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Talk:Movement Charter

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July 30 launch party

Hi all,

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee held a conversation online on July 30 to commemorate the release of two key draft chapters of the Wikimedia Movement Charter, Global Council and Hubs, to workshop some important questions, and to openly receive feedback. Around 30 Wikimedians were present on the call with more watching the livestream on YouTube.

The participants shared their thoughts about proposed limits to the Council membership, the Council’s future role in funds dissemination, and the minimum requirements for Wikimedia movement Affiliates to be involved in launching and operating a Hub. You can watch the entire session in this YouTube stream recording.

Please find the specific topic summaries for the Global Council and Hubs drafts in the respective talk pages (Global Council, Hubs).

Best, RamzyM (WMF) (talk) 22:37, 3 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Thanks. M. Hossaiin (talk) 18:04, 18 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Summary from 2 August call

On August 2, more than 40 community members, including affiliate staff, from Latin America and the Caribbean reunited in the "Coordination and exchange of information meeting for LAC" to learn more about Hubs and Global Council, the new Movement Charter draft chapters, and discuss other priority topics for the region. During this meeting we shared regional updates about different topics, had presentations including research on a regional Hub concept conducted by Wikimedistas de Uruguay, and regionally-connected members of the MCDC presented their new drafts of the global council and hubs. There were moments to make questions around and what kind of feedback is request from the movement, about the size and composition of the MCDC and different models of Hubs across the movement. You can refer to the session notes in the Etherpad or watch the recording of the call on Commons. GBordoy (WMF) (talk) 15:57, 4 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

The MCDC’s participation in the regular call of Wikimedia affiliate Executive Directors – August 2

MCDC members joined the call of affiliate EDs on August 2 for a 20-minute conversation about the new drafts of the Movement Charter, namely Global Council and Hubs. Instead of a presentation of the topics, which many of the affiliates present had already received on other calls, this meeting was focused on starting a conversation with a key movement stakeholder, the affiliates.

The EDs group inquired about the best ways to interact with the drafts (a joint letter as EDs, individual answers, as affiliates, etc). MCDC members reaffirmed that it is less about the structure and more about the content. EDs were invited to share their own feedback when they can and if there is time, capacity, and resources, to invite their community members to participate or to have wider group and community discussions to gather feedback. MCDC members also invited feedback from under-resourced communities, encouraging them to consider if the draft concepts would facilitate their growth, among other aspects.

MCDC emphasized the value of the EDs’ input given their individual experience and knowledge, as well as highlighted the importance of receiving further community input. It was clarified the end-of-August deadline is not the final cycle and that conversations will continue at thematic/regional events after Wikimania. It was agreed that content-specific conversations with the EDs group will take place in October. MCDC members were grateful for the EDs’ group for their warm welcome and collaboration. --AAkhmedova (WMF) (talk) 12:14, 7 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Summary of a discussion of the German-speaking community in the Kurier.

On July 29, 2023, following the publication of an article on the draft on the Global Council and Hubs presented by the MCDC, a discussion on these drafts started on the talkpage of the Kurier (the Kurier is similar to the Signpost of the English Wikipedia and a central forum of the German-speaking community). In the following two weeks, 21 people participated in the discussion and posted 110 comments. For the full course of the discussion, see here: de:Wikipedia_Diskussion:Kurier/Archiv/2023/07#Movement_Charter_-_MCDC_legt_neue_Kapitel_vor

This is a summary, provided in good faith to share the results with the MCDC. Disclaimer: the summary is not a representative collaborative text. If you participated in the discussion, please feel free to edit, add to or clarify this post.

On Hubs

A small number of comments addressed the draft on Hubs; they were generally favorable. The language of the draft was apparently not well understood and needed further explanation. People criticized that hubs could only be established by two affiliates. This was seen as an obstacle and a disadvantage especially for those communities that already suffer from a lack of infrastructure. If this won’t be changed, it is to be hoped that existing affiliates will recognize the need to establish such an organization.

On the Global Council

There were many comments on the draft on the Global Council. All were characterized by disappointment, outrage, or resignation. Many community members felt their assumption confirmed that the Wikimedia Foundation was unwilling to share powers. The "equity in decision-making" promised by the MCDC and the Movement Strategy, allowing a stronger representation of all groups in the Movement, was regarded by many voices as an obviously vain hope.

In particular, a kind of parliament or general assembly was missed, as well as powers beyond those already exercised by various volunteer bodies. There was a clear desire for the Global Council to be more than just an advisory body.

On communication

A few comments related to information policy. Community members expressed their anger or disappointment that, given the importance of the Movement Charter, no emphasis was placed on distributing information globally. The German-speaking community has therefore begun to remedy the lack of information for Europe on its own initiative and will soon be holding a German-language Zoom call on the topic of the Global Council.

Best regards, Denis Barthel (talk) 02:59, 20 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Many thanks for this useful summary, Denis! RamzyM (WMF) (talk) 02:44, 22 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sharing information is sharing power - For a Wikidatafication of our structures and processes

The Wikimedia movement is based on sharing free knowledge. But when it comes to share power, what we need first is a reliable information tool, because sharing information is sharing power.

Natural text is nice for presenting, explaining and discussing, but when it comes to give opinions, make decisions, vote, we need more facts, more figures, more statistics more factual arguments to do an informed choice.

In order to get a clear picture of the Movement Charter's new structuration propositions, to have the same level of information, understand the interactions, make informed decisions, allow changes in the future, I suggest we create a reference point with a set of Wikidata elements describing our operators and how they interact in the structures and processes of our movement. We could then use them for describing structures, projects, and monitor them more precisely.

Having a Wikidata set of what we do and how we organize ourselves in the Movement is very different from a Glossary. It's not a list, it's a tool.

Such a compass could serve as a point of reference for both the new Global Council, the Community and the Foundation.

This would help us to be more reactive and precise, especially in those time where AI is changing the game and we have no idea how 2030 will look.

So it should be a key to successful implementation of our 2030 strategy in a fast changing world.

Writing the Wikidata elements of all our operators, the processes and structures which use them and creating the grammar of their interactions could also be a common task supported by the whole community. Using the same factual infos should also help us to get more well-argued comments and more concrete propositions in the discussions.

This is typically one of these "alternative proposals that can mitigate, if not eliminate, major disputes between community and WMF regarding global site policies in the future."

In fact we realize nearly all our actions with five operators : ACCESS, CONTENT, RESOURCES, TECHNOLOGY, CONTROL.

ACCESS : Who is eligible to undertake which tasks ? Conditions of access (with Control), unequity in access due to gender gap, knowledge gap, underrepresented groups, regions, languages...), access for paid editors, external entities, AI...

CONTENT : edition (based on human, knowledge, (machine ?) resources), indexation (wikidata), publishing on line (made under Control)...

RESOURCES : includes 4 types of resources : financial resources (from fundraising to fund dissemination), human resources (volunteers, paid staff), environmental resources (carbon footprint servers, travels...), knowledge resources (books, magazines, educational material, etc..) and machine resources (bots, AI...).

TECHNOLOGY : the means which allow us to work together and makes our projects living on line.

CONTROL : the whole chain of control of access and content of our platforms and movement, from the patrollers, the admins, bureaucrats etc... to the legal team. Includes also the financial and technological control.

As a piloting tool, this set of Wikidata elements about our movement would ease the analyze of our structures and projects. What are we doing exactly ? With which means ? What should we change or replace and why ? When ?

For example, creating a tool for easing the addition of a citation in an article for new editors is Access + Technolgy + Financial resources to make Content edition easier.

Another example  : We speak about Hubs and Sister projects in the MCDC discussion. With Wikidata elements we could precise what these Hubs or Sister projects are exactly doing. Is it about Content, Access ? Both ? etc...

We could understand the way our processes are build, in hierarchical or in a transverse way, the interactions of our different operators and how these interactions may evolve in the time or the progress of a project or a structure.

The description of these elements and interactions in a database will make it possible to observe, analyze, decide, act, verify, etc... our processes and structures with more precision. It will allow us to monitor structures and projects in real time and modify them accurately and faster.

This is the basis on which we could move forward and ameliorate our common understanding of a lot of complex processes and projects we need first to describe correctly and in a synthetic way.

