Global perspective Human stories

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Sheij Aldine, a member of the Sudanese Association for Disabled People, rides a special motorbike provided by the organization in North Darfur, Sudan. (file)
UN Photo/Albert González Farran

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: 5 fast facts

Imagine daily life without your sight, hearing or a limb or living with the challenges of neurodiversity or paralysis. That’s a reality for some. One in six of us – or 16 per cent – of the global population had a disability in 2023, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), and many depend on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to help guard their fundamental freedoms and dignity.

A teacher in India leads an awareness class about menstrual and general hygiene to her students. (file)
UNICEF/Prashanth Vishwanathan

Explainer: What’s a dignity kit?

Every month, nearly two billion women and girls menstruate, but during times of war and climate disasters, from the conflict in Gaza to the devastation caused by Cyclone Remal in Asia, UN humanitarian teams rush to serve affected communities, providing critical aid, which includes dignity kits.

A UN soldier from the MONUSCO peacekeeping mission stands guard as a UN helicopter delivers aid and humanitarian personnel to Rhoe IDP camp, Ituri, Democratic Republic of the Congo (file).
© UNICEF/Diana Zeyneb Alhindawi

Explainer: Five practical tools for keeping peace

In 1948, the United Nations took a pivotal step by deploying peacekeepers to support countries in their journey toward peace. Since then, more than two million people – military, police and civilians – have served in over 70 peacekeeping missions around the world, offering assistance amidst ongoing conflicts or their aftermath.