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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

My latest video is about a game I absolutely love, Lethal Company.
This video talks about how its atmosphere is both hilarious and horrifying. Most co-op horror games lose their charm once your friends become super good at it, that isn’t the case here. The game is chaotic to the point that risk mitigation is a pipe dream. Its flawless proximity chat, simple gameplay loop & charming presentation constitute one of the best horror multiplayer games in existence and it’s only been two months.

Pinned Post lethal company video essay horror games upload tag horror

june is cracked, elden ring expansion, smtvv, dawntrail and of course, tsukihime remake and it would be the craziest month of february and january didnt punch a hole in my wallet from reload, relink and rebirth all droppnig in the span of like twenty days, and it was preceded by yakuza 8 LMAO

the absolute funniest shit about kendrick bringing out demar derozan specifically was that he was asked about the bar in not like us and what he thought about it, and NBA players aren’t allowed to get super politically involved as part of a standard “dont make the league look like shit” contract, but at that time he said ‘they’re both my friends and its just competition’, or something along those lines, and him showing up for the concert with legitimately so many of kendricks friends says way more than he let on in that podcast LMAO. brought out a former toronto raptor to really drive home why the city didn’t deserve him, and it just adds on to a really easy way to slander drake

the confusing part about the bar tho (for me) is that abbreviating derozan as deroz makes it sound like hes talking ab derrick rose you can tell who is talking about because the song opens up with a friday ref and deebo is also derozan's nickname

Just fused the last fusion accident demon and here’s how to do it easily

tl;dr guide for fusion accident

  • Full Moon
  • Mutative element Miracle (50%+ odds to cause an accident)
  • 3 exclusive demons at level 31, 39 and 68
  • Fuse /cheap/ demons that are like 6-8 levels below those thresholds and you’ll snipe them by save-scumming, moon phases don’t change if you don’t move.

Note: I got this at level 56 so it was 12 above my level, however, it took an absurd amount of attempts, whereas most fusion accidents will be around the +6-8 range which is why I recommended it.

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