Wikidata makes it possible. Waltercolor (talk) 10:53, 29 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Response to central notice banner call for feedback

Dear @Mehrdad, I waited until near the end of the call for feedback through central notice banner on the one-page draft of the movement charter to give my feedback, and answer the questions in the draft. I hope the charter will not be set in stone, but be amendable. The draft doesn't include a chapter on how the charter can be amended yet.

In the draft is a single question about hubs. My suggestion is to replace the chapter on hubs with a single sentence, with something like "Two or more affiliates can create a hub as a mutual support structure." Regarding the question "Should there be a limit to how many hubs an affiliate can join? (Please elaborate on your answer.)" my answer is "would any of the mcdc pose a limit on the number of friends I can have?"

The second question in the one-page draft is about the role of the Global Council in fund dissemination. Just about ten lines above the question it has been written in the draft "The Global Council will not raise funds in any way." Without funds, the Global Council will have nothing to disseminate or distribute. This model will not work. What could work - and was envisaged years ago in the strategy recommendations, was to have equity in decision making and be inclusive of the large number of underrepresented groups in the movement in decision making. This calls for both a rather large Global Council and with decision making power, and not only advisory functions. It would call for allowing affiliates and projects to raise funds locally using banners on the projects (with geo-ip targeting) - and a Global Council as a federation of affiliates and projects to redistribute proceeds of those fund raisers by the affiliates and projects. (It requires some creativity to make it legally happen in a way the WMF retains its non-profit status in the U.S.). I expect the large Global Council to elect among themselves an Executive Committee, and that the Global Council will have their own paid staff.

The third question is regarding structure. As already noted above - from the onset the Global Council was thought to be a large body with an Executive Committee. Naturally the Executive Committee will be elected by the Global Council. To be able to effectively manage resources (and limit liability of volunteer committee members) it should be incorporated as a not-for-profit legal entity, and naturally a membership organization. Not only (all) affiliates should be member, but membership should also be open for individuals. The Global Council could equal a General Assembly of members. Please be aware that this is not new. Since 2008 there have been every year conferences of affiliates in Berlin (with the exception of 2021 due to Covid when there wasn't one, and 2013 when the conference was in Milan). Those gatherings have nowadays an invitation only character, and are only for representatives from affiliates. The theme of the conference have most times been strategy for the movement, or direction setting for the global movement. However with no formal status or mandate. The movement charter can and should formalize an annual gathering of the Global Council / General Assembly, with a status and mandate for decision making. The remark by one of the MCDC members on another talk pages that a General Assembly would be to costly is out of sync with reality. There have been such gatherings since 2008, so changing the status of the conference to a Global Council meeting as regulated by a movement charter would not by itself incur more cost.

The fourth question is about membership, especially limits to the membership. In my view the Global Council will be a memberhsip organization, allowing both individuals (natural persons) as affiliates (with or without legal entity) to become member. The limits being for individuals to be a contributor to one of the projects, and for organizations to be a recognized affiliate. The General Assembly should be accesible to all members. In case this becomes to impractical in the future, an elected large body could stand in. Attendance to the conference in Berlin was about 200 people. So I imagine a Global Council of 200 people. This is much larger than in the draft text, which talks about 9-13 members of 17-21 members. Those numbers are in my view more applicable to an Executive Committee, not for the Global Council itself. I can imagine a gathering of one representative per country like the IFRC. Discussion about cap numbers are details in comparison with the huge disparity between the current draft of the movement charter on Global Council and how I - and many others - think about a Global Council.

Regards, Ad Huikeshoven (talk) 09:05, 30 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

I will respond to the first question in particular, Ad. Nobody would suggest that there should be a limit built into the Wikimedia movement charter on how many friends you may have. However, at the same time, why would the movement fund your friend group? Hubs are intended to be an awful lot more than a bunch of friends. Part of the motivation behind the diversity and equity sections of the strategy are to reduce the perception (as well as the reality) that it takes having the "right" friends in order to get funding and support within the movement. Risker (talk) 19:47, 12 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Dear @Ad Huikeshoven, thanks for leaving this note here. The charter is very much amendable as a draft, thanks for your feedback. We hope to share a summary report of the feedback received so far by the end of the month. I just want to mention that there was no thought about the size of the Global Council at the onset and there still isn't. There are arguments for different sizes and different roles, as well as continuous worries about layers of bureaucracy being added here. Also adding a layer of complexity that the definition of affiliates and the affiliate model in general as well as their size and membership remain contentious and a large challenge in the movement though I like your pragmatic suggestion of how the Summit could be rather readily repurposed. Thank you for participating in the discussions. MPourzaki (WMF) (talk) 20:03, 18 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Response to the discussion on Movement Strategy Recommendations and the Charter

As I have led the movement strategy process from 2018 to 2020, and as I have been asked for my opinion, I believe it is my responsibility to provide context and emphasise the value and legitimacy of the recommendations.

Statements of Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) members, particularly during the first MCDC open call, have raised concerns. It appears that some individuals do not feel entirely bound by the Movement Strategy recommendations and that there does not seem to be unanimous agreement within the MCDC on this matter. This has been met with astonishment and disappointment, and criticised by participants. It is also seen as disrespectful of the substantial time, energy, and passion invested by hundreds of volunteers and staff during phase I and II of the 2030 Movement Strategy Process.

The strategy process was thoroughly designed to be inclusive, involving a broad and diverse range of movement stakeholders. The working groups of phase II, responsible for writing the recommendations, were carefully composed to ensure equitable representation of volunteers, staff, regions and people from emerging communities. They interviewed external experts, conducted research, modelled governance scenarios and deliberated through multiple versions before publishing the final product. Its participatory, open nature and multiple rounds of feedback gave the process its legitimacy.

The Playbook we developed after the process has been recognised by other NGOs and researchers (e.g. foreword in playbook, video interview) as an exemplary model of an inclusive and participatory approach to crafting a movement’s strategy.

The movement strategy process was of course not flawless, but it was groundbreaking. For the first time, it made the case for why and how Wikimedia can be a social movement, and clearly articulating the values and principles at its core.

The products emerging from phase II are a set of recommendations and a set of principles, both rooted in the strategic direction. They were intentionally called recommendations and not goals, assuring in this manner that the subsequent work remains iterative and participatory, consistent with the wiki spirit. As Kaarel said in the call, “evaluate, iterate and adapt” is not only a recommendation but also shapes the practices guiding all the work we do following the recommendations. Some of the recommendations include concrete initiatives, while others are more abstract.

Recommendation 4, “Ensure Equity in Decision-Making”, is the basis for creating a Global Council, hubs, the movement charter and of assembling a group of Wikimedians drafting it, today’s MCDC. While the Global Council aspect of Recommendation 4 left some aspects open, these must now be addressed in the charter. From my perspective, the MCDC can and should build upon what the recommendation outlines, rather than falling behind its intentions.

The charter's purpose is to establish a binding agreement among stakeholders, members, and communities, ensuring smoother, more representative, equitable, and participatory governance of the movement. It will serve as a written set of shared principles and guidelines for this 20-year-old movement. Many affiliates, including the Wikimedia Foundation, have aligned their strategies with movement strategy. Communities have used the strategy to advocate for greater representation, equity in decision making and knowledge equity, and for funding these endeavours. Both affiliates and the WMF have assumed responsibility (MSI grants, annual plan) for numerous initiatives aimed at implementing the recommendations. This collective effort demonstrates strong support and endorsement through action and resource allocation.

