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climate crisis

Joshua Prentice (left), Priyanka Lalla (centre) and Zaafia Alexander are Trinidadian climate activists.
UN News/Brianna Rowe

‘Our voices need to be included’: Trinidadian youth make case for strong role in climate negotiations

Trinidad and Tobago is described as one of the “frontline States”, those nations that are most severely affected by the impact of the climate emergency, and youth activists are among the most prominent voices in the country calling for stronger action to combat the crisis, both at home and abroad.

Audio Duration
Climate Visuals Countdown/Moniruzzaman Sazal

PODCAST: The link between migration, the climate crisis, and human rights

It is becoming increasingly clear that the climate crisis is having a major impact on migration flows, with millions forced to move from their homes as a result of a disaster, or because they have been affected by slower-moving environmental changes that leave their homes uninhabitable, such as desertification or sea-level rises.

UNIC Tokyo/ Momoko Sato

COP27 PODCAST: Net-zero promises or greenwashing scams?

It’s day two of COP27, and Laura and Conor are deciding on a good name for the podcast, and hunting for a good place to record the podcast! In the meantime, Laura followed the launch of the Net-Zero expert group’s report, which called out greenwashing, as well the other main events of the day.

Conor spoke to the UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths, and Brad Smith – President of Microsoft and an SDG Advocate – about the UN plan to ensure that everyone has access to reliable early warning of extreme weather events and climate shocks, which could save millions of lives.

An aerial view of the devastated landscape shot during Secretary-General António Guterres' solidarity visit to Pakistan where he witnessed the impact of the floods in the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan.
UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

1.5 degree climate pledge ‘on life support’, Guterres tells leaders during frank exchanges

During a private meeting of Heads of State and Government, held on Wednesday at UN Headquarters in New York, UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for more action and leadership to tackle the climate crisis, warning that efforts to keep the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels is “on life support”.

UN News/ Conor Lennon

PODCAST: Barbados and the Blue Economy – Hope and hedgerows

This is the second in a four-part mini-series, released in the run-up to the UN Oceans Conference, exploring some of the ocean-related issues facing the eastern Caribbean island nation of Barbados. This episode focuses on the pollutants that, for decades, have poured into the coastal waters, a result of agriculture and the development of the island. In recent years, the government, with the support of the United Nations, has sought to use nature-based solutions to rectify the damage.

UN News/ Conor Lennon

PODCAST: Barbados and the Blue Economy - Sargassum Solutions

In a four-part mini-series, released in the run-up to the UN Oceans Conference, we explore some of the ocean-related issues facing the eastern Caribbean island nation of Barbados.

This episode concentrated on the worrying spread of sargassum seaweed, which arrived unannounced in 2011, and has been a regular fixture on much of the coastline ever since.

There’s no single answer to why the seaweed is clogging up the beaches and waters, but many scientists believe that the climate crisis is at least partly to blame.
