Viewing posts filed under #Cassian
  • toying with more toxic!nessian but this time nesta is the one in control. no thoughts head empty except maneater by Nelly Furtado playing in the background. pls vote

    which pov



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  • happy wip wednesday, cassian pov truthers this is for you

    Nesta didn’t receive anything – nobody had even known she was going to show up, so Feyre and Elain had mailed their gifts to her already – but she seemed content enough to watch everything unfold before her. 

    “I got everyone a little something,” Nesta said once it was her turn to start passing out gifts. It was mostly gift cards for everyone, though she’d gotten Feyre some new art supplies and Elain a fancy sunhat with built-in UV protection, and eventually there was only one box left – with Cassian’s name on it. “Everyone that I knew would be here, anyway.”

    “It’s okay,” Tanwyn replied with a strained, but still polite smile. Cassian could feel how tense she was against him, and he couldn’t even blame her for it; Nesta’s presence could be so intimidating that maybe he’d feel a little threatened in Tanwyn’s shoes, too. “I understand.”

    “Who are you, again?” Nesta asked, tilting her head ever so slightly as she turned her full gaze on Tanwyn. He was so grateful to finally be in her line of sight that it almost made up for the fact that she still hadn’t addressed him directly. “I don’t think I caught your name.”

    “Tanwyn,” Tanwyn answered. She was digging her nails into Cassian’s thigh, and he abruptly realized they were heading for disaster several moments too late. “I’m Cassian’s girlfriend.”

    Both of Nesta’s eyebrows flew up into her hairline, and Cassian hated how much he wanted to make that look on her face go away when his actual girlfriend was sitting right there. “Oh. Since when did he have one of those?”

    “For almost a year now,” Tanwyn replied, making a big show of leaning into Cassian’s side. Cassian smiled weakly and tried to ignore the way everyone’s eyes were boring into the side of his head. “It’s our first Christmas together.”

    “I’m happy for you two,” Nesta responded. She was still holding Cassian’s gift box in her perfectly manicured hands, and if he hadn’t been so focused on her, he might’ve missed the moment her cool, pleasant smile briefly tipped over into a vindictive little smirk. “I hope my gift doesn’t cause any problems, then. I never would’ve gotten him this if I’d known.”

    Tanwyn immediately shifted in her spot on the couch, sitting up straighter as her eyes narrowed in Nesta’s direction, and Cassian had to stifle the insane urge to protect Nesta from Tanwyn’s glare. “Gotten him what?”

  • ❤️‍🔥 Returning July 22 through July 28, 2024 ❤️‍🔥

  • I am HYPE

  • ♕ Nesta Week 2024 Masterlist ♕

    Day One: Queen of Queens

    Day Four: Lover

    • vanilla bean, so sweet (Nesta/fem!Cassian) — Cass and Nesta are supposed to be working on a group project, but how is she supposed to focus with Nesta wearing a shirt like that?

    Day Six: Birthday Girl

    Day Seven: Free Day

  • Wrong Delivery Part Two

    hello and happy free day of @nestaarcheronweek !! It’s been such a blast organizing this and seeing all the amazing things everyone has created, and thank you so much to everyone who participated!!

    without further ado… the long awaited part two of this fic from Nessian Week 2023. I hope you enjoy 🩵🩵🩵

    Summary: Cassian returns Nesta’s package. Chaos and embarrassment ensue.

    Word Count: 1.8k



    When Nesta’s package had been accidentally delivered to his address instead of hers, Cassian could hardly believe his luck.

    Nesta Archeron was easily the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen, and now he had a real excuse to talk to her for longer than fifteen seconds. He’d taken any and all excuses to talk to her over the eight months that he’d been living here, though their interactions had mostly been quick greetings that ended with her rolling her eyes at him.

    Though in his book, that was definitely a win.

