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LWN Security Resources

LWN.net offers several security-related resources, including the security alert database and the weekly edition security page.

The article index

See the LWN Security Article index for access to all LWN security articles, organized by topic.

Recent LWN.net security articles

LWN runs security-oriented content regularly. Some of our more recent articles in this area include:

June 13, 2024Improving control-flow integrity for Linux on RISC-V
June 12, 2024Memory sealing for the GNU C Library
May 8, 2024Securing Git repositories with gittuf
April 30, 2024Security patterns and anti-patterns in embedded development
April 23, 2024A change in direction for security-module stacking?
April 10, 2024Continued attacks on HTTP/2
April 2, 2024How the XZ backdoor works
March 12, 2024Insecurity and Python pickles
February 21, 2024Sudo and its alternatives
February 14, 2024A turning point for CVE numbers
February 12, 2024Another runc container breakout
February 8, 2024Pitchforks for RDSEED
January 31, 2024OpenBSD system-call pinning
January 26, 2024Better handling of integer wraparound in the kernel
January 10, 2024The odd saga of CVE-2012-5639
January 3, 2024Smuggling email inside of email
December 6, 2023A schism in the OpenPGP world
December 5, 2023Supplementing CVEs with !CVEs
October 19, 2023Toward safer GNU C Library tunable handling
October 11, 2023Remote execution in the GNOME tracker

Recent security alerts

Fedora FEDORA-2024-86e4115138 chromium2024-06-14
SUSE SUSE-SU-2024:2031-1 podman2024-06-14
SUSE SUSE-SU-2024:2030-1 libaom2024-06-14
Fedora FEDORA-2024-f3e0255c75 cyrus-imapd2024-06-14
Fedora FEDORA-2024-5acee8c47f chromium2024-06-14
Mageia MGASA-2024-0217 golang2024-06-14
Fedora FEDORA-2024-123f2b3666 cyrus-imapd2024-06-14
Mageia MGASA-2024-0218 poppler2024-06-14
CentOS CESA-2024:2913 thunderbird2024-06-13
CentOS CESA-2024:3669 less2024-06-13
Red Hat RHSA-2024:3926-01 expat2024-06-13
Red Hat RHSA-2024:3929-01 dnsmasq2024-06-13
CentOS CESA-2024:3591 389-ds-base2024-06-13
CentOS CESA-2024:3304 libreoffice2024-06-13
Debian DLA-3826-1 cups2024-06-13
CentOS CESA-2024:2881 firefox2024-06-13
CentOS CESA-2024:3741 bind, bind-dyndb-ldap, and dhcp2024-06-13
CentOS CESA-2024:3741 bind, bind-dyndb-ldap, and dhcp2024-06-13
CentOS CESA-2024:3760 ipa2024-06-13
Ubuntu USN-6829-1 libmatio2024-06-13

View the full security alert database.

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