
Mage Propaganda


Just chalked full of bad decisions and anxiety trans |♡| autistic |♡| bi ♡ (he/they) ♡
| 21


a PSA for the naysayers and encouragement for those who need it. mostly the latter rather than the former, but for those who needed the PSA:

you’re welcome.

※ photos taken May 2018 at Tokyo Rainbow Pride. see more at queerascat.com.




one of the most frustrating things to hear when you're suicidal is "you don't really want to kill yourself." you have to be ready to hear that, and 99% of the time, you wont be. the truth of the statement comes in a way that people don't hear followed up as often (a shame), which is "- you just want a different life." you don't really want to kill yourself, you just want a different life.

i think that clicked with me, almost. i still wasn't ready to hear it, i rolled my eyes, but it made its home in my brain, for the moment i'd be ready.

it's 50/50, coz sometimes the things that make you wanna kill yourself are things that cannot be changed-- or at least, not changed easily. you have to jump that huge hurdle before something changes most of the time. break up with that abusive partner, move out of your parents' house, quit that job, drop out of college.

it didn't fully click for me until i woke up from my 3-day coma, after a suicide attempt. i felt what it was like to be dead, and i realized, hey, i don't want to do that. i want to live. i just needed things to be better. i haven't been suicidal since.

so maybe things suck a lot, maybe it'd be really, really hard to get to the point in life where you feel it's worth living. maybe it'd take moving out, maybe it'd take a near-death experience, maybe it'd take risking leaving that abusive partner. it's not easy no matter what you have to do.

but you don't really want to kill yourself, you just want a different life. remember: we love you, always have, always will. and if it helps; you will die naturally someday, why not fuck around til then?

also this for my strugglers


الطبيعة و الحياة

The razorbillrazor-billed auk, or lesser auk (Alca torda) is a North Atlantic colonial seabird and the only extant member of the genus Alca of the family Alcidae, the auks. It is the closest living relative of the extinct great auk (Pinguinus impennis).


happy pride. here’s the link to wikipedias list of birds displaying homosexual behavior

reblog to "delight in homosexuality" like the Guianan cock-of-the-rock

[image id: a wikipedia screenshot including a picture of an orange bird with black tips on wings and tail and a fan shaped protrustion from the crown and bill. below the image text reads 'male Guianan cock-of-the-rock, distributed in the mountainous regions of Guyana, eastern Colombia, southern Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana and northern Amazonian Brazil, "delight in homosexuality" with almost 40 percent engaging in a form of homosexual activity and a small percentage never copulating with females.' end image id]


ohh my god a teenager online posted something that reveals a less than perfectly developed understanding of the world around them? should we tell everyone? should we screenshot it and share it everywhere so we can pat ourselves on the back for being so much wiser than Kids These Days? should we invite a boomer comic artist

you will never convince me that a middle schooler with no rights who gets flustered talking about sex is the heart of the global rise in reactionary sentiment we're dealing with right now and not senator john segregation who drafts 300 anti trans laws a day and wants that middle schooler to die in childbirth


the thing that gave you anxiety attacks for 2 years straight will be resolved on a random Wednesday morning btw


I both love and hate that this has been much of my life experience.

I both love and hate

that this has been much of my

life experience.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


I'm kind of obsessed with how Patrick Stewart is Not gay. He's literally straight he just acts like that. Ian McKellen is gay so it's easy to think logically that so is Patrick Stewart but he's not. Unparalleled. Don't call yourself an ally unless you kiss your gay friends on the mouth

And it'd be easy to think Well maybe he's just private about it because he's old, yknow. But literally at this point I think he'd be like "oh yeah I'm bi I just like marrying women" or whatever if he Was. If he was closeted he wouldn't be publically kissing Ian McKellen on the mouth. I think he just went to Shakespeare School with a bunch of queens and that's where he learned how to socialize

I mean his book does talk about exactly this.

“I was around a lot of gay people and imitated their flamboyant mannerisms. Anyway here’s a half dozen times I nearly ruined my life because I was hypnotized by a beautiful woman.”

We accept Sir Patrick and recognise an Ally in this house.


In love with this

hi I love this so much and you have made the world a better place by doing this. more people should follow this example. this should become a thing

[Image ID: tags by thesixthstar reading:

#god i love the weird shit people do in college #every time we ordered a pizza we would give our cash tip inside a hand written thank you card #that our apartment.any guests had collaboratively composed with flowery language #thanking the delivery person and pizza chef by name #(since the tracker told ou the name of the employees making and delivering your pizza) #and 95% of the time we'd leave a lipstick kiss and a spritz of perfume on the note #one delivery girl texted us after she got into her little dominoes car to say we made her night #it was great

/. End ID]


No I’m not attracted to you. Quit your evil putting your finger under my chin to make me look up at you. I know I’m your nemesis and all but we really need to set some boundaries when you’ve got me tied up like this.

No look I get it. You’ve got your evil plan, you’ve gotta get me out of the way but you also want to see me suffer as I watch the world burn, I know. But like, I’m not into this. Sexually or otherwise. Wait, you thought I was doing this because I liked you? I’m trying to stop you from using a death laser. No I don’t think death lasers are sexy what on earth are you talking about

Wait. That’s why you dress like that? I thought that armor was impractical. No I don’t find our relationship to be homoerotic I find it to be tedious. Look, man. We all keep trying to get you into therapy. No I’m not kink shaming you I’m saying you’ve completely misinterpreted this relationship. I actually do think you should answer for your war crimes. Yes, really. No you’re the one not listening to me in this situation. Yes that is the alarm the others will have cut all your wires and called in the fbi by now.

What do you mean you thought we had something special? I have other enemies. You’re not the only one. No I’m not doing kinky things with them either I blow up their nefarious devices. Speaking of which, you might want to move like… ten feet to your right.

No, enemies to enemies. And then still enemies.

Cannot stress enough how lovers will never be part of this equation even a little bit

The henchmen in the tags who have been assuring the villain since the beginning that “of course he likes you back, why else would he keep coming to destroy your death lasers”

The henchmen have been reading too many romance novels.

Awfully defensive are we? I think the henchmen are onto something.

You know I didn’t intend for this character I made up to be aromantic but this whole post has turned into being arospec at a family reunion simulator

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