Needle Starter Kit


The Needle Starter Kit is a responsive Starter Kit for building applications using [Neo4j Needle]( for accelerating TTV of your Neo4j-powered front-end applications. You can access the online version here.

Availability & Installation

The Needle Starter Kit requires you to have Node v16 (or higher) installed, and is meant to be used with Neo4j v5.X or higher.

Quick Installation (copy and paste):

git clone [email protected]:neo4j-labs/neo4j-needle-starterkit.git
cd neo4j-needle-starterkit
yarn install
yarn run dev

See the documentation for more information.

Functionality Includes

  • 📈 Various templates and components focused on specific uses-cases and industries

  • 🚀 Responsive: Adapts to different screen sizes for optimal user experience.

  • 🌚 Dark/Light Mode Theme 🌞: Includes a theme wrapper to switch between light and dark modes without having to reinvent the wheel!

  • ⚙️ Neo4j Integration: A simple example for connecting to a Neo4j database.

  • 🔐 Neo4j Auto-connect: Automatically connects to the Neo4j database if the user has a session saved (using localStorage).

  • 🛠️️ Modular approach: Facilitates easy customization.


For installing, configuring and extending the starter kit, check out the Documentation.

Videos & Tutorials