Apps for DevOps: Observe

Recover quickly when unexpected incidents occur

Performance Monitoring

With integrations to performance monitoring tools, Jira keeps operations and support aligned with development by automatically updating Jira issues with performance problems in real-time. Enhance collaboration and enable faster troubleshooting by exporting Jira issues into your performance monitoring tool for metrics and visualizations that help identify error patterns and groupings.
Customize with tools you use every day


With integrations to logging tools, Jira keeps operations and support aligned with development by automatically updating Jira issues with problems detected by logging in real-time. Add valuable context to issues from your logging tools using Jira commands to enable collaboration across tools.
Customize with tools you use every day

Error Management

With integrations to error management tools, Jira keeps operations and support teams aligned with development by automatically updating Jira issues with errors in real-time.
Customize with tools you use every day

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