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Idk why but I just had to think about teenage Milo and how stressed out he must have been because all his friends were fashion disasters and he couldn't be seen with them anywhere so he always had to either go visit them before they went out to help them plan their outfits or he had to put together something like a pinterest moodboard and send that to them to get the idea of "this is the style for tonight - do not look like a fucking slob I swear to god" across because yes, this is just a casual trip to McDonald's but David if you could stop wearing this one hoodie everywhere that would be great and Asher please, your mcr t-shirt hasn't seen the washing machine in like a month and Darlin' no, you can't just wear your pajamas what the fuck is wrong with you?

sneak peeks for shaw pack scaredy cats, a fic about the shaw pack as teenagers where the focus is (supposed to be) milo and tank torturing themselves and each other with horror movies :) takes place around 2009 when they’re about 16/in 11th grade

Milo and Tank are hardly three feet out the door when Asher barrels out after them, squeezing his way between two freshmen and nearly taking one of them out with his backpack as he goes. He offers them an embarrassed apology, brightening up when he whirls back around to his pack members.

“I’m glad I caught you guys. Guess what?”

“What?” they ask in unison. Tank sounds far less interested than Milo, not that it’s a high bar - it’s surprising that they even answered Asher at all.

“I talked David into going to see Saw VI with me next weekend.”

What?” Just Milo this time, incredulous. “That gore-fest? How the hell’d you manage that?”

“Hey, the Saw franchise is more than blood and guts! It’s psychological horror, and the plot is, you know, it’s intricate-”

Tank, who’s turned a little green at this point, says bluntly, “It’s gross.”

And Asher can’t really argue with that. Especially considering the gore is mostly why he watches them, contrasting David’s preference for plot-driven movies.

“So, I can assume you don’t wanna go with us to see it?”

“No way,” Tank says firmly, nose scrunching up in disgust, at the same time Milo scoffs, “In your dreams!”

Asher lets out a rather pitiful whine, his shoulders dropping and head lolling to the side. “Come on, you guys never wanna go to the movies. You’re so boring.”

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Davey’s Pasta Recipe

For those of you who weren’t on the official Redacted Records Discord server in the beginning™, the recipe Davey teaches Angel is real. Erik posted it to the recipes channel (which has long since been archived and is no longer available). I’ve had it saved all these years and impart this knowledge unto you now.


angel being over michael but still kind of hurt by the breakup with michael when they meet david at that fast food place. angel coping with being Too Much by using sex, flirting hard with david and by the end of the conversation it works. davidangel hookups for a couple weeks until valentine’s day when they show up at his door looking adorably wet from the rain and david feeling a weird light in his core he’s never felt before seeing them in his clothes. but he pushes the feeling down. until one date night in march where the night ends with sex that is slow, soft, unbearably sweet (he refuses to call it love making) and when it’s over and he has to leave the next morning david freaks out a bit. isn’t sure what to do. can’t talk to asher about it because things are still tense with him after the passing of his dad/promoting asher to beta and he has a reputation to keep, doesn’t have his dad around to talk about it with. won’t call or text angel back for a couple days despite them kind of blowing up his phone because THEY have also caught feelings now and want to talk about it meanwhile he’s trying to figure out what to do because they’re a HUMAN he didn’t expect to catch FEELINGS for them. and they don’t even fully know him!!! what if they do and they run away? what’s he going to do with that? they’re the only person currently bringing any kind of light into his life and he needs to keep them like a lifeline but if they know about him they might run. but he also can’t just ghost them, he cares about them too much even if he doesn’t have the words to express that right now. so he knows he has to keep this secret for awhile longer, he can’t tell them without department approval anyway and there’s no way they’ll give it to him this soon into a relationship but this line of thinking is enough to spur him into action. so that same day he knocks on angel’s door and asks them to be exclusive. and he hopes by the time he’s ready to tell them about being a shifter that he’s enough for them to want to stay.

angel is hurt at first because he’s been ignoring them. they’d spent the last few days worried that he wasn’t picking up, calling asher and asking him if everything was okay and asher saying just to give david space for a couple days and he’d come around. and he was right of course. but it still stung because angel was starting to realize they were having feelings for david, like real actual feelings, so if he was pulling away or if all he was looking for was sex then that would be. inconvenient to say the least. but instead he surprises them by explaining that things are moving a little too fast but he wants to be exclusive with them and they admit to wanting the same and agree on slowing down. that lasts for maybe a month? until they’re more comfortable with each other and their feelings and then they confess their feelings and it’s back to being the usual horny davidangel as we know them. and the next day after they say i love you david goes to the department to start the process of telling angel about being a shifter

shower thoughts: i think another thing people don't understand in the david "jealousy" audio is that angel is the only person at that point in the story who currently knows the extent of the burden he's carrying and loves him anyway. of course asher and milo love him, i'm not trying to say they don't, but they don't know him fully yet as alpha david. they know him as their friend david, and both asher and milo have talked about how their relationship is different to him now, he's not the same as he was and he even says that he had to kind of turn off that part of him off in order to be the alpha. and he says that...to angel. asher says in his "plays around" audio that david has a lot on his shoulders and is trying to prove himself as alpha and that's why he acts like that because he thinks he has to and that he's a sweet guy underneath it all, and sure maybe that shouldn't extend to angel but he built those walls high and you can finally hear them completely topple by the breakdown audio. but to the main point here: up until that audio, angel is the only person david has that he feels like he can be open with at ALL to the extent that he is open. they're the only person that, as far as he's concerned, loves him through all his bullshit walls right now. like the idea that your partner is cheating on you period is upsetting, but if they're the ONLY person in your life currently that you're able to be honest with? that you know loves you despite everything and doesn't take your bullshit and actively fights back against it? asher says he's glad david found someone who's not scared of him and will knock him down a peg when he needs it, and up until the boys begin making their way towards being friends again, he absolutely needs it. because everyone else IS kind of scared of him, or they're doubting his capabilities, or they couldn't get past his walls after his dad died.

god i feel so bad for asher during this time too though. imagine seeing your best friend, someone you've had fond memories of your entire life, go through something so tragic and then close themselves off completely from you because they feel the weight of the legacy and expectation they have to carry and at such a young age. nobody is ever really ready to lose their dad, but david had already lost his mom from a young age and his dad was his PersonTM before angel. and that person dies and asher can't do anything but quietly support him because no matter what he does david won't let him IN. like it's so fucking depressing man. he has so much love for asher and he doesn't even feel like he can express it and he can't talk to him like he used to....

and when it came to angel at that point, i don't know that he even WOULD HAVE gone to asher if he could. he definitely wouldn't have gone to milo yet given they weren't nearly as close as asher and david were. so he rlly had no friends he was just sitting there, alone for two nights thinking his mate was cheating on him and he didn't even have his boys as a sound board to be like nah man you're overreacting! they love you! it's probably nothing!