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“ Entertainment Spotlight: Andy Allo, Upload Actress and singer Andy Allo will be coming to screens in May as a customer service rep for the digital afterlife in the new series, Upload. You might recognize Andy from Chicago Fire or...

Entertainment Spotlight: Andy Allo, Upload

Actress and singer Andy Allo will be coming to screens in May as a customer service rep for the digital afterlife in the new series, Upload. You might recognize Andy from Chicago Fire or Pitch Perfect 3, or indeed from The Hero, starring Sam Elliot, Black Lightning, and The Game. Musically, she collaborated with Prince on her album, Superconductor, and has worked with the legend’s New Power Generation as a singer and guitarist. She has performed on Jimmy Kimmel, Guitar Center Sessions, Billboard Sessions Exclusive, and most recently completed a short run with Enrique Iglesias. We sat down with Andy to ask our burning questions about the vision of the afterlife that Upload brings to life.

What drew you to the role of Nora in Upload

Nora is such a layered, complicated character but who at her core, cares deeply about the people in her life. That’s something I completely relate to. She has such a big heart.

If you could design your afterlife experience, what would it look like? 

It’d look like the Hawaii. I went to Maui last year for the first time and it was life changing. Hiking, beaches, great food, amazing people.

Without any spoilers, what scene, moment, or choice from the show are you most excited for audiences to experience? 

Wow there’s so many but if I had to choose, I’d say I’m most excited for audiences to see the Upload process.

If your life were a musical, what would be the theme song?

 Ooo, this is hard! I feel like I’ve had different theme songs for different chapters of my life but one theme song I always come back to is “Bad Mama Jama” by Carl Carlton

What song(s) are you currently playing on repeat? 

Kacey Musgraves ‘Butterflies’ and DVSN 'Mood’

Name three things you couldn’t be without. 

Chapstick, my guitar and as much as I wish this weren’t true, my phone. Especially now while isolating, it’s how I stay connected to my friends and family.

What was it like working with Prince on your album Superconductor

Working with Prince was unreal. I look back on it now and I still can’t believe it.

What was the audition experience like for the show? 

It happened pretty quickly. From my first audition to booking the role was about 10 days.  My call back with Greg was one of the most fun auditions I’ve done. He kept printing out new scenes for me to do and we just played.

Upload is a comedy by Greg Daniels of The Office fame. Were there any funny moments on set (that were mockumentary-worthy)? 

My amazing co-star, Robbie Amell, would always order this turkey sandwich that we ended up calling the Robbie Special. At first I would make fun of him but then one day I tried it and it was delicious! So I started ordering one along with him every day and we’d be sitting there eating our Robbie Special sandwiches together. It was hilarious. Oh! One more. There was one day that I got done working early so I went into the hair trailer and started trying on the other casts wigs and then walking on set trying to distract everyone. That was fun.

You act and sing. What is it that you like about these different creative outlets, and what different roles do they play in your life? 

Music for me is so personal and allows me to share my feelings and stories through song. It’s like therapy. Whereas acting allows me to take a break from myself in a way and explore a different character.  There’s pieces of me in it but I’m challenging myself to embody another person, give them a voice and tell their story. They are both incredibly satisfying and freeing.

Thanks for taking the time, Andy!

Entertainment Spotlight Andy Allo Music Actress Singer