill , @bangantokchy , @caratboy , @bewoyewo , @luvseungcheol , @wonvsmile , @haolovre , @aaniag , @writingbarnes , @dokyeomkyeom , @allieyaaa


@yoonsdoll girl let me spice up yo tumblr 🔥

thank u babe i want him onlyjh : recs

mingyu gasps like he's just found a genuine treasure, eyes all shiny and genuinely happy. "oh my god," he coos, "is this you?"

even without seeing the picture in his hands, you can wager a guess at what he just found while flipping through an old photo album put together by your grandma. you're looking for pictures from your high school years so you can prove a point to mingyu about how you did, in fact, start dressing better after you met him and wanted to impress him. unfortunately, they're all buried underneath a billion pictures of you throughout childhood alongside the rest of your family. it's mingyu's job to sort through the loose photos from a box she'd handed you... and of course he's distracted.

"probably," you shrug. you're thumbing through pictures of your parents on some vacation they took with both sets of grandparents way before you were born. "am i wearing the ducky romper?"

mingyu climbs down off of the couch and into the space next to you, extending out the picture so that both of you can look at it. sure enough, it's you as a infant, ducky romper and all. your face is all scrunched up and sleepy, no doubt having been awoken from a nap, but your grandma looks at you adoringly all the same. mingyu does, too: "you were so tiny..."

"well... yeah," you shrug once more. "i was a baby." but you're fighting back a smile: you get it. you'd probably start cooing over baby pictures of mingyu, too.

"look at your little chubby cheeks..." he giggles, all too thrilled to see how soft and round and tiny you were. "are there more?" he's already placing the photo carefully on the coffee table and digging back into the box. "how many are there? i wanna see them all--"

"only if you show me your pictures--"


ah. right. you're dealing with mingyu, who seems always determined to win at silly little debates with you like this (you've been on the receiving end of so, so many compliments because he wouldn't let you put him first). but if it means you get to see pictures of tiny baby mingyu... then maybe you're winning this time, too.

cute cute cute omg the cutest concept ever im ending it all onlyjh : recs

"do you think our kids will have my eyes?", mingyu says.

you blankly stare at him, ignoring your phone now. "kids?"

"yeah, i mean...", mingyu shrugs. he's about to say something when it hits him. "oh my god, we've never talked about having kids, did we? i mean, i really want kids, if that's okay with you. shit, i-i'm sorry."

it's cute, actually, how his ears turn pink. talking about having kids isn't something you do just about 8 months into your relationship...

"baby, it's okay...", you put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "i do think our kids will have your eyes. and maybe your cute lips too."

...but then again, how could you not be so in love with kim mingyu to have your whole future planned already?

mingyu smiles at you. "no, i hope they have your lips. but i want them to have my skin tone!"

i. going to killsmeidgsef CUTE CUTE CUTE mingyu i love u omg

it's the little things


paring. joshua x reader genre. fluff, bsf!joshua, mutual pining wc. 0.5k warning. reader has periods

synopsis. joshua being the most caring, wonderful boy :(


josh: hey, we r still going on that picnic right?

you: josh im sorry but i can we cancel?

you: i woke up with the worst cramps

you: and my apartments still a mess

you: plus i just left a massive stain on my sheets

you: sorry that was tmi

you: but srsly im so sorry for cancelling

you: i promise ill make it up to you

josh: im omw

it isn’t the grand gestures that has your heart fluttering for joshua, instead, it’s the little things, like opening those annoying milk cartons or listening to you rant about the same thing for the umpteenth time or washing your period-stained sheets, like he’s doing now.

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MINA I MISSED U this is so cute period coming soon unfortunately so perf timing HELP need a 'friend' like shua LOVE THIS SM 💓💓 onlyjh : recs

raindrops (an angel cried)


18+ / mdi

summary: being assigned watching duties over humans was usually a task reserved for high level angels. on jeonghan's first week of promotion, he finds himself far too curious about licentious human activities, becoming infatuated with his assigned human. what happens when his interest goes too far, it gets him kicked out of heaven?

content: fallenangel!jeonghan, jeonghan is your guardian angel up until he gets kicked out of heaven oops, infatuation, inexperienced jeonghan, even as an angel he's still a menace to all, heaven is super strict, afab reader, smut, oral (m receiving), mentions of masturbation, penetrative sex, etc.

wc: 11.1k

a/n: the lore on this is so nonsensical pls just work with me. i hope despite that u guys enjoy thoughhh<3

masterlist | kofi/patreon

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"Who is that?", asked Jeonghan, apprehension in his eyes.

"That's your human."

"My human? I'm getting a promotion?"

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taglist @onlyyjeonghan @mickeyboos @musingsofananxiouspotato @nikkell @lumlemons @wonwooz1 @isabellah29 @bo-fairykim @prettygyuuu @tumblerluvver @dangerousgoatee @peachescreamandcrumble @doodlelibrary @dkswife @mcarebearsstuff @govvonnn @kyeomofhearts @fearlesshuh @cottoncheol @aaniag @Carelesscat-thinklogic23 @niktwazny303 @annetoocommon @gyuhao5 @chiefjunlover @kenmasvlog @valegracia @athanasiasakura @hansolsticio @saladgirl @flwrshwa @rosiesauriostuff @90s-belladonna @proofdk @soobery @f4iryjjosh @bewoyewo @gyublues @aaa-sia @hoshilv @dokyeomkyeom @wonootnoot @tacosandbitch @skzdesi @dinowoolvr @wooa-whore @ccchani @sya-skies @miujunhui @myprwttyhan @pan-de-seungcheol @skzooluvr @kyeomiis

extra tags @andressa0 @itsokaytobedumb00 @hyphenen @moose-1555 @sonybear40 @hanniebwii @yazchamp @junniesoleilkth @hannieshuji @hipsdofangirl @fragmentof-indifference @cfake-peachb-blog @calpal-23-blog @nonie1ov3r @bangantokchy @black-swan-blog27 @onedumbho3 @straykidsstanforeverandever

read this friday morning thinking it said 1k words not 11 but sat happiltly through it all i need fallen angel jeonghan too love this concept!!!! hello appear in my room randomly while im sleeping thank yew jeonghan onlyjh : recs

han + edging !

genre; nsfw, mdni <3 | a/n; what a menace man. we need to make bratty dom! a thing just for this guy. not proof-read!


“please... please, please!” your broken moans rebound on the walls of your bedroom but it doesn’t phase your boyfriend at all. 

jeonghan licks up a stripe on your wet, sopping cunt, causing you to buck your hips. if your hands aren’t cuffed by the damn pink handcuffs that you asked him to buy, you would push his face into your core. but unfortunately you can only writhe and let out pathetic moans as he has his way with you. 

the warmth pools up in your stomach again, but you know you won’t get to cum anytime soon. what did you do to deserve this? nothing. matter of fact, you were obedient enough to patiently wait the entire day for his cock. and jeonghan couldn’t help but test just how desperate you are for him. 

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hehshaahhjekddbif i need him lawl onlyjh : recs