I hope we can concur that the recommendations provide the appropriate and legitimate foundation for drafting the charter. The principles and the strategic direction act as our guiding star, and the recommendations are the basis for crafting the charter. We still have a way to go to build the governance needed to become the movement that the world needs us to be. Let’s overcome negativity and resistance to change, remaining focussed on our core ambition and not losing sight of the guiding star. --Nicole Ebber (WMDE) (talk) 16:10, 12 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

I fully agree with Nicole Ebber's statement, as a person that has been actively involved in some stages of the Strategy Process. The Movement Charter drafting process is an outcome of this strategy, and the MCDC should feel bound by the recommendations. I would also encourage the MCDC to make the drafting process more inclusive and participatory. Tarkowski (talk) 07:20, 13 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Support Support We are part of a movement that takes as a base what we have learned and built prior to the current stage. It is clear to all of us who participate in the strategy process to a greater or lesser extent that the Charter and its process is a result of the Strategy. Taking its recommendations as a basis for its development is fundamental. ProtoplasmaKid (talk) 08:07, 13 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
The movement strategy is a dead letter that isn't subject to the same repeated on-wiki improvement as other processes and content. Until it becomes a live document that can be edited and improved on-wiki, its legitimacy will be limited. TomDotGov (talk) 12:25, 13 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks Nicole, that rings true to me. (As someone only involved in some stages, but appreciating the thorough transparency and iteration involved) Tom: Can you elaborate? It was commented on, edited, and improved here on meta as it was developed. No more static than any other page summarizing a snapshot of collaborative work. Similar to the Movement Charter page this is the talk page of [but with broader participation and more iterations, iirc]... –SJ talk  02:14, 15 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
The Movement Strategy Process did lose some legitimacy early on (at least on de.wikipedia), because it did not address power structures enough (cf. e. g. Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/Cycle 2/German Language Kurier discussion). And now such a lack of legitimacy is the (or at least a) stated reason not to work towards a solution for the very real and pressing problems in this area? And again the large Wikipedias and the Wikimedia Foundation and/or large affiliates are expected to continue fighting it out, like they have done regularly in the past? What an utter waste of effort. HHill (talk) 13:27, 15 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Update from Movement Charter Drafting Committee

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) derives its authority to draft a proposed Movement Charter from the election and selection process of September and October 2021. This process involved members of the contributing community, the affiliate community, and the Wikimedia Foundation. The MCDC began its work in November 2021.

The MCDC developed principles for its activities, which were published in January 2022. The MCDC has developed proposed drafts for multiple chapters of the charter, which have received comment and review. All of the drafts proposed have been developed using the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations as the guide. All of the draft charter proposals made to date are in agreement with those recommendations.

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee is now assessing and incorporating the received feedback from the recent community consultation: the committee is committed to respond to the summarised feedback as we have done in March with the previous consultation round. The Movement Charter Drafting Committee will continue to develop proposals for a Movement Charter based on the 2030 recommendations and expects to publish a first complete Charter draft in April 2024.

On behalf of the Movement Strategy Drafting Committee, Risker (talk) 20:06, 16 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

I posted the following message to Telegram and am pasting it here for posterity. [1]
The message above starts out with: "The Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) derives its authority to draft a proposed Movement Charter from the election and selection process of September and October 2021."
I must note that this is not complete. I'm not sure why it is declared by itself with no other context. The authority for the MCDC also derives from the fact that MS Recommendation 4 states:
"Establish a temporary committee, consisting of participants representative of the diversity of the global Movement, who will work openly, transparently, and in close collaboration with the broader movement and communities..."
This is important because we cannot forget that the MS Recommendations themselves are part of the "authority" that the community has defined over these many years of ideation, negotiation, and finalization. If a significant portion of the MCDC does not believe this to be the case, then we have reason to worry. - Fuzheado (talk) 17:06, 2 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Recap of the Movement Charter Open Call, October 5

As first published on Movement Strategy Telegram channel, October 6, 2023

Thank you all for a great level of engagement on the Movement Charter Open Call yesterday. We had many participants on call and there have already been 198 views on YouTube. For those who missed it, here is the link to the recording on YouTube. This call also sparked the ongoing discussion in this Telegram group, so I decided to give some context so it’s easier for everyone to follow the conversation. I hope this is helpful.

Content recap

The topic of the call was on the Global Council and diving deeper on preferences regarding its structure. Essentially we explored 3 different models in the breakout rooms to understand better what is the reasoning behind each. Namely, these were 1) No Global Council, 2) General Assembly, 3) Small Committee. The guiding question for the conversation was: “Why do you think the proposed model is the best for the Global Council?”

No Global Council model - In the discussion it was surfaced that there does not seem to be a full consensus regarding whether or not and how to set up the Global Council and we seem to be far from alignment across the movement. Also, there is an expectation that the Global Council would not change much regarding the representation of the smaller communities and affiliates, and larger ones already have a voice, making structural change redundant. You can find the notes from the discussion in the Jamboard and also rewatch the report back on YouTube.

General Assembly model - It was a large group discussion, where several areas of reasoning were highlighted. These included 1) diversity and representation aspect, giving opportunity for equity and inclusiveness and representing diverse voices, 2) legitimacy and transparency aspect, as for important decisions representation seems to be the key for legitimacy, 3) human and community capital aspect, essentially having more people power to fulfil its mission. Also it was noted that a General Assembly model would codify existing annual convening and the scope of the decision-making authority of the Global Council was discussed. You can find the notes from the discussion in the Jamboard and also rewatch the report back on YouTube

Small Committee model - The core reasoning behind the model seems to be its feasibility and effectiveness. It was suggested that a small committee can make decisions faster and would be the only model that creates a platform for meaningful actual discussion. It was suggested that it would make sense to start with an incremental change and setting up a small committee feels the most feasible option. Points were made about the small committee model being less taxing on volunteer time and also having lower administrative overhead. You can find the notes from the discussion in the Jamboard. Unfortunately, we did not get a report back on YouTube, as we ended up discussing important questions regarding the foundations of the Charter itself.

Thought provoking conversation

During the reporting back section of the call there was a point made about the discussion in the General Assembly breakout about the authority of the Global Council. There is a perception that in the Movement Strategy recommendation “Ensure Equity in the Decision-Making” there seems to be more authority projected to the Global Council than in the current draft of the Movement Charter. Question was raised regarding the position of the MCDC regarding the recommendations.

In the response, an MCDC member commented that the status of the recommendations is an agreement in principle, yet there has been no clear ratification or even endorsement of the recommendations by wider communities and affiliates. It was added that, as a result, the committee needs to be careful and attentive as not to push forward matters that have never been shown to have a global or movement support as givens.

This line of exchange brought about a strong reaction of astonishment among many of the call participants, as it felt that such a statement is shaking the foundations of the Movement Strategy process overall, and the Charter drafting in particular. More concerned voices mentioned a breach of trust and requested the MCDC to reaffirm its commitment to Movement Strategy.

As the discussion evolved, it was noted that in the Article 2 of MCDC principles there is a commitment to “consider the decisions and definitions made during previous discussions in the Movement Strategy process” and “When changing these is necessary, the MCDC will share this clearly, for transparency and awareness of the process.”

In my process support comment, I noted that while the Movement Strategy recommendations are indeed essentially recommendations, which means not all of them need to be fully implemented, we did have more than 100 talented and knowledgeable movement contributors from affiliates, project communities, and also Wikimedia Foundation committing a huge amount of time to analyse and discuss the situation and the future of the movement to come up with these recommendations. As a result, the recommendation should not be easily disregarded and it should be a go-to guidance for our alignment in action as we move towards 2030.

This particular conversation can be rewatched on YouTube here.

Next steps

With the Movement Charter process support team we are closely monitoring how the conversation evolves.

.➼ The Movement Charter Drafting Committee is already having an internal discussion regarding the next steps. I would expect resolution around that following their next virtual meeting on October 12 the latest. We will keep you updated. ➼ The content from the call is taken forward to the drafting activities of the committee, supporting and informing revisions around the Global Council draft. There might be follow-ups as we will try to specify some of the points made. ➼ Open discussion yesterday raised some fundamental questions and points regarding the process aspects of the Movement Charter development. I will follow up on these topics here and probably also on meta next week, once we are past immediate reactions on the open call and can constructively converse about the needed changes in how we approach this process.

I am grateful for your kind attention and have heartfelt appreciation for your passionate commitment to the future of our movement

--KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 05:01, 31 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Semi-protected edit request on 2 November 2023

I would like to sign up to join the zoom call. could I please do so? Please advise. tagging @ramzym Sm8900 (talk) 18:31, 2 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

request assistance from @RamzyM (WMF), @RamzyM, @Xeno (WMF), @Abbad (WMF). thanks. Sm8900 (talk) 18:32, 2 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi, unfortunately the call is ending -- you can stream it live on YouTube here, which will be the recording. Thanks for your interest. RamzyM (WMF) (talk) 18:52, 2 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
ok, sounds good. thanks. Sm8900 (talk) 20:00, 2 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Recap of the Movement Charter Open Call, November 2

Thank you all for great engagement as well as constructive atmosphere on the Movement Charter open community call last week! We managed to dig deeper into some discussion points and, hopefully, can continue to build on these conversations to 1) find points of shared understanding and agreements, 2) debate through the areas where we have opposing or contesting perspectives. I am providing a summary overview of the discussions for reference.

