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Anonymous shouted: Hello! I recently tried out this theme and I like how simple it is, but I was wondering on how to add/change a couple of things such as the Submissions Box, the Archive for all posts, the date of the posts as well as the size of the paper background. I figured out how to add the Submissions Box as a tab, but I couldn't change its color without changing the color of the first tab. How can I add/fix what I mentioned and can the size of the paper background change? Thank you!

Hello! I’m actually completely revamping this theme soon, as this one is over a year old and the code is pretty unorganized and as you can probably tell, hard to edit. The new and improved one has a very similar look, but cleaner both in design and code. 

here is the current version of the new one. 

Anonymous shouted: Quick Question: For the navigate bar, what exactly do you put there, ie. links to what im a bit confused and need some creative help on what to put. What exactly did you make that tab for and I dont mean this in a rude way im just curious, thank you

Links to pages like an about page, tag page, other blogs, etc. 

I’m planning on making a major update for this theme soon, though. It’ll have more clear options and it’ll be a more versatile theme in general. 

But not sure when I’ll finish/release the update yet. I’ll post something both here and on the theme blog when it’s almost done.

Anonymous shouted: Hey, is this page real?

It’s a real blog, if that’s what you mean? But it’s only a live preview for a theme in the theme garden. The link to it is the link post under this one. 


some stationery i bought from various artboxes in seoul + bullet journal stuff! my trip was amazing and it went by much too fast :/ i don’t want to go back to school next week, take me back

[ from my studygram: study.ings ]

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