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Palestine Donation Links Masterpost

This is a masterpost of places to throw your money at to support Palestine. I'm gonna try and keep this updated as much as I can.

*** Please note, donating does not mean you should stop boosting Palestinian voices. Spreading awareness is JUST AS IMPORTANT as sending money since misinformation is one of the Zionist movement's most dangerous tools. ***

(Last Updated: 13-02-2024)

In addition, follow the PCRF on twitter (@/thePCRF) as they regularly post about opportunities to donate to support Palestine.

Aid requests from Palestinians in Gaza:

*** If you have any additional recognized and trustworthy places to donate, please either reply or send me an ask or DM and I will update this list! ***

In addition, Palestinians (both in Palestine and diaspora) can feel free to leave your paypals / ko-fi's / cashapps / venmo.... whichever you want in the replies.


People kept reblogging the old version of this so I've revamped it with new links and removed the dead ones.

Pinned Post reblogging to spread the word palestine free palestine boycott divestment sanctions palestine childrens relief fund united palestinian appeal unrwa decolonize palestine palestinian youth movement bds pcrf reblog

Life has changed beyond recognition. Once, we lived in comfort and security, surrounded by the warmth of our homes. Now, those homes are gone, reduced to rubble, and we find ourselves living in tents, washing our clothes on the ground. The simplicity of our previous lives feels like a distant dream.

The constant threat of death looms over us, even in these makeshift shelters. Every day, I fear for the safety of my loved ones and my children. The anxiety of losing them to this unending conflict is a weight I carry with every breath.

In the midst of this chaos, my only hope is to survive and protect my children from the horrors of war. Their innocent smiles and laughter are my guiding light, pushing me to keep going despite the despair that surrounds us. All I want is to see them safe, to give them a chance at a future free from fear and destruction.

This is our reality now, a stark contrast to the life we once knew. But as long as I have hope and my children by my side, I will continue to fight for a better tomorrow.❤️🙏

important free gaza please help save children gaza gaza under genocide free palestine stand with gaza war on gaza gaza under attack rescources Palestine



I will accept art requests based on ANY donation to a campaign from

(website of compiled + fully vetted gofundme links; if you find the list overwhelming I recommend supporting the spotlight campaign featured on their front page)

OR the Municipality of Gaza

(whose goal is to restore access to water in Gaza City after half their water wells + 42k meters of water networks have been destroyed by Israel’s occupation)

I will accept drawing requests in exchange for recipet of donation to either of these viable sources!

Palestine will live to see liberation 🍉


Keep reading


Spotlighting these two campaigns:

Yousef’s fund to help NINE of his family members evacuate from Rafah

Mahmoud’s fund to evacuate FIFTEEN of his family members to safety

Read their stories share their campaigns and contribute when able!

free palestine commissions i do not have much power alone but we have our art and we have our voices and we have our efforts and most importantly we have hope so we must do what we are able to within our means especially those of us unaffected directly/contributing indirectly through tax dollars there is still power in that something is always superior to nothing reblog rescources



it means comissions are gona be open soon YAY!!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS *sniff* and I wanna thank my mutuals *sniff* for being there for me and being *sniff* so supportive *sob* and a big shoutout to all my followers - *loud sobbing* YOU ALL MEAN THE WORLD TO ME 💔💔💔💔‼️‼️ Talkies anyways I LOVE U ALL U SILLY BILLIES THANKS FOR GETTING ME HERE 🩷🩷🫶🫶🫶 comissions comissions soon

a Palestinian from my local group of activists is fundraising to bring her family to Canada. Najlaa is currently less than halfway to her goal of $80,000. please consider donating to help her family.

donations will go towards:

1. Covering the expenses of accommodation in Cairo, Egypt, throughout the visa and biometric process.

2. Meeting the cost of flight tickets from Cairo to Canada.

3. Securing affordable and suitable housing.

4. Addressing monthly necessities such as groceries, utilities, clothing, and shoes.

5. Ensuring access to healthcare and therapy, crucial for the well-being of our family members.

6. Providing monthly financial support until they secure employment.

as of April 10, they have been able to start the process of acquiring visas and passports.

currently at $26,630/$80,000


May 11: $27,347/$80,000

that's over $700 in a day. please keep spreading and donating to keep up and even increase that momentum. you will be helping Najlaa's family including her brothers and sisters in law and her nieces and nephews - a family of 21 people! and remember, every little bit counts. if everyone who reblogged this donated 5 dollars, that would be almost $10,000. it's okay if you can donate even just $1, it all adds up.


