

Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being

Contact information

[email protected]
22 September 2023 - 23 September 2023


Caption: UN Namibia Team in Lusaka, Zambia - 2019

Welcome to Namibia

The United Nations in Namibia and Namibia Federation of Staff Association (NAM-FUNSA), are excited to be hosting the 2023 UN Africa Games, planned for 22-23 September 2023, at the coastal town of Swakopmund, Namibia. 

This event is hosted on an annual basis, but due to Covid-19, the last game was held in Lusaka, Zambia in 2019. 

We are excited to revive the games, and we look forward to welcoming staff and their dependents from various country offices to be part of this reviving journey for staff well-being, networking, and socializing. 

The event will be held from 22-23 September 2023 -  with the opening ceremony being held on the 22 September 2023, competitions being held on 22-23 September, the closing ceremony and Awards ceremony held on the evening of the 23 September 2023, and regular departures to start on the 24th September 2023. 

Your first question will be: “How do I register?”. Our organizing committee will now ramp up logistics. We will work closely with our partners, Swakopmund municipality, and The Dome in getting all the facilities and hotels ready. In the next few days, we will share the bank account information where registration funds are to be deposited.  To register and confirm your attendance please fill out the registration form under the register button below. 

For now, please remain patient, we will have more to share soon! 


Vineta sports field
Welwitschia, Street
22 September 2023 - 23 September 2023

About the event