The call was designed to start building towards convergence or consent across different Global Council models that were discussed on the previous open call on October 5, namely 1) No Global Council, 2) General Assembly, and 3) Small Committee model. As part of the exercise we started mapping common denominators across different proposals:

Expectation of change to shift the current system.

Key topic areas for involvement: a) money, b) product, c) brand.

Purely community matters to be handled outside of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees

➼ Perceived consensus around two essential needs: 1) representation, participation, and legitimacy, 2) effectiveness and progress of work. Hypothetically, the first could be met by a larger body and the other with a smaller one.


Only a part of the call was dedicated to finding the common denominators, as there were points raised that merited deeper discussion. Here are some of the key considerations:

➼ The models are only skimming the surface of the discussions and the focus would need to be on the purpose / function of the Global Council and addressing the key questions and problems that have been left unanswered. Some of these questions include:

  • Should we be organized in a centralized way or a more distributed way? (e.g. en:The_Cathedral_and_the_Bazaar)
  • Should revenue generation be a shared duty or not?
  • Should brand, fundraising and infrastructure managed by a central organisation?
  • What is our Target Operating Model as a whole?

➼ There was a line of discussion around what powers currently held by the Wikimedia Foundation the organization would be willing / comfortable to move to a Global Council.

  • It was noted that legal and risk assessment needs to be done to potentially define this. There are some legal restrictions in how and where the Foundation is set up.
  • It was proposed that decentralization can be a form of spreading or minimizing the risk.
  • The bottom line, however, was that the focus should not be on disempowering the Wikimedia Foundation, rather creating a better system for the future movement.

➼ There was a lengthy discussion around finances in relation to the Global Council as well as more widely sustaining the movement growth in the current world situation.

  • Question was raised: "If and how much we can increase revenue by decentralizing fundraising?"
  • It was noted that a stronger base of donors can be built on more local / regional level than global level (with an example of Wikimedia Deutschland). It was argumented that a centralized model is more efficient (with an example of Wikimedia Foundation banner fundraising).
  • It was noted that there are available funds that the Wikimedia Foundation is not tapping into and even cannot tap into.
  • There was a suggestion to provide room for experimentation around fundraising to the new global governance body.
  • It was also noted that some of these resourcing discussions are really "Western centric" and are not relatable for a number of Wikimedia communities.

➼ Finally, there was a point made that we should focus first on what we want to do, before we start formulating what we cannot do.

Next steps

There were number of next steps suggested on the call:

➼ It was suggested that these conversations would need to be continuous to make progress.

➼ As a means, a survey / strawpoll method was suggested to gauge energy around different models.

➼ It was also recommended to use the format of structured debate on the different positions discussed, rather than continue with repetitive and inconclusive conversations.

Here is the link to the full Etherpad documentation

Here is the link to the meeting recording on YouTube

--KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 19:06, 8 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Summary of the Community Conversations on the Movement Charter in the Igbo Community Round 2

The MC Community conversation for the Igbo Wikimedians Community was held online on 12 and 13 October, 2023. This conversation was attended by over 20 members of the community and together we explored the 4 latest drafts of MC and the MS Initiative 4 Equity in Decision Making. The conversation generated variants opinions and reactions from members of the community concerning the Open Questions regarding Fund Dissemination, Open Questions regarding Structure, Open Questions regarding Membership and others. Their feedback was collated and documented on the designated Etherpad for Feedbacks from Community members and also published on diff post . Iwuala Lucy (talk) 10:55, 10 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Thank you, Iwuala Lucy -- it is well noted and received. Best, RamzyM (WMF) (talk) 15:16, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Movement charter conversation in Rwanda 2023

RebeccaRwanda (talk) 19:27, 13 December 2023 (UTC) The Movement Charter will be a document defining roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia movement, including laying out a new Global Council for Movement Governance. The Movement Charter is a Movement Strategy priority.Reply

here https://diff.wikimedia.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=111541&action=edit Wikimedia Rwanda , Kinyarwanda speaking community we conducted 3 in person event the first event happened at 14 October https://diff.wikimedia.org/?p=109442&preview=true&preview_id=109442 which was an introduction to MCDC ,Movement charter it self. awareness introduction followed by a homework to go and read the 4 meta documents and have discussions in the next event discuss on 29th October This event was characterised by group discussion and internment among community members while discussing the Global Cancel , Hubs Roles and responsibilities https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/12/08/mcdc-conversation-wikimedia-ug-rwanda/ The 9th Dec 2023 last event on Movement charter conversation it was deep and detailed since some of the community have red and understand the Documents and have been in the previous conversation the conversation was characterized by deep and wise, sensitive questions and Ideas find full conversation here https://diff.wikimedia.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=111541&action=edit

Social Media https://twitter.com/WikimediaRwanda/status/1733528606804935134?s=20

Facebook https://twitter.com/WikimediaRwanda/status/1733528606804935134?s=20

Thank you RebeccaRwanda (talk) 19:27, 13 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Statement from the meeting of Executive Directors, October 24-25 2023

Statement for the MCDC from the meeting of Executive Directors, October 24-25 2023

On October 24-25, the EDs of Wikimedia affiliates met in Utrecht, the Netherlands (and online). One of the topics of discussion was progress in Movement Strategy Implementation, with a specific focus on progress concerning Movement Charter and Global Council.

The following text summarises that discussion and reflects commonly shared concerns and opinions. The views and opinions expressed are those of the EDs present, many of whom have been actively involved in the Strategy process since it began, and not necessarily those of the affiliates they represent.

The Movement Strategy outlines Inclusivity & Participatory Decision-Making as a basic principle for Movement governance. The principle of Inclusivity & Participatory Decision-Making invites us "to address existing privileges and barriers of participation". It provides a prescription for the Movement's governance: "Intentional effort must be made to ensure all voices are included and have a clear role in decision-making processes that impact them and our Movement."

It is closely connected to the recommendation "Ensure Equity in Decision-Making" that is the basis for the Movement Charter and the Global Council.

In our opinion, the Movement Charter should mark a shift in decision making in the Wikimedia Movement from community consultation to community empowerment. The current Movement Charter draft, however, maintains the status quo in terms of power and responsibility, without a clear justification of why this would be the best solution.

We ask the Committee to share insights from their deliberation process, and document how decisions are reached (including options that were considered and discarded).

We ask the Movement Charter Drafting Committee to revisit and rewrite the Movement Charter text with the spirit, intent, and content of the principle of Inclusivity & Participatory Decision-Making in mind.

The recommendation "Ensure Equity in Decision-Making" states that "we will establish a Movement Charter to provide a sense of belonging, as well as clearly defining roles and responsibilities for current and future members of our Movement."

From our perspective the current Movement Charter drafts go into too much detail to effectively function as a general agreement between Movement stakeholders to establish common ground for the long term.

We ask the Movement Charter Drafting Committee to strip the Movement Charter text of detailed content and only focus on principles and essential structures. Detailed content should live in the texts of specific policies and agreements that can more easily be revised and amended over time.

