
I can't lose, there's an ace up my sleeve


Jimmy. 31. He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️ Mainly RDR/RDR2 blog, but also. Random. 🧡 Lord Huron

Just a reminder to my European followers that the European Parliament elections are coming up and they are very important! The far-right parties are projected to win a lot of seats and many of the left/environmentalist parties are expected to do poorly.

This could have serious implications for major issues like climate action in the EU. It is very important that young people turn out to vote, EU elections typically have relatively low turnout but the composition of the EU Parliament does impact the lives of people in the European Union in a lot of ways.

Please remember to vote guys! The polls are not looking good and there's a chance the far-right groups could win more seats (collectively) than the centre-right EPP for the first time.

The exact date of the election varies by country but they will all be held from the 6-9 of June. Your national electoral commission or equivalent should have more information regarding dates and candidates.


seeiously... please vote 🥹


L with the T. happy pride ❤️🧡🤍🩷🩵

[Image description: 3 square graphics showing the trans and lesbian flags together over a pink, jagged, washi-tape textured background. The first image shows a single flag with the 5-stripe lesbian colors (red, orange, pink and magenta) blending into the trans flag. The second image shows the lesbian and trans flags crossing their poles in the middle. The third image shows the two flags waving in opposite directions. End ID]


Susan Grimshaw - A Small Deep dive Into A Complicated Woman

(Warning: This post contains mentions of period typical sexism and gender roles, as well as spoilers for RDR2)


Oh my goodness, this is so on-point. Grimshaw is a complex character for me. I love how strong willed she is, yet I can’t believe how cruel she can be to the girls. I always feel like she should be more protective and supportive of the girls bc she knows exactly what’s coming up, and it would be great for her to season them. But you are absolutely right, she sees them as competition and resents the opportunities that they still have and she has lost.



a beaded curtain, but instead of beads they’re worms on strings

you know… these guys


Hi op I hope this satisfies your needs.

Needs more worms

I wanna make one of these that is like a literal curtain of worms

No clear strings available to get caught and tangle, I want them nose to ass like some kind of horrible human centipede of worms, covering my doorway


@fanotastic more worms

Aw fuck. Nothing makes you assholes happy.

Fuck you guys.

My fellow fuckers, I present you-


Happy Pride Month

The worm curtain is GAY


The flute glass full of worms…


"Hosea is a perfect grandpa who can do no bad," Hosea admitted to murder and robbery in the first quest we even do with him, Hosea hints at being even more unhinged than Dutch in his young days, Hosea is the co-leader and co-funder of one of the wildest and most famous gangs in the entire universe, Hosea survived as an active gang member for the majority of his life, Hosea is one of the only ones seen pointing a gun at another camp member in camp (Bill and Sean).

Put some respect in his name.


Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.

It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.

no white gay boy will ever reblog this, watch:

no white gay will reblog this

no white lgb person will reblog this

Without Stonewall, without the efforts of Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, the LGBTQ Community wouldn’t be where it is today. Don’t forget the roots, don’t forget the catalyst.

and then TERFs wanna be like, “hmm well the LGBT community existed before Stonewall!”

but like…Becky, of course LGBTQ+ people existed before Stonewall. We’ve all existed since the beginning of time. But the movement got a shock to its senses, a jump-start, a rocket-into-space when that glass shattered via Marsha P. Johnson, and when Sylvia Rivera was up on-stage protesting guess who was on the sidelines heckling her?

The same fuckers who won’t ever reblog or acknowledge this


My apologies to the original poster as I photo captured this post to add to the thread-I reposted this last year for pride and expect to repost it every year I have left-it’s our history people.


Marsha P. Johnson allegedly died of suicide in 1992, and her death was never investigated. Even I, a mere prole, could catch the “she was murdered” vibes from the circumstances surrounding the discovery of her body.

Without a trans black woman, LGBT+ rights would not exist. Never forget. Never “pay it no mind”.



Suad, a young and successful Palestinian engineer from Gaza, once enjoyed a stable life with her husband and a thriving career in technology. However, her life was upended by the ongoing genocide in Gaza, forcing them to evacuate their home (now destroyed) multiple times while Suad was pregnant. Facing constant danger, lack of medical care, and severe living conditions, Suad DESPERATELY NEEDS financial support to cross into Egypt and find a safe place to welcome her child and rebuild her life. Despite these hardships, she remains determined to secure a better future for her family. Please don’t let Suad down. Help her by donating to her campaign


Reminder: If you have no voter ID, apply for a postal vote.


Signal boost for UK followers.

Sneaky though that looks (and IMO it IS sneaky, surfacing now as it has) the reason is legit: issue of 60+ cards require a passport or other "strong" ID, issue 18+ cards do not.

So register to vote...

...and get correct ID with which to do it.

This might mean getting a Voter Authority Certificate, for which the deadline is 5:00pm on 26 June 2024.

However the Registration To Vote deadline is 11:59pm on 18 June 2024.

That means 19 days as of this post, and the clock is ticking.


Northern Ireland's equivalent to the Voter Authority Certificate is an Electoral Identity Card, for which the deadline is midnight on 26 June 2024.


When will I receive my card? It takes time to process your application. If your application is successful you should allow up to six weeks to receive your Electoral Identity Card.

I wonder how an application for one of these made right now - or indeed made the instant the General Election was announced - will play out come 4th June.


The situation is getting more serious, please help. My children wish for a happy life, nothing more. They want to play like the .children of the world

As of 30 May:

€30 / €20,000

They are still very far from their goal, please help them if you are able to. Every dollar counts!

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