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Digging into the community's lore with lei

Digging into the community's lore with lei

Posted Dec 17, 2021 12:24 UTC (Fri) by error27 (subscriber, #8346)
Parent article: Digging into the community's lore with lei

The b4 script is really nice.

Eventually all patches will have a lore link to the discussion and that will help me know if the static checker warnings have already been addressed or not so I don't duplicate reports. I guess I could search for the Fixes: hash instead.

Another thing that I'd like is if we could use lore to automatically create TODO lists. It's like your "dromedary" search but the results show a line of context as well as the link to the email. So if you are reviewing someone's patch and you think of an idea then you just add a line to your reply: "TODO: subsystem/prefix: clean up leaks in foo_bar()". Then if you need ideas, search for TODO and that line would show up in the search results. People could click on the link and read the email for the full explanation.

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