    Cassian had been enjoying his Friday off — his favorite part about being able to set his own schedule as a personal trainer — when someone knocked at the door. Frowning as he got up, he made his way over and looked through the peephole to see a guy dressed in a UPS uniform walking away. He hadn’t been expecting any packages, but that didn’t stop him from opening the door to see a tiny black box waiting for him.

    He bent down and picked it up before heading back inside, shutting the door behind him as he tried to remember the last thing he’d ordered. Maybe one of his friends had sent him something — Mor loved sending them all little gifts whenever she went on vacation — but she usually texted their group chat when she sent packages over. Maybe it was something for Azriel instead…?

    Keep reading on AO3 here!

    tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @fieldofdaisiies | @goddess-aelin | @c-e-d-dreamer | @talkfantasytome | @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk | @sv0430 | @talibunny30 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @champanheandluxxury | @lilah-asteria | @burningsnowleopard | @sayosdreams | @readskk | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @bellaful08 | @readergalaxy | @podemechamardek | @pearlfortears | @nerdperson524 | @jmoonjones | @kale-theteaqueen | @autumnbabylon | @hiimheresworld | @illyrianshadowhunter | @dustjacketmusings | @live-the-fangirl-life | @that-little-red-head | @sweet-pea1 | @brieq | @queercontrarian | @jsmelodies | @afflicted-with-wanderlust

  • image

    @nestaarcheronweek | Day 07: Free Day

    This art was inspirated by ''Sympathy for the Devil'', written by @saphie3243, which is a retelling of "A Court of Thorns and Roses" series, told through Nesta's perspective. Thank you @/talitasami for creating this beautiful art!

    Art by: @/talitasami

    Commissioned by: @melphss

    Characters belongs to: Sarah J. Maas

  • one of my favorite fics 🥹🥹 this is stunning!!

  • Is There A Problem, Officer?

    happy day 6 of @nestaarcheronweek, and happy birthday Nesta! I hope you all enjoy this… not so quiet birthday party 😉

    Summary: Nesta wanted to celebrate her twenty-sixth birthday quietly, but her friends had… other ideas.

    Word Count: 3k



    “Happy birthday, Nesta!” Elain and Feyre said in unison as Nesta opened her townhouse door.

    “Thank you,” Nesta replied, pleased to see her sisters. Elain had come bearing cake and Feyre had come bearing alcohol, both of them just as welcome as her sisters’ faces. “And thanks for coming.”

    Nesta was turning twenty-six today, and instead of going out and getting drunk with her friends, she’d decided to do something a little more lowkey. She’d quickly learned twenty-five was the age her body had decided to turn on her, and she wasn’t exactly keen to repeat the vicious hangover she’d survived last year.

    So instead of getting all dressed up and hitting the town, she’d decided to do something much more relaxed. She’d invited her sisters and some close friends over to order in some food, drink some wine, and otherwise have a good time ringing in Nesta’s birthday. Everyone had been more than willing to go along with it — even Feyre, who was always chomping at the bit to do something more exciting — but Nesta had been looking forward to seeing the people she cared about too much to really question it.

    “Like we’d miss your birthday,” Feyre replied as she and Elain walked inside, somehow managing to shut the door behind her without dropping anything. “Even if it’s not as exciting as last year.”

    “Sorry I don’t want to spend the next morning puking my guts out again,” Nesta answered as they made their way to the kitchen, rolling her eyes. Feyre’s boyfriend at the time had been surprisingly willing to come take care of her, so she’d been spared most of the aftermath.

    “As the person holding your hair back, I’m a big fan of your decision,” Elain agreed with a little laugh. “No offense, Nesta.”

    “None taken,” Nesta responded, snorting. She helped Feyre and Elain unload their goodies and the three of them took a few minutes to properly arrange everything on the counter. “Okay, that’s fine for now. Come say hi to everyone else.”

