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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


well now that weve hit 100 followers [thank you very much viral post that was just me vagueposting about my oc story] i should actually bother to remake this post, something that ive been putting off for a while now </3

HIIIII im noonbeam/noon but you can call me ev ^_^ i am just a weird little vocathing who goes by every pronoun under the sun i literally do not care :3 you probably know me from the soil composition diagram of flesh machine and divinity

hmm lets start this off with: MY HYPERFIXATIONS in order from most to least crazy insane about them levels

MY OCS [a whole section about them later], NUCLEAR BUBBLE WRAP [also ties in with ocs], VOCALOID, EVERHOOD, hatchetfield/starkid, wandersong

tag guide :3

#noonbeam rambles - just me talking

#noonbeam thinks theyre funny - just me talking but in a shitposty way

#noonbeam draws shit - my funny little arts

#noonbeam answers - asks :3

#noonbeam banging out the tunes - i make music too !! this will go under that tag.

check out me unvale and me artfight !!! :3

i also have a toyhouse but im basically like never active on it so </3

ALRIGHT COOL THATS OUT OF THE WAY. letters of recommendation from friends + oc ramblings under the cut


Keep reading

Pinned Post TAG DIRECTORY YAAAAYYYYY noonbeam rambles noonbeam thinks theyre funny noonbeam draws shit noonbeam answers noonbeam banging out the tunes the drawing board Youtube

it’s funny, someone said I was “based” for calling the United States a foreign country, but…..that’s just what it is to the rest of the world! like it’s not a radical or provocative word choice, that’s literally just how the majority of people on earth view it



.........no, Canada is not culturally an extension of the state. speaking as a Canadian who has travelled both countries, Americans have so many idiosyncrasies and experiences in common, and it makes interacting with them really odd sometimes.

there are huge differences in religion, patriotism, views about the world, political systems, etiquette, schooling, GUNS, city construction, and so on, going into detail on any one of those would be an essay. I don't know how to say this without sounding like an aggrieved Canadian, but we are most definitely a separate country.


Plea for Safety: A Cry from the Heart of Gaza

In its eighth month, Gaza appears defeated, trapped between walls of destruction and the cries of children. It is enveloped in deep sorrow, gripped by constant fear, and its walls speak a language of muffled screams. War is harsh. 😒

How can I protect my mother and siblings from this hell? How can I get them out of the horrors of war and bring them back to safety? My heart bleeds with indescribable pain, and my eyes see the scenes of suffering my people endure in this shattered land. πŸ’”

My mother is the light that guides me through the darkest nights. How can war extinguish this light? How can my heart be at peace when it fears for the safety of those I love? I want them to be well, I want them to be safe, but war takes without mercy and destroys without pity. πŸ˜”

I want to get them out of this hell. I want to see them well. Please help me save my mother, my father, and my siblings. πŸ™

Imagine this is your mother. How would you feel? 😭


[Plain text and video description:

Plea for Safety: A Cry from the Heart of Gaza

[Video description: A person crouched among concrete rubble cooks flatbread on a small stove in the corner of a ruined building. \End description]

In its eighth month, Gaza appears defeated, trapped between walls of destruction and the cries of children. It is enveloped in deep sorrow, gripped by constant fear, and its walls speak a language of muffled screams. War is harsh. [emoji with single tear]

How can I protect my mother and siblings from this hell? How can I get them out of the horrors of war and bring them back to safety? My heart bleeds with indescribable pain, and my eyes see the scenes of suffering my people endure in this shattered land. [broken heart emoji]

My mother is the light that guides me through the darkest nights. How can war extinguish this light? How can my heart be at peace when it fears for the safety of those I love? I want them to be well, I want them to be safe, but war takes without mercy and destroys without pity. [pensive emoji]

I want to get them out of this hell. I want to see them well. Please help me save my mother, my father, and my siblings. [praying hands emoji]

Imagine this is your mother. How would you feel? [sobbing emoji]

GoFundMe: [link]

\End descriptions]


this fundraiser has been vetted by nabulsi here! please help out as they are low on funds!



When sorrow and difficulties strike hard, hope becomes the lone star in the dark sky. This is the story of Amira, a 23-year-old girl who found herself bearing the burden of her family after her father's death three years ago due to the coronavirus.


After my father's passing, I found myself taking care of my family, consisting of my mother, sister Noor, and brother Abdulrahman. My mother, suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, faces health problems that further complicate their situation. But courage and determination drive Amira forward.

I worked as a teaching assistant at the university while pursuing a master's degree in data science, and also worked as a programmer in a company. My life was going smoothly until war came and destroyed everything.


My university, workplace, and home were completely destroyed, forcing them to flee south in search of a safe haven. Now, I and my family live in tents for displaced people in Deir al-Balah, where they suffer from water shortages and the spread of diseases, posing an additional challenge, especially for my immunocompromised mother.

This is a brief about our daily suffering.


Please help me, my mother, my sister and my brother to go out to treat my mother because she suffers from widespread diseases because her immunity is weak and help us to complete our educational journey, me and my brother


Don't forget to help amira