ana @maedictus
ana • latina / amazônida |
international affairs student and enthusiast of all things fantasy, culture and historical fashion 🌿
📩 [email protected]

Feeling grateful for the communal creativity of fandom and transformative works today. I love how collaborative fic writing and fanart is, how we're inspired not just by the source text but by each other. How we build on each other, both consciously and unconsciously. How sharing ideas, being generous with ideas, is foundational to our creativity, in contrast to the individualistic and proprietary attitudes you so often encounter in other creative and intellectual domains.

No, we're not always perfect, and we're not always supportive (we're only human), but in my experience the positive interactions, whether they be conversations or silent currents of inspiration travelling between minds, far outnumber the negative ones.


And while I know it's not expected, today I want to shout-out the creators who have had the biggest influence on my vision of Tolkien's world, its places and characters, and on my growth as a writer.

There are so many other people who've influenced me in different ways (support not least!!) but these are the people whose creations and style and thoughts activated some latent neurons in me and became part of my brain, showing themselves in ways both visible and invisible in everything I create.

@cuarthol @melestasflight @ettelene @i-am-a-lonely-visitor @jouissants @swanmaids @danmeiljie @zealouswerewolfcollector @clothonono @imindhowwelayinjune @thelioninmybed @maglors-anion-gap @bloodwingblackbird @silmaspens @anattmar @tari-cua @outofangband @exercise-of-trust @maedictus @naarisz @sesamenom @navyinks @mirra-kan @melkomelko @maedhrus @dawnfelagund @tzitzki @nailsinmywall @toastedbuckwheat @fieldsofemerie and Oshun, Encairion, and tehta!

Thank you for making me a better, more inspired writer!


Babeeee thank you for the lovely words! Means a whole lot! 😭♥️

Whizzing by to tell you that I love your art so much. It's so soft, such perfect colors, you just know how to capture characters. And I love that they are so diverse in every way.

The latest unpublished Tolkien art pieces are all gems, can't pick a favorite. Thanks for sharing them

maedictus answered,

I always appreciate these inbox messages, but I am usually shy and unsure what to say other than thank you 🥺♥️ This truly means everything to me! Thank you love, so happy I can share my art here and that people enjoy them so dearly!

meluiloth asked,

Your art is so beautiful, and your style reminds me of @silmaspens! How do you design outfits and faces so well?? And do you ever get frustrated with doing so much intricate detail (asking as someone who loves detail but who often gets overwhelmed by it)

maedictus answered,

Thank youuu! Morgan is a good friend who I’ve been looking up to for years! So in a way or another she has always inspired my art, and her old work is what actually got me to read the Silmarillion haha so I can totally see the comparison and appreciate it ♥️

I try to collect as many references as I can, from historical fashion to costume design in movies! I also look at multiple reference photos of people so I can diversify features. I have a public Pinterest with a couple of boards that I always use, which you can find here.

And I actually love doings details, I find it incredibly relaxing and satisfying. Honestly, I wish I could skip all of the drawing phases so I could just focus on adding details. hah. Coloring them is not always fun though!


Some unposted Tolkien art I’ve been collecting over the years 💫

Huan and Lúthien | Yavanna and Aulë | Celeborn and Galadriel | Fingon | Galadriel but Art Nouveau | Vairë, the Weaver | Lórien and Mandos | Some Hobbiteses

death220467 asked,

Hello, what’s your policy on other people reposting your work? Because I just stumbled on one of your works in Pinterest (the one with Ahsoka holding her lit sabers) and was wondering.

maedictus answered,

Thank you so much for asking! I don’t mind reposting my art, but I do appreciate credits. I am aware that’s not always the case with Pinterest, but *personally* I don’t really care that much haha. My art when shared belongs not just to me, but to everyone. As long as they are not commissions and people are not profiting out of it, personal use is also fine! ♥️




Tinúviel was dancing there to music of a pipe unseen. And light of stars was in her hair and in her raiment, glimmering.

elvain asked,

i owe you my life for drawing a fili.... you have done me and the community and mostly me a great service o captain my captain

maedictus answered,

You’re too kind, thanks so much! Here’s another Fili for you, as a treat ~ ♥️


More House of Durin doddles!

elvain asked,

hritik roshan aragorn….. you’re so inspired. a trailblazer.

maedictus answered,

Hehe thank you! I have to thank my parents who introduced me to Bollywood in my childhood and curse all of the folks who said they can’t stop imagining Aragorn dancing to Hrithik’s songs— I can’t unsee it now. I brought it on myself though

over the hills and far away
Nunc tempus congue libero ac ullamcorper. Morbi sit amet sapien dignissim, sodales felis eget, ultricies turpis. Cras quis quam ultricies, volutpat risus id, finibus tellus. Suspendisse potenti.

Cras finibus nulla et velit tempus dapibus. Nullam egestas turpis sit amet mi venenatis, a consectetur nulla volutpat. Quisque malesuada accumsan magna. Sed volutpat purus non ex vulputate lacinia.
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