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I draw stuff. Animate too. Likes: FE2/FE8, TRS, BoF, DQB2, and angry lizards.
I try to tag my art consistently, so you can actually find stuff. Maybe.




the more i draw him he is devolving into an incoherent little creature so thanks for stcking with me as this happens very very apparently







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And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to Tumblr. It’s safer here.


“Don’t like❤️ any gifsets, they put something in them, to make you queue up. I don’t even remember my last 40 posts.”


…They’re always reblogging but they never post… and the ones that do post…they never reply… you never see them follow… they’re always liking… no one ever queues but they’re always… they’re always reblogging but they never post…


Hey, reblog this post.


ˢᵒᴼᵒᴸᴬᵀ ʸʸʸʸʸʸᴮ! ᴴᴴʰᴴʰᴴᴴᴬᴬᴬᴬ!
ᴳⁿᴺᴺᴺᴵᴺᴱᴾᴾᴬᴴ ᴱᴮ ᵀᴺᴬᵃᴬᶜ ˢᴵⁱⁱⁱᴴᵀ!!



FE4 Claud of Edda is ABSURD

What. Is. Going. On.


He doesnt make sense. I shall put an end to his misery before its too late 😔🤙


Some of DQB2’s unused blocks

(This is only for blocks. Items are still in research.)

(Also blocks don’t have names, only their associated items, and these have no item associated because they’re… well, unused)

• ID 083 -> Unused ore


This one is kinda cool. Drops nothing though.
It has various variants (The thing where blocks aren’t always the same, look at the grass for reference) :


I couldn’t find the ore it would drop in the sheet. There are a lot of ‘unused’ ores on the DQB1 part of the sheet and none of them look like a clear match.

Here is a little list of most yellow/white ores I could find, along with a slightly lighter bar that sits right beside the gold bar in the sheet.


ID 86 -> Unused Fire & Ice blocks


These are blocks from the first game.


Don’t think about them too much.

They’re also stored alongside the strange sand both on the icon list and block list so I guess they’re sand?

• Full block grass


Every grass variant has a full block for it. It’s like the mossy soil and moss blocks. Sad to see it was scrapped.

Here are the other 3 as walls:


587 we’ll see later, don’t worry.

• ID 210 -> Umber Sandstone


Don’t know which icon would it be, there are 2 similar ones on the sheet.

Comparing this one to the 2 Sandstones that are used:


• ID 247 -> Yellow Frame


This one is my favourite. Looks like glass.


It does cast a shadow however, and the walking on it noise is metallic, like if it were tiles.

• ID 474 -> Red Chert


Was probably meant for Malhalla, like the sanguine variants.

• ID 475 -> Red Citadel Floor


This one doesn’t have any variants, so it looks too uniform. (Compare to the used citadel floor). Also looks like the grass merges into the used floor, but the unused floor merges into the grass instead. Look at the border you’ll get what I’m saying.

• ID 586 -> Leafy Stony Soil


Is exactly as what it sounds. It’s the same as the leafy spoiled soil but with stony soil. Weirdly enough if you break it normally it gives nothing. But if you break it with the ultimallet it gives you normal stony soil. Huh.

• ID 080 -> Dummy


Placeholder texture on the sheet. Not placeholder block though, that one uses a weird earth variant.

This one may have had a texture but was scrapped. It has no collision and does the blue aura thing when hammered.

• ID 543 -> Blue Tile Dummy


This one just grabs one tile below the actual blue tile texture so the 'dummy’ placeholder that fills empty spots on the sheet bled through.

• ID 673 -> Ghost block


Shaded air.

But wait! there’s more!

If you put the camera right at the limit between it being inside of the block and outside you get this


Look at my character. The shading is gone. So is for a bunch of the other blocks. Pretty cool huh?

This is what happens if you put the camera inside:

I guess ghost block is a water block. It gives the water effect when the camera leaves.

I would also want to give some words in honour of block ID 233.

If you look at the icon sheet you will find these three blocks together right beside eachother:


You can see that the middle one goes unused!

If we look in-game, however…


The ID spot right between them (presumably of the unused block seen in the icon) is empty.

And if you look at the item IDs


There’s also an empty spot right in the middle…

Rip Dark Green Spoiled Soil, taken from us far too soon…


FE4 silly potats

Hi. Its been a VERY long time since ive done and posted something FE4, but one day not long ago I decided to replay it and im obsessed again.


Ive been into it for over 10 years but had regular burnouts (& for the FE series in general) with the last few monthes PC98 Touhou being some sort of haven, my obsessions run on a cycle tbh.

For the people who follow me for the PC98 Touhou content dont worry, Im not going to stop making content of it. Im just experiencing a burnout lately for reasons I prefer to keep private, im just taking a little break. I also want to draw for other series I enjoy.

Keep reading


Photo of a square holographic sticker sheet with rainbow doodles of a gummy worm, a Gilbert Baker rainbow flag, a shooting star, a slice of cake, a heart, a ghost, a cloud & rainbow, and a happy sunny side up egg. The text reads "vidramon.bigcartel.com."ALT
Digital image that shows fourteen samples of the same sticker sheet in different pride color schemes. The sticker sheet has rainbow (depending on the flag) doodles of a gummy worm, a pride flag, a shooting star, a slice of cake, a heart, a ghost, a cloud & rainbow, and a happy sunny side up egg. The text at the top reads "Pride Doodles Sticker Sheet" and "vidramon.bigcartel.com." The samples are arranged in 7 rows of 2, and each is labeled with handwritten text according to its pride color scheme: Gilbert Baker, queer, ace, demisexual, gay, lesbian, aro, demiromantic, pan, aroace, bi, trans, nonbinary, and agender. The background is manila lined paper.ALT

the newest addition to my pride collection is now available in my shop! it’s also my first made-at-home sticker sheet! before now i’ve always sent these off to be printed, but now i can do it myself :D i think these would be perfect for your planner or journaling/scrapbook pages for june! or for whenever :) i hope they bring you joy!



my work year has finally ended, so my comms are open in full! every comm helps me recoup our recent financial woes (unexpected tax bill, becoming a single income family again, medical issues in the family, and rent increase) :D

you can request a lineless sketch here and a little guy here. my ko-fi doodle requests are also open if you want an informal art nibble :) more comm info here!

🔁 reblogs are appreciated! 💖


this showed up in my FB memories, the lightning bolt trick! I don’t sketch out the lightning bolt much nowadays but it’s still super helpful when I need to lay out tricky arms and leg poses. And I still apply the logic of it, especially with how I draw arms :’ ) Biggest thing it helps with is shape breakdown and visualization, we gotta use whatever works to break down shapes into simpler concepts for our brains 👏💓