    Keep reading on AO3 here!

    tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @fieldofdaisiies | @goddess-aelin | @c-e-d-dreamer | @talkfantasytome | @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk | @sv0430 | @talibunny30 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @champanheandluxxury | @lilah-asteria | @burningsnowleopard | @sayosdreams | @readskk | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @bellaful08 | @readergalaxy | @podemechamardek | @pearlfortears | @nerdperson524 | @jmoonjones | @kale-theteaqueen | @autumnbabylon | @hiimheresworld | @illyrianshadowhunter | @dustjacketmusings | @live-the-fangirl-life | @that-little-red-head | @sweet-pea1 | @brieq | @queercontrarian | @jsmelodies | @afflicted-with-wanderlust

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    Want to write the reverse of your wlw nessian drabble where cas doesn’t realize she’s gay yet but nesta thinks cas stares at her boobs a little too much to be straight

  • hell yeah I do. hope y’all enjoy this one and happy @nestaarcheronweek day 4 🩷 got the title from tangerine by kehlani hehe

    Read on AO3 here!

    “Are you going to keep staring down my shirt, or can we get this presentation done?”

    Cass startled so badly at Nesta’s words that she nearly knocked over her water, only barely managing to catch the reusable bottle at the last second. “What?”

    Cass and Nesta had been paired up as partners for their advanced writing requirement course, and they’d been making steady progress on their presentation in one of the library’s group study rooms. Cass was an education major to Nesta’s political science, and Cass had never been so excited for a group project in her life.

    At least, until Nesta had shown up to the library wearing that shirt. It was just a simple, blue, wrap-tie shirt, but between the way it made Nesta’s eyes look even bluer than usual and the way it perfectly cupped her breasts, Cass was having a difficult time staying focused on the task at hand.

    “Sorry,” Cass said, hoping her face wasn’t as red as it felt from being called out. She’d thought she was being more discreet, but Nesta had clearly proved that theory wrong. “I was just, uh, zoned out.”

    “Were you zoned out the other three times, too?” Nesta fired back without missing a beat.

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  • Where The Light Won’t Find You Chapter 11


    happy day 1 of @nestaarcheronweek! this took MUCH longer than I anticipated to get an update, but here we are!! thank you so much to everyone who’s been leaving wonderful comments on this fic while I chewed on this chapter. I hope it’s worth the wait 💚


    When Nesta managed to pull herself away from Cassian’s touch, she did it with the knowledge that it was a fight she’d eventually lose. Everything in her was screaming for her to touch him, hold him, claim him, and while she knew it was only a matter of time before she gave in, she also knew it was far more important to tell Elain and Lucien what had just happened. 

    Besides, Cassian wasn’t going anywhere. And judging by the look in his eye, he’d be more than happy to let Nesta have her way with him  the way he deserved when the time came— the way they both deserved. 

    “Come,” Nesta told Cassian again. She reached backwards for his hand, not sure if she could bear it if they were separated right now, and he took it without hesitation. 

    Cassian’s hand was warm and solid in her own as Nesta led them through the halls, winding their way to the sitting room that had turned into their unofficial meeting room. She regrettably had to let go of him to send Elain and Lucien a message summoning them back upstairs, but it wasn’t as horrible as she’d feared. Cassian had started pacing the length of the room, and the sound of his steady footsteps and the way he found some way to touch her every time he walked past was more than enough to make up for the constant reassurance of his hand in hers. 

    Keep reading on AO3 here!

    tag list:@perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @fieldofdaisiies | @goddess-aelin | @c-e-d-dreamer | @talkfantasytome | @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk | @sv0430 | @talibunny30 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @champanheandluxxury | @lilah-asteria | @burningsnowleopard | @sayosdreams | @readskk | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @bellaful08 | @readergalaxy | @podemechamardek | @pearlfortears | @nerdperson524 | @jmoonjones | @kale-theteaqueen | @autumnbabylon | @hiimheresworld | @illyrianshadowhunter | @dustjacketmusings | @live-the-fangirl-life | @that-little-red-head | @sweet-pea1 | @brieq | @queercontrarian | @jsmelodies | @afflicted-with-wanderlust

  • happy WIP Tuesday* (since I am a silly goof who accidentally posted a day early lol).

    anyway, here’s a little something I’m working on for @nestaarcheronweek hehe

    “I do not consent to a search of my home,” Nesta snapped. She closed the door behind her and turned to follow the officer, very intent on getting his name and badge number so she could tear Metro PD a new one. “What the f— someone record this!”