Posted on behalf of the ED group. Sandra Rientjes (WMNL) (talk) 08:59, 17 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Dear Sandra Rientjes (WMNL) and the Executive Directors Group,
Thank you for sharing this thoughtful statement regarding the content and presentation of thought processes behind the development of the Movement Charter. As the supporting staff member to the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, I acknowledge the reception of this feedback and its transmission to the committee. It is considered in the development of next iteration of the Movement Charter draft. Thank you for taking your time for reflection and coming up with a collective statement as a group, which is helpful in consolidating the feedback. --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 14:09, 27 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

WIKIMOVE podcast Episode 14

FYI, the latest episode of the WIKIMOVE podcast has an extensive conversation about the Movement Charter, with Wikimedia Norge’s Executive Director, Elisabeth Carrera and myself. Here are the relevant links and sections in case folks are interested:

- Fuzheado (talk) 16:39, 20 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

thanks for this link! may I please suggest that these discussions should generally occur in video format? that's my own personal opinion. i find discussion in video format to be more helpful, and I find format in solely audio to be basically not helpful. thanks, @Fuzheado. Sm8900 (talk) 23:05, 21 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

2023 Movement Charter Conversations in Kashmiri Community

The Kashmiri Wikimedians User Group recently organized a series of Online Conversations from 17 Oct to 29 Nov to gather feedback from the community regarding the published drafts (Roles and Responsibilities, Hubs, Global Council, and Glossary). The Kashmiri community actively participated, contributing valuable thoughts and insights. The collective feedback from the Kashmiri Community is now published on this meta page. The implementation of the project is documented in this diff post. Thankyou. signed, 511KeV (talk) 03:56, 25 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Movement Charter Community Consultations 2023 / Pilipinas Panorama Community

Just a heads up that the Pilipinas Panorama Community Community Consultations page is up. Sharing in the experience, please visit our DIFF Blog. Re: Grants:Project/MSIG/Juan Bautista H. Alegre / Movement Charter Ambassadors Program (2)/Report. — the Movement Charter drafts in two (2) languages — found here. Buszmail (talk) 14:04, 6 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Movement Charter Conversations in Wikimedian communities in Indonesia

Movement Charter online conversations in Indonesia are being held with 6 Wikimedian Communities in Indonesia (Wikimedia Bandung, Wikimedia Banjar, Wikimedia Denpasar, Wikimedia Manokwari, Wikimedia Medan, and Wikimedia Yogyakarta). These conversation purpose to introduce about Movement Charter and to ensure that communities involved in process of decision-making, including providing feedback for new drafts of Movement Charter. Feedback have obtained during and after the conversations and have published on these meta pages:

The implementation of project has covered with in this diff post. Arcuscloud (talk) 02:00, 7 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Movement Charter Activities of Turkic Wikimedians

As Wikimedians of Turkic Languages User Group, we held various activities, including online and face-to-face workshops. We also carried out a section to translate Movement Strategy pages into local Turkic languages. As a result of all this, it has been observed that our community members are interested in Movement Charter Conversations.

Below you can find various links about the activities we do as a community:

Kurmanbek💬 15:46, 7 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Phase 2 Precise Feedback Report from Indic-Urdu and DCW Community

Please find the summarised feedback from the Indic-Urdu and DCW community here. Numis Zuhair (talk) 17:10, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Recap of the Movement Charter Open Call, December 7

I apologize for a bit of delay in pulling together the recap of the last open MCDC community call, yet I hope the following summary will be helpful in advancing the conversations in this new Gregorian calendar year.


➼ During the community conversation period from July to September 2023 the focus of the Global Council conversation moved to the form / structure discussion, i.e. defining the set up of the Global Council.

➼ As a result, the MCDC open community calls in October and November 2023 were designed to support progress of conversations in this area of the Global Council with a hope to come to a more clear alignment.

➼ During the monthly open MCDC calls in October and November, however, it was highlighted that there are some foundational questions unanswered, which need to be tackled first prior to defining the form / structure of the Global Council.

➼ This has lead to the core question of alignment regarding the purpose and function of the Global Council, which was, as a result, the focus of the December MCDC open community call.

Content of call

To level the conversations well and bring everyone up to speed regarding the Global Council purpose and function discussions to date a general framing was provided by the supporting team. This was followed by a simple practical exercise to make the conversation more tangible. The exercise was then followed by a discussion portion to dive deeper into areas of potential misalignment.

Contextual framing

➼ As the framing from previous calls had already provided the framing from the Movement Strategy recommendations, especially the text of recommendation #4 Ensure Equity in Decision-Making, the framing of December 7 open community call focused on the text of the current Movement Charter Global Council draft and its content:

➼ Three areas were highlighted during the presentation, essentially the definition, the purpose, and the function.

➼ The slide deck with the content presented is available on Wikimedia Commons.

➼ As the Global Council will most probably overlap or connect with the existing structure of the volunteer committees, an overview of it was provided.

Practical exercise

➼ In order to bring the abstract conversations to a more practical level, an exercise was conducted during the call where a number of previous Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees resolution areas were presented and call participants could vote whether they think these resolutions should be made in the future by the Global Council or the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees.

➼ The exercise followed the suggestion from one of the previous calls to conduct simple polls to inform the Charter drafting process.

➼ The supporting staff had analyzed the prior Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees decisions and categorized them in a spreadsheet.

➼ During the call, polls were prompted for the call participants and the results for each question area were documented in the Etherpad.

➼ Some statistics from the polls:

  • A total of 22 decision making areas were presented.
  • In response people had 3 options to choose from - decisions should be made in the future by 1) Global Council, 2) Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, 3) Other entities in the movement.
  • For 18 areas of responsibility the majority voted for them to move to the Global Council.
  • For 3 areas of responsibility the majority voted for them to stay with the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
  • For 1 area of responsibility there was no majority of preference.
  • The number of poll participants fluctuated from 20-27 and the voting numbers are documented for each area.

Conversation Summary

During the conversation portion of the call, the focus was brought to some of the responsibility areas where the responses to the polls were more split in hope to surface the reasons behind different perspectives.

➼ As the exercise focused on the previous Board of Trustees resolutions, it was highlighted that there was a notable lack of Product & Technology decisions in the mix.

  • This would need to be discussed in further detail to balance the expertise and expectation of participation.
  • An example of Vector 2022 decision-making was brought up as something that might be resolved with the Global Council / Technology Council in the future.

➼ There was a discussion regarding the Trademark and Branding area, as it was not clear what is the clearly defined difference between trademark management and overall branding. In order to make an informed decision, this distinction needs to be made more clear.

  • An example of the controversy around the Wikimedia 2030 movement brand project was provided to illustrate why people believe the future branding decisions should be with the Global Council.

➼ There were questions raised about the overall structure of the ecosystem:

  • Where should the overall strategic decisions about the ecosystem live, e.g. strategic decisions regarding the future of affiliates?
  • What is the foreseen connection between the Affiliation Committee and the Global Council?
  • How will the hubs fit in the landscape?

➼ Areas that were not discussed during the meeting, yet which would merit further elaboration based on the poll results are:

  • Expectations regarding the changes to the Privacy Policy and oversight of the Ombuds Commission, which seemed somewhat contradictory
  • Future responsibilities regarding global fundraising policy and the endowment
  • Decision-making regarding the human rights area, as this is not only a question of equity, yet also a safety matter.

Next Steps

➼ Conduct the straw poll that was used as a practical exercise during the open call asynchronously to gather more information regarding the expected responsibilities and functions of the Global Council.

➼ Open the space for asynchronous discussions regarding each of the topic areas leading up to the MCDC in-person drafting meeting end of January 2024.


Link to the slide deck in portable document format

Link to the YouTube recording

Link to the Etherpad documentation

Thank you for your very kind attention! I am available for any questions or specifications. --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 10:30, 4 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

request for MS Forums role

hi there. I would like to be given the online role of "Leader" at the Movement Strategy forms. can this please be discussed, and hopefully moved forward? no one is currently maintaining this site, or providing updates there. it is a signficant usage of resources. i would like to see it maintained.

tagging @Qgil-WMF, @KVaidla (WMF), @AAkhmedova (WMF), @NPhan (WMF), Sm8900 (talk) 14:18, 4 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

also tagging @JKoerner (WMF), @Zblace, @RamzyM (WMF), @Abbad (WMF)@AJohnson (WMF), @Zuz (WMF) Sm8900 (talk) 14:23, 4 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hello Sm8900! Thank you for the question and your continued interest in supporting the Movement Strategy Forum. I am a bit confused regarding your request, as anyone can freely participate in the MS Forum discussions, including driving different discussions forward. There are really no assigned "leadership" roles in the Forum. Could you be more specific regarding what you have in mind? Best regards, --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 17:55, 25 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
ok, whi is MS forums not being maintained and not being visited by WMF moderators? sorry but that reply doesn't fully address the question. simply leaving it and not adding updates is not a genuine use of that community resource, which is set up as an official forum of wikimedia. Sm8900 (talk) 18:21, 25 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

WMF responses to questions about legal responsibilities

Hi all. Before the end of last year, the MCDC presented several questions regarding legal responsibilities of the Wikimedia Foundation. These questions were developed from questions that are collected from the rounds of community conversations and events, and don't necessarily originate from specific proposals that the committee is considering incorporating into the Movement Charter drafts. I am sharing with you today the response from Wikimedia Foundation Legal department. As a complement to this memo, you may find this recently published essay by Associate General Counsel Jacob Rogers on changing legal world for free knowledge insightful.