May 15: $27,512/$80,000

donations have slowed down considerably. once again, please consider donating even a small amount, it still helps!


May 20: $27,707/$80,000

please keep sharing and donating, and thank you to everyone who has helped so far <3

reblog palestine rescources Gaza gaza resources palestine resources donations reblogging for donations

@charrfie HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY‼️‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️

(Also sorry it’s not fully rendered!! I’m having trouble with making everything cohearant and like actually good LMAO, first one is the latest version, and the second one is the sketch!)



WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH WAAAHHHHHH <- (THEY ARE CONSUMED WITH JOY AND EMOTION) STAR THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL MY HEART HURTS FROM HOW THOUGHTFUL OF A GIFT THIS WAS..... GENUINELY CANNOT PUT INTO WORDS HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE YOU TAKING TIME OUT OF YOUR DAY TO DRAW SOMETHING SO INCREDIBLY BREATHTAKING FOR ME....... the rendering is *stunning* I promise AND THE VIDEO GAAHHH. This made me smile so big and wide thank you a million times for such an incredibly charming and big gift T_T I keep staring at the pieces themselves and have looped the video so many times..... LOVE YOU MY FRIEND

IM SO HAPPY YOU LOVE IT I WAS LIKE “ohhhh Laika is gona go nuts for this one” BECAUSE I KNOW YOU LOVE THEM BOTH im sooo so so happy ☹️🫶🫶🩷 ALSO SHUSH THE DOODLE IS WONDERFULL THANK YOU I LOVE YOU TOO FREIND 💔💔🩷 not even gona lie to you I’ve never done perspective in a peice AND I’ve never done anything with audio before YEAH YEAH LAIKAS GETTING THE SPECIAL NANSTAR CONTENT I was really hoping the both of them came out well so I’m glad they bring you joy‼️💔💔 THATS ALL I WANTED 💔 ANYWAYS I LOVE U U WONDERFULL HUMAN /POS my mutuals! nuttdoodles

@charrfie HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY‼️‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️

(Also sorry it’s not fully rendered!! I’m having trouble with making everything cohearant and like actually good LMAO, first one is the latest version, and the second one is the sketch!)


art spamton deltarune spamton g spamton spamton dr spamton deltarune deltarune spamton my mutuals! nuttdoodles HII SILLYYY

Our hearts are heavy as Palestine bleeds. We wish to aid Gaza through art.

Buy art in return for making a donation. Get a donation receipt and a gift in return.

Reach out to our socials and tell us which art you would like to commission, with specifics that you would like and we'll email it to you in a week.


Let's make art, and a difference

humbly joining @qalma-e-azadi in this endeavour 💛


please please reblog and share if you cannot contribute monetarily! this is the least we can do.. even a 50 rupees could help a palestinian communicate with their loved ones or receive aid! there is a total blackout of communication in gaza. israel bombed and set fire to a unrwa shelter yesterday night in rafah. the massacre has cost many their lives.

rebloging to help!! free palestine aid for gaza aid for palestine reblog rescources Gaza palestine resources Palestine


Today, the refugee tents in Rafah were bombed at night! Innocent Palestinians were killed in a moment of nighttime calm! What kind of tyranny is this? This atrocity occurred just hours after the International Court of Justice's decision to ban entry to Rafah. Israel is sending a clear message to the world that it does not care about anyone. In the video footage, someone can be heard screaming, "Oh my God, my daughters are in those tents that were bombed!"

Today, I sent some of my family's donation money to Palestinian families in Rafah to help them move to Gaza. I don't think they survived this! My God, what are we living through?

Do Not Stop Talking About Palestine !!

Please donate and help this palestinian family

rafah under attack save rafah free rafah rafah all eyes on rafah palestine news gaza free gaza free palestine palestine