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Joshua Prentice (left), Priyanka Lalla (centre) and Zaafia Alexander are Trinidadian climate activists.
UN News/Brianna Rowe

‘Our voices need to be included’: Trinidadian youth make case for strong role in climate negotiations

Trinidad and Tobago is described as one of the “frontline States”, those nations that are most severely affected by the impact of the climate emergency, and youth activists are among the most prominent voices in the country calling for stronger action to combat the crisis, both at home and abroad.

UN News/ Alexandra del Castello

PODCAST: Can young leaders help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?

With the world currently recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, and reeling from the economic fallout of the war in Ukraine, progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals remains slow.

So, can we pick up the pace in the seven years we have left in this decade, and get closer to realizing the Goals? And can Youth Leaders make a difference?

UN News/ Alexandra del Castello

PODCAST: A new generation of SDG champions picks up the baton

On today’s episode of The Lid Is On, Conor Lennon speaks to three exceptional young changemakers who have been recognized by the UN for the contributions they are making to a more sustainable world.

Vee Kativhu is an award-winning education activist from Zimbabwe, American Paralympian Jamal Hill launched a foundation to cut the number of people who drown each year, and Karen Wang, from China, is the founder of a startup which provides carbon accounting software to help institutions meet their net zero goals.

UN News

Now is the time ‘to engage the youth’, UN Forum delegate

During this week’s UN ECOSOC Youth Forum, young people have been gathering at UN Headquarters in New York, to discuss the importance of energy transition for a sustainable future.

They will be the ones left to deal with the consequences, if the necessary green energy transition fails to materialize, so they’ve been arguing for the right to be fully represented during this crucial climate change debate.  