Best, RamzyM (WMF) (talk) 17:24, 23 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for sharing, Ramzy. I am a bit baffled by the questions however, and the existence of this PDF as a result. 😅 (Still, thanks to the legal eagles for considerate and detailed responses.) The clarification questions are pretty haphazard and basic, to be coming up two years into this process; and they make assumptions that are not always accurate or helpful.
For example, one question begins:
"WMF as a US charitable 501 (c)(3) organization, currently heading an international movement, is seeking to improve the participation of its international stakeholders through the establishment of a ‘Global Council’..."
None of that is quite right. This iteration of the concept of a Global Council was the outcome of years of collective seeking and deliberation. The WMF does not "head" the movement, nor is that an appropriate shorthand in this context. Why is 'Global Council' in quotes, in a question posed by the drafting committee? &c.
We need clearer questions, in the context of specific work or resolving specific current issues, for the answers to be useful for governance design. Unedited, privately-formulated Q&A captured in a PDF is the least iterative and annotatable way I can imagine for us all to get there. –SJ talk  23:52, 22 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for this feedback User:Sj! Just to be clear regarding the point that you are making I am reflecting back and try to phrase it in a format positive change proposal:
  • The questions presented by the MCDC for legal review are, in your perspective, unclear and not sufficiently contextualized.
  • As a result, the responses are insufficient to support the future governance design.
  • You propose that collective participatory approaches could be used to come to better results, yet this is unfeasible when the questions are formulated in privacy and the documentation is shared in uneditable and uncommentable portable document format.
  • As I understand, your suggestion is to use more iterative and participatory approaches to 1) collectively shape the questions to be more clear and better contextualized, 2) have a conversation around the responses to facilitate further clarity or understanding.
Does this reflection feel accurate or would you like to specify / correct anything? Are there any further thoughts regarding this? Thank you for your kind attention and continued thoughful engagement with the process! --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 10:06, 23 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
That's a good summary, thank you kindly Kaarel. I would add for clarity
- Many such questions have been asked before, and could be refined or partly answered by the community.
- Glossary questions deserve to be discussed on the Glossary talk page.
- Some of the answers essentially clear up a confusion in the question. As the questions came from community conversation, this could be helpful in an FAQ about developing global organizations and governance -- for anyone interested in the topic, and so that we can all be clearer about what the central issues and possibilities are. For some questions the answer depended on details that were not specified (e.g.: what specific work will be done, for what audiences, with what resources)", but there was no follow up with a clearer question + context.
- Some questions do start with a hypothetical context ("in the case of implementation A, ..."), but different contexts are mixed across the document. This could be organized on separate pages each dedicated to the details of a single implementation -- I am reminded of the three-models approach from an earlier roles & responsibilities document. Without that separation for the major options, it is hard to have a coherent conversation about the whole. –SJ talk  21:30, 23 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

January update

I see a January update was posted at Movement_Charter/Drafting_Committee/Updates#January_2024. –SJ talk  00:06, 21 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Process improvement feedback

During the previous feedback and input cycles for the Movement Charter conversations there have been threads related to the process overall and how to ensure this is leading towards a Charter that is supporting the progress of the movement as well as is well received across the diverse range of contributors, communities, and organizations. While the feedback has been multifold, here are some key takeaways:

  • The Movement Charter itself should be short and simple: there is a general consensus that a future Charter should not delve into too much detail. Such details would be better served by secondary policies, rules, regulations, and decision-making processes that are more adaptable to change, and could be formulated in a more decentralized manner by different entities governed by the Charter, in line with the Movement Strategy spirit.
  • A clear and concise draft should be accompanied by a more extensive rationale and notes from the drafting process of the Charter in order to help readers understand the intent of the texts to better provide input and feedback.
  • Some of the core questions regarding the future pathways have seemingly been left unanswered, which makes the discussion on the content difficult. There need to be clear answers to these questions to facilitate understanding and also ensure the decisions have been made intentionally and with reason.
  • Some project community members are concerned that the community consultation has not adequately reached out to the individual contributors in the projects. There is a lack of awareness among project contributors from various projects and regions regarding the Movement Charter and the Global Council.
Some improvement steps in progress
  • An effort has been made to make the Charter text shorter, while also producing reader's notes. Shorter text means that some, more detailed questions will be pushed back in timeline to when the Global Council is established. At the same time an effort has been made to provide a sufficient level of clarity to the core questions and dynamics. During the next conversation cycle it needs to be validated whether the core questions have the sufficient answers for now.
  • The next iteration of the draft will be published with reader's notes to provide more insight into the thinking, consideration, and content creation process of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee. Hopefully, this will make the conversations more constructive by filling in some gaps that have existed for readers previously.
  • There has been an intentional effort to work with the advisors who had signed up to support the process with their knowledge, insights, and experiences more intentionally to improve the quality of the drafts that will be brought to wider conversations. There has been an ongoing conversation and feedback period in February as the input will be integrated in the next published iteration of the Charter.
  • The next conversation cycle is planned for the month of April 2024, leading up to the Wikimedia Summit 2024. While such an opportunity to discuss the Movement Charter and the future of the movement governance in-person will help to have deeper qualitative discussions with movement organizations, prior to that event an intentional effort will be made to also have ‘’’deeper and wider conversations with the project communities’’’.
Further process input

There is about a month until the next wider Charter conversation will kick off. As a result, there is still time to shape the process to be fitting to the needs and expectations of different stakeholders. It is worthwhile to share the feedback and suggestions for improvement, so they can be integrated into the process for April 2024 conversations. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions! --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 09:56, 23 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Link to respective thread on MS Forum for bridging. --KVaidla (WMF) (talk) 09:59, 23 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, Kaarel. On the new draft: why not share it now? Getting feedback from advisors is fine, but that list seems short on people from LatAm, superusers from many top-20 language projects + sister projects, and non-Affiliates generally, &c. I agree with the idea that feedback from individual contributors should be gathered and addressed, ideally before discussions at the WM Summit.
The practice of private editing, with occasional bulk updates to the wiki, slows updates. How would feedback in April lead to revision of the draft?
Other related conversations: Christophe started a similar thread this week in the Telegram group. –SJ talk  00:12, 24 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Future progress and moving towards ratification, take 2

Chris Keating raised concerns about the process back in August, under the heading Future progress and moving towards ratification, without response at the time. Some of these issues remain, expectations around the ratification process still seem quite varied. When edits happen in private, and public feedback is summarized without response, that reduces the sense of joint ownership of the result, and of a dialogue moving towards understanding. Ideally the next stage of drafting would improve on this.

Planning a vote for June implies a certain level of convergence around the purpose of the charter and associated responsibilities, not to mention new concepts such as hubs and a council, and language for contentious sections. Since there doesn't yet seem to be agreement on the first things, I don't think it makes sense to try to resolve them all at once -- as they depend on one another. Can we resolve something simpler first, like the purpose + principles + roles, with a glossary and process for iteration?

The wide range of understandings of what a council can or should do, for instance, would be hard to resolve by a yes/no vote on any one final document. And questions of size, composition, and operation depend heavily on this. Hubs are even more uncertain: if you ask any three people, you will get five different opinions about their purpose and role. As an optional new support framework, they can be explored separately, in tandem with other approaches to improving community health and support.

Some things that would ground and focus this process:

  • Compile a short list of "issues that have never been satisfactorily resolved to date", which a council could address or contribute to resolving. For instance, cutting gordian knots around local fundraising activity and capacity-building, funds dissemination, use of trademarks by affiliates + in local outreach campaigns, and mediating controversial technical or other rollouts. It seems a waste of time to discuss shuffling around 'decision-maker' tokens for things that are not broken.
In particular (in context of the helpful letter posted below), as the Foundation oversees global fundraising banners, unresolved fundraising issues might include facilitating local capacity-building in message testing + A/B testing of designs, partnerships, and helping local groups build and maintain their own network of supporters (as regional chapters of most successful global movements do). And as the Foundation stewards the marks, unresolved outreach issues may include facilitating local media + social media campaigns and local swag stores. –SJ talk  01:02, 2 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
  • Identify options for the initial focus of a Council, so it can commit to doing one set of things well rather than potentially doing nothing on many fronts.

