Therefore We Are - a Blade Runner fanfic

It's a prequel about the lives of the Replicants from the movie. Plus a few OCs. I am writing together with @sharonz-arty-corner03



The Tyrell Corporation brought about the Nexus 6 Replicant as the promised solution to humanity’s problems.

Unique to themselves and yet the same to everyone else, these feats of genetic engineering knew no limits save those imposed by their masters.

They lived, they worked, they died holding up the colonies' ecosystem as just another cog or wire in the endless machine of life.

Until a group of Replicants—led by one ROY BATTY—decided that they too had thoughts, and relationships and destinies.

This was not called conscience. It was called malfunction.

Reblog if you’re still in 2013

reblog while you still can


Time to fuck with the future.


I don't think I'll ever get tired of this joke

Give me more Hunter not understanding his feelings because feelings are hard

(dont tag as ship)

@bernardo-draws-and-cries had a really big brain idea

Little cape gremlin

Pink eyes

Yknow, i don't think Luz knows she has adhd

All about her character to me looks like a kid who never got an explanation for her weird behaviour and took it out on herself very harshly, together with the social isolation and bullying that she doesn't understand why it happens/why she cant be "normal"

Of course these feelings of "why am i like this" do also exist when you know you have adhd, but from all the context, i think its more that she doesn't know that she's neurodivergent

Had a dream that there was a new Pokemon that was ghost type and it was like. Half a greyhound. It was a spectral dog that was known as one of the fastest Pokemon. And yet it only had it front legs. There were wispy floating stubs on its back half which sort of implied there COULD be legs, but they never reached even close to the ground. It stood on its front legs as if the back legs were still there.

I don’t know what this Pokemon’s name was but its appeared in many of my dreams so either they made it real and I forgot or I’m being haunted by a Fakemon.

I have been informed it is not a real Pokemon so I’ll share another detail I recall seeing about it more than once.

One of its main features about it is that it could run stupidly fast, like, a solid 100 MPH (at least thats my best guess from a dream) but more impressively or eerily is that it could go from 100 to 0 almost immediately, stopping in a stance where it stood up straight and at attention

I think I love this weird dream dog


I assume this is for artists so sure thing

I imagine that this dog is very tall and sleek (like a good five feet tall), with a sickly pale (with just a hint of light blue hue). Its eyes are a pure empty (yet still piercing somehow) white. Along its front half across the back and its legs are pale green sets of stripes, almost like racing stripes.

As for how the ghostly “back legs” worked, they looked sort of like this


with his physical form slowly transitioning into an pale blue ectoplasm, and there were amorphous hints of what could have possibly once been legs. Despite completely missing his back half, the posture seen here is still its regular posture, standing straight up, as if a soldier at attention.

Hope this helps!


Hehe i really like this concept





I know it’s been said before, but Hunter is like. Whatever the narrative opposite of the “crouching moron, hidden badass” trope is. He’s a standing badass, hidden moron. He seems sooooo cool and capable, and he IS capable, but he’s not cool. He relates everything you say to blorbo theory from his books. He knows so much and is a helpful font of exposition, but no one listens to what he says. He rolled a nat 20 on his first intimidation check and then consistently rolled ones. He’s been defeated/foiled by a bird the size of his fist tugging on his hair TWICE. He takes orders from that bird. His subordinates call him “dude.” He wears high heeled boots and is still shorter than everyone around him. One of his other technical subordinates stole his cape and just kind of. Held it outside of his reach while he jumped for it. He’s a pathetic wet kitten, he was born in a cardboard box all alone, etc, etc.

The only “manufactured celebrities” we need is Barbie, Hatsune Miku, and the Muppets

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