Admittedly I think I’ll be moving blogs once I get a new account set up.

I’ve had this account for so long and it has a nice history to it that I’m not deleting it

but I think with the movements here, I need a restart point, I’ve had this account for over 12 years now and I know people here but I don’t know some blogs that i used to so.

yeah, I’ll be in the process of getting things set up here. I’m logged in on my app but not on the website here since I’ll be on a new account there.

FOLLOW @oujamon

#my final message via website i think


Monochrome { Shanghaiohmy }

Monochrome for

Are you going to get pulled into his provocation or not…? Eh, pipsqueak?!

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Posted using PostyBirb

#friend's fursona


Admittedly I think I’ll be moving blogs once I get a new account set up.

I’ve had this account for so long and it has a nice history to it that I’m not deleting it

but I think with the movements here, I need a restart point, I’ve had this account for over 12 years now and I know people here but I don’t know some blogs that i used to so.

yeah, I’ll be in the process of getting things set up here. I’m logged in on my app but not on the website here since I’ll be on a new account there.

FOLLOW @oujamon

Okay, logging out of the app here. Will probably be back on this account if something happens to the new one.



Admittedly I think I’ll be moving blogs once I get a new account set up.

I’ve had this account for so long and it has a nice history to it that I’m not deleting it

but I think with the movements here, I need a restart point, I’ve had this account for over 12 years now and I know people here but I don’t know some blogs that i used to so.

yeah, I’ll be in the process of getting things set up here. I’m logged in on my app but not on the website here since I’ll be on a new account there.

FOLLOW @oujamon

#there we go




me: “yeah I dated a guy in high school who came out as gay. it was before i knew i was a boy so needless to say it didn’t work out”

coworker: “damn dude was preordering”

other things this coworker (who is a cis guy) has done/said:

—got confused about why I’d never been a boy scout because he forgot i was trans

—told me he was gonna get top surgery scar tattoos to match me after i get mine

—laughs at all my trans jokes, even if they’re supremely unfunny

—calls me big dog (and him little dog) even though he is about as tall as two of me

— “I can’t believe she would say that transphobic thing to you. In June? Pride month?”

Once I said “My gender is whatever’s funniest at the time” and my coworker stops dead in his tracks, turns slowly and says “So are your pronouns honk/honk?” killing me instantly

#Noct Text #Sleeping Somnus


Admittedly I think I’ll be moving blogs once I get a new account set up.

I’ve had this account for so long and it has a nice history to it that I’m not deleting it

but I think with the movements here, I need a restart point, I’ve had this account for over 12 years now and I know people here but I don’t know some blogs that i used to so.

yeah, I’ll be in the process of getting things set up here. I’m logged in on my app but not on the website here since I’ll be on a new account there.


#Noct Text



I know its fun to be like omg twitter is dying lets goooo

but its really sad that we’re losing yet another form of human communication and years of information because of another ceo baby manchild. I’m going to lose contact with a bunch of friends i’ve made because of this and it sucks

If i’ve learned anything from vine and twitter its that when humans are confined by limitations they accept them and somehow still make it funny and/or informative

#Noct Text



he is the baddest ever

#Noct Text #tits. #furry




pride month!!!


Is that a miette?

Pride for you!  Pride for a thousand years!!

#Noct Text



Thinking about ableism

Thinking about how ambulatory wheelchair users get accused of being fakers and people are surprised when we can walk

and yet non-ambulatory wheelchair users also face “can’t you just walk a few steps?? well, why not?!?”

It’s a perfect example of how there is no group of disabled that doesn’t experience ableism.

Invisible or visible, physical or psychiatric, fluctuating symptoms or consistent, late diagnosed or early, disabled from birth or later in life, high or low support needs… we all face ableism. The amount and type can vary, but with ableism so baked into the very foundation of our society, we all face SIGNIFICANT ableism.

Remember, the real enemy is abled hegemony.


[ID: a neon red banner. on the left is a combination of the rainbow infinity sign and the 2012 wheelchair user symbol. on the right in black text reads: “This user is [all caps] physically disabled [end caps] *and* neurodivergent. End ID.]




tje original pic of this was of him holding a bleach bottle and i said hmm. thats not safe for ducky to drink so i put a nice tastey baja balst instead

this is really good I love Donal Duck and I love baja blast so basically great post

They thought they were going to rehab. They ended up in chicken plants





Across the country, judges increasingly are sending defendants to rehab instead of prison or jail. These diversion courts have become the bedrock of criminal justice reform, aiming to transform lives and ease overcrowded prisons.

But in the rush to spare people from prison, some judges are steering defendants into rehabs that are little more than lucrative work camps for private industry, an investigation by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting has found.

The programs promise freedom from addiction. Instead, they’ve turned thousands of men and women into indentured servants.

The beneficiaries of these programs span the country, from Fortune 500 companies to factories and local businesses. The defendants work at a Coca-Cola bottling plant in Oklahoma, a construction firm in Alabama, a nursing home in North Carolina.

There’s little drug rehabilitation going on at these labor camps. Some of the companies that utilize the slave labor are so dependent on it that they’d go under without it. Some of the industries these men are forced to work in are notoriously dangerous. When they’re injured, the companies file workers compensation claims – and keep the money for themselves, even though the workers are typically not employees but clients.

Warning: no matter how bad you think this story is going to be, it’s worse


dangerously close to a realization

My older brother went to a rehab that basically was just a work camp they had them out in the central California summer heat doing landscaping work for no pay six days a week, under threat of being sent to prison, they are literal slave camps and for profit rehab will NEVER work and will always be disgustingly exploitive of some of societies most vulnerable people

#slavery is alive and well and people who claim otherwise are fools



i love listening to MUSIC!!!!!! and imagining things happening

im not even a girl 😭


Which is sexier, a werewolf or a vampire?



Depends if you find it sexier to submit to the will of charismatic evil or to be overwhelmed by animalistic power. And that’s not a decision I can make for you.
