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Green-Eyed Epiphany

hey!!! i’m here to continue the klance TV Tropes series @kalinspace started :)

the Green-Eyed Epiphany is a common romantic trope in tv shows, and, like many other romantic tropes, describes klance perfectly:

The jealousy-spurred Love Epiphany of a character who’s in love with someone else, but has been in denial about this up until now.

this character is Lance: he was convinced he was in love with Allura, and has been in denial about his feelings for Keith for seven seasons.


Before the crisis, the character is perfectly fine being Just Friends or totally platonic bickering partners with another. 

Lance was “platonic bickering partners” with Keith in s1-2, and it transitioned to “just friends” around s3.


But then, that other character gets romantically involved with an interloper, causing their not-at-all love interest to suddenly feel the sting of their absence. 

Keith didn’t get involved romantically with Acxa at all, but it’s obvious that Lance THOUGHT that Keith liked her. he very clearly was hurt by Keith’s absence.


he thought Keith liked Acxa romantically, and was obviously jealous, though he didn’t know why at the time.


look at that face fkhajgfjkalkg he is pining SO hard 

Once they finally admit to themselves their feelings, the Romantic False Lead’s got hell to pay.

all that’s left is Lance admitting his feelings to himself. once he realizes his feelings for Keith are NOT platonic, he’s basically there. at this point, we’re just waiting for s8 to finish up this trope, along with the many others they began way back in s1. 

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