Regards, –SJ talk  18:45, 24 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Foundation perspectives on the Global Council

Dear All,

I am sharing some inputs shared with the Movement Charter Drafting Committee on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees in January, prior to the Committee’s in-person meeting in Atlanta, USA. At the next Open Conversation with Trustees on March 21 we shall dedicate time to talk more about this process and the Foundation’s hopes for a Movement Charter. Maryana will shortly post an update about highlights from Talking:2024 that will also provide some useful insights into these inputs:

The Board has a few questions about the purpose of the Global Council (GC), the problems it proposes to solve, and the ways its decision-making will be accountable to key stakeholders (the wider movement, our movement financial and volunteer contributors, and the public our projects aim to serve).

It seems we still do not have clear answers to these questions. This is not surprising, given the complexity of the topic. It is even to be expected, given the realities of the way the MCDC has had to work. However, at this point, this lack of clarity is concerning.

We have received questions from the MCDC about what the Wikimedia Foundation considers possible or "off limits" for the GC. It has been difficult to provide answers for several reasons. First, there are few clear, hard boundaries around what is or is not possible unless we start with a shared agreement on what we are trying to accomplish. In addition, the Board cannot consider whether a particular proposal for the GC would be acceptable without considering its full implications, as well as understanding the perspectives of other stakeholders.

As you know, the role of the Board of Trustees includes a “fiduciary duty of care” in leading the Foundation to achieve its purpose. In addition to guidance on the proper use of funds the Foundation has received from Wikimedia donors, we have to make decisions prudently and only after due diligence that informs the Foundation’s obligations to the mission. We cannot commit the Foundation to unclear use of assets or staffing resources. This is why it has been difficult for the Board to state specifically whether we will ratify the Movement Charter or not, especially when it has not been fully fleshed out so that the Board can understand its implications and future risks.

To that end, ahead of our upcoming meetings, we are sharing the Board’s perspective on some of the roles currently held by the Foundation that we believe could be transferred to a GC, as well as some of the changes we do not plan to make.

Areas of responsibility to assign from the Foundation to the GC

As you heard in the call we hosted in November, the Senior Leadership team has discussed the relationship between the Foundation and different potential models for the GC as part of the preparation for the Foundation’s annual plan. These conversations start from a need to respond to significant changes, threats, and challenges in the environment around the Wikimedia projects—which require long-term planning to ensure our projects continue thriving. The conversations led to finding the areas where there is a potential for greater volunteer leadership in decision-making, specifically in grant-making and technical strategy.

The Board has also recently commissioned an evaluation of the Foundation's affiliates’ strategy to understand better how this process can be changed.

We propose that the Foundation could assign (transfer) the decision-making leadership to the GC in these areas:

1. Decision-making on Fund dissemination. There is an opportunity for the GC to enable greater participation in important aspects of grantmaking activities, currently led by the Foundation, in line with the principle of subsidiarity. These aspects include setting strategies, policies, and standards for grants, determining funding allocations, identifying important metrics, and reviewing program outcomes. This work can build on and learn from the strategy implemented through the Regional Fund Committees, in line with the Movement Strategy 2030 Initiative #27. The Board of Trustees is ultimately responsible for setting the Foundation's overall budget and planning, welcoming advisory input from the GC on the grants portion of the Foundation's budget.

2. Decision-making on Affiliate recognition and strategy. The relationship with affiliates includes models for affiliation, recognition and derecognition. The GC should be able to modify or approve the movement roles and models for affiliation within the Wikimedia movement, including hubs, chapters, thematic organisations, and user groups. It also includes the strategy for supporting organizations as they grow and to expand how they support the Wikimedia mission. Some of these duties currently are performed by the Affiliations Committee, and other responsibilities are less clearly owned. The creation of a GC presents an opportunity to address the movement's needs, building on findings from a recent evaluation of the Foundation's affiliates’ strategy.

The recommendation on Ensuring Equity in Decision-making mentions that movement structures “will be rolled out at a sustainable pace”, and there is some experience in these areas of working with the communities and stakeholders’ input (like the Funds Dissemination Committee work, different Grants committees over the years, and the Affiliations Committee), so this particular transfer of responsibility seems to be quite doable in the near term.

The Board also proposes piloting an advisory role related to product and technology development, which would be a new level for volunteer leadership, but one attracting considerable interest from the communities, in line with Movement Strategy 2030 Initiative #31:

3. Advice on Product & Technology: Product & Technology work is part of the Foundation's core activity, but there is still a benefit in developing a shared technical strategy that creates a closer partnership between staff and volunteers. An advisory council could help provide feedback and advice for the Foundation's Product & Technology department, help to report on progress made by volunteer and staff developers, and share strategic problems and questions that can be incorporated into multi-year plans that are necessary for technical development.

There are different ways the GC could lead in these areas. We invite the MCDC to consider how to create a structure that can efficiently and effectively take on these responsibilities in a manner that improves the affected stakeholders’ experiences across the movement. In our view, the success of these changes will be measured by the GC’s ability to create more effective decisions for the Wikimedia movement that advance the Wikimedia mission as outlined in the 2030 Movement Strategy principles, recommendations, and initiatives.

Changes not under consideration

In conversations with the MCDC and other volunteers, we have also heard a desire for greater clarity on what changes are not under consideration. At present, the Foundation plans to:

  1. Continue to serve as technical platform operator. A significant amount of the Foundation's current responsibility is connected to the technical and non-technical expectations as the platform operator for Wikipedia. Given the importance of Wikipedia's continuity, that will continue to be at the center of the Foundation's planned activities. This does not exclude other Wikimedia organizations engaging in technical work in addition to or in collaboration with the Foundation (e.g., Wikimedia Deutschland and Wikidata).
  2. Maintain the Foundation’s current legal structure. We want to ensure the Foundation can better focus on the important responsibilities and unique risks within the Wikimedia movement. We are not considering changes to the Foundation's place of incorporation or corporate structure at this time. It might be appropriate to consider changes to the Foundation’s structure after the GC has been established and has stabilized its functions, but we do not plan to do so simultaneously with the launch of the GC.
  3. Continue to serve as brand steward. We believe that stewardship of the Wikimedia brand is also part of the Foundation's core responsibilities, which it must retain. This includes continuing to manage the Wikimedia trademark portfolio and taking the lead in considering how our movement is perceived in the world. Publicity and public perception are considerations that go beyond responding to media requests or issuing press releases. For example, if people are harmed at an event associated with the Wikimedia name, this may impact the Wikimedia brand globally. The Foundation is not legally obligated to provide trust and safety support to many events, but brand stewardship means the Foundation is responsible for monitoring major risks and mitigating them appropriately in coordination with communities.
  4. Retain the current principles for banner fundraising on the Wikimedia Projects. We see banner fundraising as inextricably intertwined with the operations of the website. As the platform operator, there will be legal and policy obligations for fundraising activities that rely on the Foundation's infrastructure. The Foundation will not be able to share donor data in ways that are not consistent with policies or privacy laws. We continue to believe that a future-proof revenue strategy for the Wikimedia movement will require diversifying streams of revenue beyond banners, and that should be where we focus fundraising resources.

Changes to the above points are not necessarily off the table forever, but they are beyond the commitments we can recommend to our colleagues on the Board of Trustees at this time. Major, potentially highly disruptive changes require careful consideration and evaluation before the Board can approve them. It would be imprudent for the Board to commit to transferring core Foundation responsibilities to a nebulous movement entity. However, if the GC is successful and proves to be highly capable of administering its responsibilities, it could open up additional possibilities to share or hand over responsibilities, as mentioned in the Ensure Equity in Decision-making recommendation: “the GC may later develop further capacities and take on more responsibilities over time”.

Once the more fundamental questions about the GC’s scope and function are more fully addressed, a process of evaluation of the GC would need to be defined, based on measures of success, as movement structures’ “function and effectiveness will be continuously evaluated to allow for adequate design, iteration, and consultation”.

