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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

Hii!! I just found your blog and your art is rlly nice! If I can ask,how do you deal with motivation and art block? (Speaking as someone who is STRUGGLING rn lmao)

hey, thank you very much! lemme see if I can type out something useful. here are a few things that have helped me:

  • making art part of my routine. the motivation question is difficult - it’s hard to overcome the inertia of sitting on the couch, the lure of the internet, etc - and so I try to set aside a particular time of day to work on art. so it’s not “hmmmm do I feel like working on art rn?” it’s “ah, it’s [x] time, so now I will go draw”. sometimes it doesn’t quite work out, but it helps to have this dedicated hour.
  • keeping my art supplies readily available. this may be hard to do if space is an issue but I find sometimes if I put away my hobby supplies out of sight, I forget all about them lol
  • try to find/organize some regular meetup (irl or virtual) to do some drawing from life/reference, like figure drawing, a plein air meetup, a still life club, etc. it’s good practice to draw from life, but more relevantly for your question re art block/motivation: a) it provides a regularly-scheduled Time For Art b) it narrows down the question of “what should I draw” - you just draw the person/object/tree/whatever right in front of you! and also it’s nice to hang out with other art people :)
  • related to the above, there are some websites (eg line of action) that provide free references for figure drawing, animals, etc. they’re timed, so if all you have is 15 minutes and no ideas, then hey, you can still do three 5 minute sketches!
  • try a different medium/style than what you currently use. don’t worry about quality, just play around with it! have some fun :^)
  • add some enrichment to your enclosure. check out an art gallery, go on a walk in a park you haven’t been to before, see a play, read a new book, play a game, have dinner with loved ones, etc etc etc. I don’t know what inspires you, but sometimes when I feel uninspired it’s actually because I haven’t gone outside or done anything fun in a few days and my brain is turning into sludge ._.

lastly, if nothing seems to be working, it’s fine to let a hobby go for a little while. if you’re getting no joy out of it (and it’s not something you have to do eg for your education/career), you don’t have to force yourself to draw. you can always come back to it when you’re ready.

also, all this assumes the struggle is art-specific. if you feel unmotivated/uninterested in your hobbies in general that may be a mental health issue, in which case you should get advice from a medical professional and not me!

hope this helps! anon ask