    Most of her assembled friends and family looked confused, but Emerie and Feyre already had their phones in hand and were clearly recording. If Nesta had been paying more attention, she would’ve realized someone had brought out one of the dining chairs and put it in the middle of the room, but she was much more concerned with the Fourth Amendment violation playing out in her living room.

    “I will ask you one last time,” Nesta hissed at the officer. He looked far too smug for her liking, and she couldn’t wait to wipe that stupid look off his face when she found out who his commanding officer was. “What the hell is the problem here?”

    “There’s a problem here alright,” the officer — whose nameplate just said Cassian, which Nesta was realizing was not standard issue — told her with a suggestive waggle of his eyebrows. “You have the right to remain horny!”

    Oh, Nesta thought, everything abruptly clicking into place. Oh no.

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    Last anon again, for more of an angsty wlw Nessian maybe Nesta finding out that Mor is Cass's ex and getting insecure about it? Only if that vibes with you of course!

  • just something quick from when I was waiting for the eclipse to peak earlier 🌘🌘

    That’s your ex?” Nesta seethed the second Mor walked into the party, turning to look at Cass with as fierce of a glare as she could muster up. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

    “I didn’t know she would be here,” Cass replied with a grimace. “It’s not like I planned this!”

    Cass had invited Nesta as her plus one to Rhysand’s birthday party, and to everyone’s surprise, the ever-elusive Morrigan had been in town long enough to actually show up. Nesta had never met the other woman until just now, although she’d heard plenty about her over the almost eight months she and Cass had been officially dating.

    Perfect, golden Mor, with her sunny smiles and bubbly personality. She was the exact opposite of Nesta, and God, did Nesta fucking know it. She was actually personable, people seemed excited to see her, and she had to be one of the most gorgeous women Nesta had ever seen.

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  • happy wip Wednesday, here’s a wlw!Nessian drabble I’m working on 🤪

    “Are you going to keep staring down my shirt, or can we get this presentation done?”

    Cass startled so badly at Nesta’s words that she nearly knocked over her water, only barely managing to catch the reusable bottle at the last second. “What?”

    Cass and Nesta had been paired up as partners for their advanced writing requirement course, and they’d been making steady progress on their presentation in one of the library’s group study rooms. Cass was an education major to Nesta’s political science, and Cass had never been so excited for a group project in her life.

    At least, until Nesta had shown up to the library wearing that shirt.

    “Sorry,” Cass said, hoping her face wasn’t as red as it felt from being called out. She’d thought she was being more discreet, but Nesta had clearly proved that theory wrong. “I was just, uh, zoned out.”

    “Were you zoned out the other three times, too?” Nesta fired back without missing a beat.

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    A Nessian drabble idea: Cassian waking up from anesthesia forgetting who Nesta is and is immediately starts flirting with her because she's so beautiful.

  • omg YES. this is so them thank you for sending this in I’ve always wanted to write one of these. I’ve also never had my wisdom teeth removed so sorry for any inaccuracies there LOL

    Nesta had been hanging out in the waiting room for about an hour when someone finally called her name.

    “Nesta Archeron?” one of the nurses called. Nesta quickly gathered her jacket and purse and got up to follow her.

    “How’s he doing?” Nesta asked. Cassian had finally taken the plunge and gotten all four of his wisdom teeth removed in one go, and while Nesta knew this was a routine enough procedure, she was still a little antsy about her husband using anesthesia.

