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elucien request for Lucien teaching Elain basic self defense nothing sexual just peak ✨tension✨

  • okay besties, buckle up. let’s say this is a modern au where Lucien works at the gym and Elain pays for some one on one attention hehe

    Elain had no idea her personal trainer would be so hot when she’d booked an hour of one-on-one time with him. She’d just wanted to learn how to throw a punch without stumbling over her own feet, but as she looked at him, she realized she was going to be stumbling over her feet for a completely different reason.

    Lucien was hot. Absolutely delicious. Maybe not her usual type, but she wanted to lick him everywhere. He had beautiful shoulder-length red hair she wanted to run her fingers through, golden-brown skin she wanted to see more of, a scar running through his left eye that made him even more badass-looking, and his voice. Holy shit, would she be thinking about that voice later. He had a little bit of an accent that she couldn’t place - definitely European, but she wasn’t quite sure where…

    “Elain? You there?” Lucien asked, waving his hand in front of her face. He was much taller than her and she had to crane her neck to look up at him. Not that she minded; if anything she really liked how much bigger he was than her.

    “Yeah, sorry,” she said sheepishly. She looked away for a moment to collect herself. “Just got distracted.”

    He gave her a knowing smile and continued showing her how to plant her feet. She tried her best to pay attention, especially because she was paying for this, but it was so hard to focus on his words when his body was so close to hers. He radiated warmth and she wanted to use him like her own personal heater.

    Jesus Christ, she needed to pull herself together. This is what she got for letting Nesta convince her to read some of those smutty books.

    Elain fought hard to pay attention for the rest of the session, even when Lucien lightly touched her to make corrections. He always asked permission and kept the touches short and professional, and by the time the hour was up, she knew she had to get out of there before she risked saying something completely inappropriate.

    He’s just doing his job, Elain, she chastised herself. He didn’t come to work asking to be sexualized. Get a fucking grip.

    “Great work today, Elain,” he complimented her on their way to the front door. “Will I see you again next week?”

    Was she crazy, or was he looking at her differently than he had been earlier? He was definitely smirking at her like he knew what kinds of thoughts had been rattling around her brain for the past hour. Like he knew she wanted to jump his bones until neither of them could walk.

    “Y-yes,” Elain stuttered. “Um. Yes. I’ll be back next week.”

    “I look forward to it,” Lucien said with a wink.

  • 2 years ago on August 17, 2021 at 11:17 am

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    4. imagine-me reblogged this from moodymelanist and added:
      I can relate to Elain because I, too would have the same reaction
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    9. moodymelanist reblogged this from helion-ism and added:
      LUCIEN IS SO HOT. Poor Elain never stood a chance really
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    &. lilac theme by seyche