quick links: 

🐱💖 Please Help My Friend Kitty 💖🐱

💖🐸 Please Help My Friend Ella 🐸💖


  • obvious shit (racist, LGBT+phobic, ableist, discriminating by religion, etc) no bigotry allowed
  • terf/transmed
  • exclusionist, bi/pan discourser, anti-mogai, anti-mspec lesbians/gays, etc, anybody who believes in policing others’ identities. idc if it’s Petty Discourse ur not welcome here
  • pedo/MAP


  • who is in your icon? - Christopher Walken in Puss In Boots (1988). it’s not good but it’s on Tubi. watch it
  • what does tiddytaco mean? - I don’t remember but it’s been my original post tag for ages
  • SIDE NOTE: I don’t answer every message but I still appreciate them!!! 

other locations

if I say/share something sketchy or reblog from a weirdo PLEASE just tell me I promise it’s not on purpose & I want to know


Vetted fundraisers for Black Palestinian families!

Neveen Al-Hasanaat

Ezz Jamous. IG account.

Said Fadel of SOLband. IG account.

Hatem H. Rawagh. IG account.

Sulala Animal Rescue. IG account.

Very often I see Black Palestinians relegated to a hypothetical or used for rhetorical arguments. They are real human beings, a real community within our larger Palestinian community. They deserve respect, recognition, and assistance.



oh to one day live in a world that doesn’t hinge on the whims of the united states of fucking america.

since this post is going viral again, can y'all spread around this version, which has links to help you donate to people who are currently suffering the consequences of said whims

1.Urgent Relief : Help Shadi’s Family Evacuate Gaza - $10,044 / 15,000

(vouched for and vetted on twitter)

2. Help Moayed Escape the War in Gaza to Safety - €2,014 / 10,000

(vouched for and vetted on twitter)

3. Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive - €25,285 / 38,000

(verified by @/nabulsi and @/el-shab-hussein)

4. Help Anas family in Gaza- $$11,400 / 20,000

(verified and vetted by @/nabulsi)

5. Help two sisters from Gaza to achieve their dreams - €21,473 / 30,000


omg im so excited to get a haircutttt ive been putting it off for 10 years😭😭😭 like i could commit to getting a whole entire cosmetic surgical procedure done but the idea of getting a haircut was too scary

in my defense tho. i dont have to go back & get my tits trimmed every couple months or whatever

omg im so excited to get a haircutttt ive been putting it off for 10 years😭😭😭 like i could commit to getting a whole entire cosmetic surgical procedure done but the idea of getting a haircut was too scary


vetted fundraisers from today. please keep sharing and donating as you’re able, it really does so much; even if your individual action feels small, you are helping to save lives.

june 29th:

not yet vetted:

i know you likely see posts like this every day, but please don’t tune them out. every one of these families and individuals deserves to live safely and pursue their dreams. any contribution you make keeps someone’s bright future alive

havent gotten a haircut in so long for half a second i was like “do i need insurance” 😭😭😭😭😭

genericprogrammertransfem asked

g ertrude update? I love your cat

modeling the new couch


[ID: a bony old brown tabby cat sleeping on a blue couch.]




Need to look at the born to run photoshoot every so often to keep myself centered


looking at these to remind myself the world is good and love is real

ID: Four adorable grayscale photos of Bruce Springsteen and Clarence Clemons in the Born to Run era. In the first two Clarence is lifting Bruce by his waist and they both have giant smiles. The third is a photo of Clarence posed playing sax with Bruce holding a guitar and leaning an elbow on Clarence’s shoulder, smiling at him. The fourth is Bruce awkwardly posed with his arms crossed while Clarence stands directly behind him with his arms up and out. End ID


eSims for Gaza is facing constant eSim shortages.

They get over a thousand requests for connection a day, but their email inbox is regularly sitting at 300-500 eSims. With the bombardment of Rafah and continual internet blackouts, the need for more eSims is particularly urgent.

Even if you have already sent an eSim or donated to an eSim donation drive, there is more you can do. The team is calling for people to campaign in their communities to help spread the word about eSims and encourage donations.

You can help by printing out posters and putting them up in local businesses, on telephone poles and notice boards, or wherever people are likely to see them.


[ID: Poster headed “eSIMs for Gaza” with an illustration of a red poppy, a QR code, and a link to tinyurl.com/gaza-esims; copy reads “Sending eSIMs is an immediate, concrete way to help Gazans on the ground. Scan below to learn how you can get involved.” End ID]

Download color poster (18 x 24")

Download color flyer (8.5 x 11")

Download black and white poster

(For a black and white flyer on A4 / 8.5 x 11" printer paper, just print out the black and white poster: the extra white margin space won’t matter.)

Or make your own poster, pamphlet, or protest sign with one of these QR codes:

Black and white QR codeALT
QR code with watermelon icon in centerALT


Five more Palestinian fundraisers that need your help!

@akramalzaiem, verified by @/blackpearlblast

Ahmad studies in Germany, but his family are stuck in Gaza. He has already lost his beloved brother, Mahmoud, this December. He needs help now to evacuate 29 family members, including 13 children. €332 / €120,000



Yasmin and her family were displaced when Nuseirat was invaded and bombed. They need help now to cross the border into Egypt. €5,199 / €50,000



Muhammad is stuck in Gaza with his family, including his children Layan, who is 12, and Bassam, who is 8 and has Down syndrome. They have lost their home and need help to cross the border to safety. kr6,211 SEK / kr200,000

*For anyone donating in USD, EUR, or GBP, please note that the current exchange rates mean that your contribution will be multiplied more than tenfold into SEK!


@save-mohammad-family, verified on this spreadsheet (row 192)

Mohammed, his wife, and their 3 children (ages 6, 4, and 3) are displaced and stranded in Gaza with their cat, living in a tent that provides little protection from the elements. They have little access to food, water, medical care, clothing, and bedding. Mohammed has already lost his parents and 4 of his sisters since October 7, and he needs medication to manage his asthma. He needs help to evacuate his family across the Egyptian border to safety. €5,225 / €40,000


@tahanishorbaje2, verified in this spreadsheet (row 112)

Tahani lives in Gaza with her husband, their 3 children, and her parents and siblings. Her children have contracted hepatitis due to the water pollution, and have lost significant weight due to starvation as Israel is severely limiting food aid to Gaza. Tahani’s home has been destroyed and she needs help evacuating her family to safety. $14,680 USD / $50,000


Please share these fundraisers and donate if you can!



[ID: a black and white picture of young 70s frank langella in a half-laying pose, propped up on one elbow and with one leg bent. text at the top in a cute font says “frank friday” and the image is decorated with glittery animated hearts, roses, butterflies, and sparkles.]



i need to move out next march and i cant find work in town so i really need help. its becoming increasingly difficult to keep living with my family because of my disabilities, so i need help affording to get out of here

we are in the middle of having to move to a new place on short notice with a lot of other things on our plate on top of it. if anyone could spread or donate to help us during it i would really really appreciate it a lot 🙏 (6/27/24)