

Juri Arisugawa - Utena, la fillette révolutionnaire

I might repost later because, as of now, it won't appear under the corresponding tags

i feel that while definitely also a gag laios not remembering kabrus name after a while is symbolic of how the guy he likes just does not exist he doesnt know who kabru really is yet


i’m not sure if this is helpful at all or not but. just an aside as someone who transitioned as a kid and knew a handful of other trans kids. there is literally no age in which people don’t think they should have transitioned earlier. you meet six year old trans girls who think they would be more trans if they transitioned at five. you meet trans kids who doubt themselves because they didn’t know their gender the literal day they learned to speak. it’s never too late, but it sometimes feels like it is, even irrationally. ultimately, we live in a world in which we are taught that we know our genders from the day we are born, and in all trans people, this creates doubt. but whether it is three years or ninety, you found yourself. and the right time to transition is always the time when you feel ready to.


the like hatred and violence that capitalism has for social democrats–the only ideology with a realistic plan to preserve it in the long term–is so funny. it’s like fox news viewers being treated for covid trying to physically fight off doctors before they can save their lives except if instead of lving in a retirement home in florida and listening to The Racist Hour FM the patient was a loathsome globe-constricting leviathan that devoured 10000 babies a day


social democrats will go up to capital and be like hey we get you you love explotiation and colonial plunder. thats cool. we were just wondering if you could share like 1% of the plunder and maybe also Not leave the planet uninhabitable while you’re at it. like it might let you run this Big Exploitation Machine for like several more decades before it inevitbaly explodes. and capital will bash their head in with a rock and then jump on the corpse and then call the corpse a commie