Powering the world’s most data-driven companies

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Instant Data Visualizations & Detailed Insights

All-in-one text analysis and data visualization studio. Gain instant insights when you run an analysis on your data.

  • Dig deeper into your data with greater granularity.

  • Create custom charts and visualizations in a blazing fast experience.

  • Combine and filter by multiple data inputs, including dates and custom fields.

Pre-built & Custom Machine Learning Models

Use ready-made machine learning models, or build and train your own – code free.

  • Choose from a range of pre-trained classifiers and extractors for a quick start.

  • Easily build topic classifiers, sentiment analysis, entity extractors, and more.

  • Import your dataset, define custom tags, and train your models in a simple UI.

Simplify Text Analytics with Business Templates

Discover our templates, tailored for different business scenarios and equipped with pre-made text analysis models and dashboards.

  • Simply, upload data. Run the analysis. Get actionable insights instantly visualized.

  • Choose a template that best matches your data type and the problem you’d like to solve.

  • Easily connect to your apps and BI tools using native integrations, SQL connection or API.

Megan Merrick

Associate Director, Innovation and Brand Experience @ Freshly

“Being able to look at feedback in one central location has been huge for us, [...] MonkeyLearn essentially allowed me to analyze data without bothering our data team.”

Corey Nunn

Operations Analyst & Client Services @ MoxiWorks

“MonkeyLearn has streamlined our ticket routing processes, as well as given us newfound control over creating custom ticket responses to high-impact issues.”

Danny Cole

Director of Web Services @ Golden Proportions

“I was alarmed to see some of the assumptions I made were wrong. MonkeyLearn’s dashboard helped me understand what was happening at a more granular level.”

Savannah Krenzel

Software Engineer @ Garmentory

“With all MonkeyLearn changes, they [site moderators] have already cut down a third of their time… It was such a quick turnaround it was refreshing.”

MonkeyLearn Inc. All rights reserved 2024