
Title: A Stain that Won’t Dissolve

Rating: Explicit

Pairing: Alex/Sebastian

Tags: Hurt/comfort, aged-up characters (mid 20s), minor character death, angst, injury, grief, miscommunication, bullying, enemies to lovers, dubious consent, internalised homophobia, closeted character, past child abuse, dyslexia, antagonist farmer, unrequited love, pining, acceptance, top!Sebastian, bottom!Alex, power dynamics, happy ending.

Summary: Alex hates Sebastian – which is great because Sebastian more than returns the favour – and what starts out as revenge fantasy turns into unironic lust, which evolves into unrequited love. Alex gets a job, Sebastian marries the farmer, and both of them lose almost everything before finding each other again. A story of two mutual bullies who learn how to messily grow up.

A Stain that Won’t Dissolve (Alex/Sebastian) - Chapter 38 - Relentless Intersections

In which Alex visits Haley for her birthday, and she spots a hickey on his neck, which leads to a deeper conversation about his relationship with Sebastian. Later, Robin visits, and asks if he can clean her house, which leaves him feeling odd about still being closeted and, well, fucking her son in secret.