We hope that these concrete suggestions from the Board may enable a direct and productive dialogue with the MCDC, enabling us to focus on the responsibilities we can likely be transferring to the GC from the outset.

--NTymkiv (WMF) (talk) 13:21, 29 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Slides of the March 18th European affiliates meeting including gathered feedback on the BoT suggestions
As part of the European affiliates online meeting in March 2024 with 28 participants from 22 different affiliates and communities, we discussed the suggestions and red lines published by the Board of Trustees above. You can find the complete notes on the Etherpad (chapter "
Reflections on the Global Council"), though I'll list the key points here for easier reading (and obviously, the points I highlight here are my personal editing choice):
  • Concerning the Global Council running the grants/funding system for non-WMF entities
    • The Global Council should have more competencies than just administering grants
    • The position or vision of the WMF on the global council could be clearer
    • Statement doesn’t explain how the WMF will be held accountable within the new system
    • The Global council doing grant making would effectively make the communities argue amongst each other, leaving the decision-makers at the WMF out of it.
    • We still have not resources to onboard new affiliates. Once a new one is approved, they are left alone to fend for themselves.
  • Concerning the Global Council running the affiliates system
    • Huge amount of work and bureaucracy of managing an affiliate system is being outsourced to the Global Council and it is unclear who is paying for the resources needed to manage this or who decides how much that is. Looking at AffCom right now a repeat of a massively understaffed system is in no one's interest.
    • Suggestions by the WMF BoT for the Global Council appear like they’re supposed to make the Global Council “busy & weak”
  • Concerning online banner fundraising on Wikimedia projects
    • The "current principles for banner fundraising" do not exist in written form and favor the status quo over any meaningful change within the 2030 strategy
    • The WMF not using this donor data to share information or message by the local affiliates is a huge wasted opportunity; there have apparently been instances where this has been done, but there is no written process or documentation
    • "Looking for funds elsewhere sometimes requires starting capital" (for example borrowing money from the WMF); requires are more thought through approach to enable affiliates to do this
    • Issues with the grant-making system hinder long-term planning
I would expect all of this to be discussed in more detail at the Wikimedia Summit 2024. Kind regards, Philip Kopetzky (talk) 14:52, 22 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
@Philip Kopetzky: Thanks to all who worked on that set of comments; many make sense to me. I don't particularly think a GC should handle affiliate recognition or grant administration. I do think that federating grant-administration for a new tranche of funding, including regional microgrants, makes sense (and don't think anyone is trying to make a council 'busy and weak'). I also think helping regional affiliates to develop their own mailing lists and donor lists and competency in fundraising is important to equity, empowerment, experimentation, and sustainability -- all of which could be separated from some of the operational details of "current banner fundraising". –SJ talk  04:04, 1 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
@Sj: Micro grants is definitely a process that we know works well if the people administering these small funds are close to the people using them (Wikimedia CEE Spring is a good example of that). Concerning fundraising, donor and mailing lists are quite difficult to develop without the main tool we have at our disposal. As long as WMDE and WMCH are still able to do their own fundraising it stands to argue that this model can be replicated, and that the WMF's limited capacity to do banner fundraising also means that there is still a lot of potential, even when at the same time the Wikimedia Foundation is proclaiming internally that this is the current fundraising is the highest amount we'll ever see. It would be a start to have an open conversation about this, it's just not something the Wikimedia Foundation has any interest in doing, hence the red lines set by the Board of Trustees. Philip Kopetzky (talk) 06:55, 2 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

The full draft of the Wikimedia Movement Charter will soon be shared

Hi there,

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee is happy to announce that the full draft of the Movement Charter will be published on April 2nd, 2024. This will kick off the community engagement period from April 2nd to April 22nd.

The Movement Charter is a proposed document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia Movement, including to lay out a new Global Council for movement governance.

Everyone in the Wikimedia Movement is invited to share opinions on the full version of the Charter draft – this is the last chance to offer feedback before the Charter draft is updated for the ratification vote in June 2024.

How to share your feedback?

Read the Committee's latest updates for more information.

On behalf of the MCDC,

RamzyM (WMF) (talk) 12:53, 25 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

I'm not sure why, if the draft exists, it isn't being posted for improvement on-wiki. TomDotGov (talk) 02:02, 26 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hi @TomDotGov, the new draft will be published Tuesday April 2nd, and we (the MCDC) will be welcoming feedback and proposals for improvement via the talkpages. We just ask for a little bit more of your patience, thanks! Ciell (talk) 11:28, 26 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
"this is the last chance to offer feedback before the Charter draft is updated for the ratification vote" — will there be continuous engagement and response to feedback this round? Will the ratification vote be all-or-nothing? –SJ talk  04:08, 1 April 2024 (UTC)Reply
We anticipate engaging and responding to feedback throughout this round. As to the ratification vote, voters (whether affiliate or contributor) vote either yes or no to ratification; however, all voters have the option to add free-text comments. The comments will be aggregated for anonymity purposes and reported back, although depending on the number and variety of the comments, the results may be published subsequent to the results of the yes/no vote. Risker (talk) 04:57, 1 April 2024 (UTC)Reply


Polska wersja strony nie jest w całości przetłumaczona więc jestem Przeciw Oppose Oppose Marek Mazurkiewicz (talk) 19:47, 25 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hi @Marek Mazurkiewicz, the translators are working on the translations for the next draft this week. The new draft will be published next Tuesday - April 2nd, and Polish is one of the languages in which the Charter and its glossary is expected to become available in. I hope that helps! Ciell (talk) 11:24, 26 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
Tłumacze pracują w tym tygodniu nad tłumaczeniami kolejnego projektu. Nowy projekt zostanie opublikowany w przyszły wtorek - 2 kwietnia, a polski jest jednym z języków, w których Karta i jej glosariusz mają być dostępne. Mam nadzieję, że to pomoże!

Recruiting members for the Charter Election Commission

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) invites qualified Wikimedians to apply as volunteer members of the Charter Election Commission (CEC). The MCDC will select five (5) individuals for this role. The selected candidates will come from a variety of Wikimedia projects.

The CEC is a temporary commission formed specifically to provide guidance, support and management of the voting process seeking ratification of the Movement Charter. Its work will be complete at the time the vote result is published.

Responsibilities of the Charter Election Commission:

  • Work with the selected MCDC members to finalize rules of the election
  • Formalize process for addition of voters to the SecurePoll voter list
  • Review, improve, and finalize the voting process for affiliates
  • Directly manage the affiliate voting process
  • Oversee the SecurePoll voting process
  • Resolve unplanned or unexpected issues that arise during both the affiliate and SecurePoll voting processes
  • Act as liaisons with WMF staff assigned to the technical aspects of SecurePoll
  • Act as liaisons with scrutineers
  • Announce the result of the affiliate and SecurePoll voting processes

Successful candidates will hold the following qualifications:

  • Must meet at least one of the voter eligibility criteria for the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election
  • Must be fluent in written and verbal English
  • Must be able to commit up to 5 hours a week between April 15 and July 30, 2024 to this project, including a weekly video call with MCDC liaisons
  • Must be willing to work using Zoom, Google Meet and Google documents
  • Must be willing to sign a confidentiality agreement, as CEC members will have access to some non-public information of persons
  • Candidates who have experience in leadership with respect to SecurePoll election(s) or affiliate selection processes for WMF Board of Trustees seats are preferred
  • Candidates who have experience as members of a Wikimedia movement committee, Affiliations Committee, or similar decision-making body are welcome to apply

Interested Wikimedians are invited to apply for consideration to the MCDC at mcdc {AT} wikimedia.org by April 8, 2024, stating their Wikimedia user name, their relevant experience, and identifying the Wikimedia project they consider their main focus of contribution. Successful candidates will be notified by April 12, 2024.

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee is responsible to develop a draft Movement Charter for consideration by the Wikimedia movement. A full draft of the proposed Charter will be published on April 2, 2024 for a final round of community consultations. The final draft of the Charter will be published by the MCDC in June 2024. Voting will start in mid- to late June and results will be announced in late July 2024.

For the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, Risker (talk) 04:52, 1 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Technology Advancement Committee power

What happens if the Foundation disagrees with or ignores Technology Advancement Committee recommendations? 20:10, 2 April 2024 (UTC)Reply