Oblique Lane

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

People say tf2 can’t exist within half-life universe because it’s “too wacky” as if Portal (that canonically is a part of half-life) wasn’t on the same level of crazy if not more.

Also tf2 comic is an unreliable narrator so I’m not taking “Abraham Lincoln rocket jump” argument but we’re not talking about this today.

Anonymous asked:

“Cemetery of doves” “# this is not about birds” -> if you’re willing, can you please explain what it IS about? I’m not always good at interpreting hidden meaning in art when the literal meaning is already emotional. totally ok if you keep it to yourself, though!

I got the idea for this drawing when I was thinking about my limitation in art. Not the skill limitations but the content and meaning.

I was thinking about how tricky it is to work with dark/questionable/problematic topics because of how easy it is to become a bad narrator and misguide people into thinking that the bad thing you were writing about is actually a normal thing!! Yay!! Or even if you were a great narrator, there still will be people so oblivious they will misunderstand no matter what. I get why people are so cautious about problematic topics nowadays now.

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