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Gwynriel trolling Nessian in some way (pretending there's nothing going on between them, making lewd noises then acting normal when Nessian walks in the room, etc) Let your creativity run wild!

P.S. Love you babe! 💜💜💜

  • heheh I’m gonna have fun with this. thank you for the prompt babe, love you!! 💕💕

    context: Nessian is staying at Azriel and Rhys’ home, they’ve been ~loud~ and Gwynriel exacts revenge. modern au.

    When Azriel agreed to let Nesta and Cassian stay with him and Rhys, he hadn’t quite anticipated just how loud they would be.

    He didn’t mean loud in the normal sense - he didn’t mind Cassian stomping up and down the stairs, or the booming sound of his brother’s laugh. He definitely didn’t mind Nesta finding increasingly random reading spots in the house, since she read silently other than the occasional gasp or chuckle.

    No, Azriel’s problem came between the hours of one and three in the morning.

    The first night hadn’t been so bad, since they’d at least tried to be quiet. His room was across the hall from the guest room Nesta and Cassian were staying in, and he could hear the occasional bump or hushed giggle. He’d just sighed, pressed a pillow around his ears, and managed to drown them out enough to go to sleep.

    The second night had been much worse. Since neither Azriel nor Rhys had complained about the noise, Nesta and Cassian must have figured they either didn’t care about the noise or were being quiet enough. So when Azriel eventually got tired enough to go bed, it was just his luck that he closed his eyes at the precise moment a headboard slammed against the wall.

    His eyes snapped open as he prayed that it was a fluke, but he got his answer when he heard the same sound again. And again. And again. And again. He prayed again that hopefully they’d finish quickly, but of course they couldn’t do that, and he didn’t get to go to bed until almost two hours later.

    The next morning Azriel was silently seething as he showered and got ready for the day. It was a Saturday, so he didn’t have to go to work, but he still liked to be presentable. As he pulled a sweater over his head, he debated what he was going to say to Cassian - not Nesta, he didn’t want to be murdered - when an idea popped into his head. An idea involving revenge and a certain redhead who he was sure would love to be involved.

    Rhys was already out running errands, so Azriel didn’t have to worry about pissing off his other brother as he texted Gwyn and asked her to come over. She appeared within half an hour and as he explained his plan to her, a devious smile began spreading across her lovely face.

    “So you want me to help you get your revenge on Nesta and Cassian?” she asked. He nodded and she clapped her hands together rather gleefully. “I am so in.”

    “I thought you’d need more convincing,” he replied, leading the way upstairs to his bedroom. Cassian and Nesta’s door was still closed as they passed it, which was exactly what they needed for this plan to work.

    Gwyn just laughed at him while closing the door behind her. “Are you kidding me? I lived with Nesta for a year back in college. My earplugs were very well-loved.”

    “Some things really never change,” Azriel muttered. He made sure they both took their shoes off before they got onto his bed and he did an experimental hop, satisfied with the sound it made.

    She gave him a mischievous smile and did her own test bounce. She was lighter than him so the effect wasn’t as big, but it would do. Besides, he could move the bed plenty on his own - he just needed her to yell at the top of her lungs.

    “Ready?” Azriel whispered. Gwyn nodded and he counted down before aggressively jumping up and down on his bed. She started making the most obscene noises, from loud moans to curses to even his name, while he focused on making the headboard slam against the wall.

    Within a few minutes Cassian was banging on his door. Azriel grinned at Gwyn, both of them out of breath and holding back laughter, before walking over to answer it.

    “Can I help you?” Azriel asked. Cassian had clearly just woken up and hadn’t even put a shirt on before coming over, and had hickeys in so many places that Azriel didn’t even want to think about how long it had taken Nesta to put them there.

    “Yeah,” Cassian replied. “Stop being so loud.”

    “Only if you do,” Azriel retorted. “You two are like rabbits, and while I’m happy for you, I need you to be quieter rabbits.”

    His brother huffed a laugh in a way that had Nesta written all over it, but he agreed. He gave Azriel a lazy salute and walked back to his own bedroom.

    When Azriel turned back around, Gwyn was swinging her legs while sitting on his bed. She looked up and gave him a high five once he got close enough and her smaller hands were much smoother than his own.

    “Mission accomplished?” she asked.

    “Mission accomplished,” he confirmed.

  • 2 years ago on August 16, 2021 at 12:27 pm

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      Gwynriel trolling Nessian in some way (pretending there's nothing going on between them, making lewd noises then acting...
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