    “It went well,” the nurse replied, leading Nesta into what looked like the outpatient area. “He’s recovering now. The anesthesia should be wearing off in the next few minutes if it hasn’t already.”

    The nurse ran through a list of symptoms to watch out for and general tips to help Cassian’s healing process. Even though Nesta knew she’d be getting a thick packet with all these instructions, she still did her best to commit them to memory. This was her husband they were talking about; she wasn’t going to take any risks with him.

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  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    For the drabbles would you do Nesta and Cas on a picnic getting caught in the rain

  • UGH this one is so sweet like I knew exactly what I wanted to write the second you sent this. prepare for some sweet, adorable nessian

    “We’re almost there, I promise,” Cassian said as he gently led Nesta across the open expanse of grass, making sure to take his time so his girlfriend didn’t stumble on so much as a pebble before they arrived at their surprise picnic. “Ready?”

    “I’ve been ready for half an hour,” Nesta said back. Even with his hands over her eyes, he could tell when she was rolling them. “Can I look now?”

    “Okay, okay, fine,” he replied, moving his hands once they’d gotten to the little clearing. “Go ahead and look.”

    Nesta opened her eyes and blinked rapidly a few times to get used to the bright spring afternoon. Cassian was practically vibrating out of his skin waiting for her to react, and when she let out a surprised little gasp, he knew he’d done a good job.

    Cassian,” Nesta said, a happy little smile already forming as she took in the picnic before her. Cassian hadn’t told her anything about where they were going today, and although it had been a little stressful trying to set this up without her knowing, it had been more than worth it. “You didn’t have to do all this for me.”

    Keep reading

  • image

    Cassian. General of the Night Court. Lord of Bloodshed. Enalius Reincarnated. Prince of Bastards.


    Cannot thank @azperja enough for bringing this beautiful Cassian character sheet to life! Just perfectly captured everything that is the man, the myth, the legend and created this absolutely gorgeous art 😍


    ✨Please do not repost. Do not feed into AI✨

  • omg I can’t believe I missed this post. look at my gorgeous gorgeous guy

  • Handprints and Good Grips


    happy last and final day of @sjmromanceweek, everyone! I couldn’t let this week go by without giving y’all some Nessian smut, so I hope this hits the spot 🤭 this one is a continuation of Take All of Me from SJM Romance Week 2023, but all you need to know about that one is Nessian didn’t make it out the house for their reservations.

    I had such a blast putting this week together and seeing everyone’s amazing contributions. I hope you enjoy today’s fic and see you all very very soon for @nestaarcheronweek in April!!

    Summary: Cassian and Nesta are absolutely, one hundred percent going to make it to their fancy dinner reservations this year.

    At least… that was the intention. Again.

    Word Count: 3k

    Warnings: smut lies ahead!

    Read on AO3 here!


    As Cassian fussed with his tie in front of the bedroom mirror, he couldn’t help but grin at his own reflection. He knew he looked good in his crisp, white button-up shirt and well-fitted black slacks, but his favorite accessory had to be the gold wedding band settled perfectly on his left hand.

    Two years in, and he didn’t think he’d ever get tired of looking at it. 

    They were supposed to celebrate their second wedding anniversary tonight, and for once they were actually moving according to schedule. Nesta was in the bathroom doing her hair and makeup while Cassian had been relegated to the bedroom, and they had about twenty minutes left before they needed to leave.

    After they hadn’t even made it out the house last year, Nesta was even more hell-bent on making it to their reservation this time. If she could have it her way, she would’ve gotten ready elsewhere and just met Cassain at the restaurant just to cut down on the risk of what happened last year happening again. 

    It made absolutely no sense to do that, though, so Cassian was treated to the sight of watching his wife get ready for a night out. Nesta was always stunning to him, but there was just something about watching her get all dolled up just for him that rubbed him exactly the right way.

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    &. lilac theme by seyche