Mara Lynn Johnstone (Posts tagged snails)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


snastries (snail pastries)


[ID: Art of snails with various food items on their backs instead of shells, divided up by rarity. They are labelled with each food as follows. "Common:" bread loaf, macaron, muffin top, cupcake, chocolate dollop, donut. "Uncommon:" pie slice, cinnamon roll, woopie pie, swiss roll. "Slugs:" (these don't have shells and instead just resemble each food) croissant, sus twist, bagette, éclair, churro. "Rare:" reverse sundae (with an upside down ice cream cone), wedding cake. Cupcake has sprinkles on the body, sus twist has two heads, and wedding cake is wearing a bow on its head, and the cake topper is two snails kissing. End ID.]


Behold: the wizard’s gift for the goblin wedding party

wildly popular I'm sure snails slugs fantasy biology art

I wanna include magically-enhanced snails in something, just for fun. A little side observation, probably not even commented on by the characters; just a bit of worldbuilding flavor.

Imagine a gardener dealing with little Sonic the HedgeSnails, zipping along and chewing a path through things. “Frothing hatred” would describe that accurately, I think.

I don’t have any current plans to write about fantasyland gardens, but plans can change.


the-doctors-melody said: Ok but what if nothing else is at all different from our world except for the snails? Just a boring old day with an absentminded mention of wacky snails thrown in as a person goes about their day

It would be fun to do a collection of stories that are all completely mundane except for one detail in each story, then the last story ties them all together somehow.

writing prompts magic snails and more!

I wanna include magically-enhanced snails in something, just for fun. A little side observation, probably not even commented on by the characters; just a bit of worldbuilding flavor.

Imagine a gardener dealing with little Sonic the HedgeSnails, zipping along and chewing a path through things. “Frothing hatred” would describe that accurately, I think.

I don’t have any current plans to write about fantasyland gardens, but plans can change.

writeblr writing snails magic amwriting amwriting fantasy gardening garden pests of the magical persuasion nyoom