Neo4j Professional Services

Helping Build an Enterprise-Strength Foundation for Graph Success

Neo4j Professional Services employs the world's best graph database consultants and architects to provide unmatched Neo4j expertise from graph database design to production. Our team has a deep understanding of how to design, implement, integrate and optimize the Neo4j graph database into your IT environment and existing application stack.

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Standard Bootcamp

The Standard Bootcamp is a comprehensive, four-day onsite training delivered by a Neo4j Consultant, allowing your internal team to learn the fundamentals and create a small Proof of Concept based on a sample dataset you provide. With this service, your team hits the ground running and learns the ins and outs of graph databases for solving your most pressing business problems.

Advanced Bootcamp

The Advanced Bootcamp is a four-day onsite training similar to the Standard Bootcamp, but more in depth, covering advanced production aspects of your Neo4j environment and diving into optimization and tuning techniques. With this Bootcamp option, our team reviews and validates your existing Proof of Concept environment and provides recommendations on data modeling, query performance tuning and production configuration optimization.
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Production Pilot Service

The Production Pilot Service creates a production-ready, single-instance Neo4j database using a production-size dataset you provide. This service uses a lifecycle approach and methodology from capturing business requirements and data modeling, to loading and querying the data as well as basic graph visualization in the Neo4j Browser. Duration of the service is dependent on the number of data sources, but typically comes out to five days per data source.

Health Check

With the Health Check Service a Neo4j Consultant provides fine tuning and optimization of your graph database environment. Typical areas of review include the data model, query performance and optimization, platform configuration, High Availability architecture, database settings and configuration. This service is scoped and priced based on your requirements and the complexity of the environment.

Graph Database Managed Service

Managing your heterogeneous enterprise IT environment on your own while keeping up with today’s IT demands can be complex, costly and time consuming. With this service, the Neo4j Professional Services team manages and monitors your Neo4j graph database environment for you, no matter where it resides.
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Graph Data Science Bootcamp

The Graph Data Science™ Bootcamp is a four-day training and service offering delivered by a Neo4j Data Science consultant. We teach your internal team the fundamentals of the Neo4j Graph Data Science™ Library and create a small Proof of Concept based on a sample dataset you provide. This comprehensive four-module course is customizable – accommodating two to five training days – to meet your needs. The GDS Bootcamp provides best practices for leveraging the power of Neo4j and data science. With this training, you'll learn how to uncover new insights from data relationships, improve predictive accuracy and accelerate your graph data science initiatives. Whether you want to add “AI superpowers” to an existing Neo4j application, or better understand how graphs and connected data bring value to your AI/ML projects, the GDS Bootcamp gives your team the hands-on skills to deliver stronger results for your business.

Graph Data Science Consulting

Neo4j Professional Services also offers specialized and custom consulting services to help customers put the Neo4j Graph Database and GDS Library into action. Graphs are a great addition to your data science workflow, and our data science experts are here to guide your team toward project success. Whether your team has experienced data scientists, or you are new to data science, our consultants provide tailored direction and expertise to ensure you meet your business objectives. For more information about our Neo4j data science services, please contact us!
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Financial Fraud Detection Service

The Financial Fraud Detection Service enhances your current efforts in anti-money laundering and tax evasion detection. By combining data from a wide range of disparate sources into a connected graph data model, this end-to-end solution easily identifies the nexus of potential fraudsters and their connections to various banks and companies. This engagement is broken down into four phases, starting with a complimentary business workshop followed by a two-week Risk Exposure Assessment Service. Next is a typical discovery and prototyping phase, concluding with a two- to five-month production-ready deployment. Learn more →

Identity & Access Management Service

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is critical to safeguarding your organization’s systems, data and applications from unauthorized access as poorly managed IAM environments may in some cases lead to regulatory non-compliance in the case of an audit. This two-week engagement shows you the benefits of modeling your Active Directory information into a graph for exposing security risks and gleaning valuable insights. Deliverables include a recommendation outline for an enterprise-wide production rollout.

Real-Time Recommendation Engine Service

Real-time recommendation engines are the most popular use case of graph databases, and the Neo4j Professional Services team has deployed numerous recommendation engines in retail, automotive, financial services and many other verticals. This five-day service begins with a workshop to understand business needs, to review the current environment and to define a prototype. The service includes training on graph fundamentals, data modeling, loading techniques and iterative testing of the algorithm. Deliverables also include a recommendation outline for an enterprise-wide production rollout.

Graph Visualization Service

The Neo4j Browser performs some basic graph visualization tasks, but you may need more flexibility with larger datasets, more expansive features and richer functionality. This five-day service provides consultation based on your business requirements, data complexity, number of data sources and functionality requirements. Deliverables include a pilot graph visualization with force-directed layout (based on libraries such as D3 or Sigma) as well as a recommendation report outlining strategy and next steps.
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Knowledge Graph Quick Start Service

Knowledge graphs bring together data about your products, processes and customers – and how they all relate for complete visibility, more accurate forecasts and better decisions. The Knowledge Quick Start services offering scopes and builds a solution so that enterprises can go from zero to operational knowledge graph in as little as eight weeks. The Neo4j knowledge graph experts use pre-built and customizable solution frameworks with proven code, models and components to rapidly build a domain-specific knowledge graph. The Neo4j frameworks include data models and ontologies for financial systems, supply chain, privacy compliance, customer, employee and patient information. Along with the frameworks, Neo4j provides the services and expertise to apply a solution framework through customization of the data model, transforming data into a semantic format, data cleansing and entity resolution, graph analytics and machine learning to reshape your graph, and performance testing and tuning to ensure optimal results. The KnowledgeGraph Quick Start Service is available immediately and for more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at [email protected].
Interested in Knowledge Graph Quick Start Services? Contact us

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Creating Business Value through Data Relationships

Your enterprise is driven by connections – now it's time for your database to do the same. Download the white paper, Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Creating Business Value through Data Relationships to learn how today's leading enterprises are using Neo4j to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.

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